Gluttony is a sin I cannot forsake

Haha, Aaron and I went to Sakae to have a buffet lunch yesterday. Oh my god, we ate the amount for like a family of five or something. I shall list down the number of things we ate. Let’s see, I had 18 plates of sushi and Aaron had 17 plates. That’s also not including the two bowls of udon and two servings of fruits each. Out of the eighteen plates, I had two chawamushi, three soft-shell crab hand roll and about four of five plates of salmon sushi. Do not eat the mochi at sakae, the skin is thicker than leather and it is not ice cream inside but some flavored yellow paste.
 I paper mached the chawamushi cup with the napkin given and some left over soy sauce. Haha.
Okay, after that short advertisement for sakae, I shall go on to talk about other random things that have happened or are going to take place. I think I am so going to fail mathematics and I am so not looking forward to the hellish week that is coming up on week ten. There are like four tests that are coming up and they all fall on the same week as my birthday. That’s so sad. I think my birthday this year will be quite depressing because I have this gut feeling that no one will bother to do anything about it. And usually my gut feelings come true. Like I said, I’m physic and have premonitions. Haha.
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Don’t ask me why, but I am using toads as a metaphorical symbol in the current extract that I am going to rant with. Those who can’t stand bitching, I suggest you don’t read on. Nothing amusing to do? Go plunge into a cesspool or something. =) But it won’t be bitchy as you think it is, so that will be a judgement call.
Toads have a tendency to reside in clusters, don’t they? However, I have nevertheless been unable to find out what word is it that is used to describe a group of them. There is a flock of birds or a gaggle of geese, but I just can’t seem to find out what is used for toads. Being the amphibians that they are, they can thrive both in land and water. It is a common sight to see toads plunging into the cool pond water whenever they sit too long on some rock or lily pad. A natural occurrence, does this mean that we have to deal with abandonment in everyday life? The link made is probably quite random and far fetched and complicated to grasps, but I think it somewhat raise the question of whether what you think is a true friend out there whom you can depend on is truly there for you. The pressures of everyday society can do things to people. It may seem unfair to deem them as horrible friends or even just peers because they give up something seemingly dear to them just to obtain the greater good. It would be hypocritical to judge someone when the formal is doing just the same or something similar, in this case, the whole abandonment issue. However, has life ever been fair/just? The adult method of dealing with such issues is simply to just deal with it and let it tide over, hoping that it would be over and done with soon. An age hardly deemed as an adult would entitle the right of being slightly immature, no? Unable to take it in my stride, I find it quite hard to deal with when it boils down to situations like this. What to do but be more wary. Be more observant of your surrounding and be more critical of things happening. Things may not be what it seems to be but there may be another underlying agenda behind the whole action. Illusion is something that tricks the mind of many, just look at Chris Angel, mind freak. It shows in layman terms how effective illusion is in tricking the minds of people. It suddenly struck me how much I agree with Cheryl; it would be much nicer and safer living in a bubble of cynicism at times. These all will probably be a huge question mark for almost all right now, but only time will tell if my analysis on the situation is true or not. If it is, it will certainly shine some light on the true nature of some people. Disgust would definitely overcome me. But we shall see how things turn out, won’t we?
Don’t get what’s going on, too bad. Hardly anyone will know anyway and I am just too lazy to explain, so don’t ask me about it.
farcical-rants - 8:59 pm - Tuesday, February 28, 2006
VeeJay Woosh
My mother is so ironic. She keeps telling me on how I should freaking lose weight and there she goes buying $3 worth of vermicelli for me to gorge down at 11.00 in the morning for breakfast, and a second course of porridge due just about an hour later for lunch. I am currently stuffed even though I didn’t finish my breakfast and am contemplating on whether I should even have lunch later. Oh dear, trivial matter that I should not fixate upon, I shall move on to the main gist of this blog entry, which may seem quite sad actually, but I don’t like doing homework on Sunday mornings when I have just woken up so I have to find ways to amuse myself, yes?
Anyway, there was a friendly match against YJC yesterday. I must say that it was quite an experience to be a referee for the first time in my life. Mr. Chew was thankfully quite forgiving for my horrible skills at being a referee even though he did make a comment about how I have no standard at being a referee. Which led me to think of why he even wanted to make me a referee in the first god damn place? Argh, sometimes I could just slap the guy, but I won’t, lest I get expelled. Anyway, someone took over after that and that allowed me to sit down and watch the game play from a more relaxed point of view, not having to constantly scrutinized if the players are touching the net, holding the ball, stepping over the line or other things that will be considered a foul.
We trashed YJC 5-0. Is it even possible to say we? I guess so, since it is supposedly the whole team dynamics thing. I am rather grateful for those who didn’t turn up cause that allowed me a chance to play, even though I hardly touched the ball because Darren was acing with his powerful serving. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not being bitter about it but just stating a point. I think it would seriously be a test if Mr. Chew is a man of his word when it comes down to the actual selection of the 12 people for the main team. I am fairly certain that I won’t be in it even though I have never given up hoping. Haha. I better steer clear of talking more about this topic because if I do, names would have to be mentioned and having a blog is being quite transparent, no?
We went for dinner at Mos burger after the match with the Yvonne and Audrey who were waiting for us after the Chinese project which we were doing in the morning. Haha, the Chinese project was quite fun actually. We were caught by Mr. Robert Yeo for climbing into the classrooms even though the second level was locked out. Oh my god, it was so scary when he came in to ask in that soft, threatening voice of his. However, he let us of without even scolding us and said welcome when we thanked him for opening the gate for us. Oo. We had more fun in the first story classroom anyhow, being the sluts that we are. We ended up just sitting down and crowing our lungs away after about two acting rehearsals.
The trip to parkway was quite fruitful, I managed to get Vanessa’s valentine day present and we managed to find both Yu Hui and Audrey something for their birthdays. Haha. Quite successful indeed. Even max managed to get a new haversack for him to use for everyday school. We were laughing at the weird armadillo like bag that we saw at this shop somewhere near giant. I couldn’t remember the name of the shop but it was the place that I bought my $20 urban bag. Haha. It was on discount.
We left soon after because it was already 9.30pm!!! YY and I were supposed to go to church today. However, she only remembered it at 12 midnight and I myself didn’t even remember it until she smsed me. Haha. So it was quite screwed and I think we ended up not being to go to any church after all. So I managed to burn about 15 minutes writing this entry.
Relatively happy that I started this new blog, I shall leave behind my past with the diary-x that is going dark on the 31st of March. All the bitter sweet memories gone, hopefully blogspot won’t go crashing down on me on day too. =)
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Updated It turns out we did go to a church after all. Not something that I really wanted to do but had to do so anyway in case YY breaks out in a fit of hyperventilation and disbelief and rage and dies or something. It was quite boring and I just wanted to leave and soon as possible. The talk by the pastor was really dry and I could even see some people around me nodding off.
Ugh! I cannot stand my dad period. One of these days I will either rant like nobody’s business or trash things out head to head with him. I could just kill the bloody fucker. ARGH!
farcical-rants - 11:08 am - Sunday, February 26, 2006
Colourless days
I totally picked the wrong electives. Argh, religion is such a boring elective. Can you imagine mediating for 20 minutes every week? I can’t even sit still for 5 minutes and I have to actually force myself to sit down and supposedly concentrate on my breathing for nearly half an hour. That is a seamlessly impossible feat to achieve yes? Oh well, at least the electives is not boring to the extent of social studies in which I have to struggle to keep my eyelids from gluing shut. Social studies is seriously a cure for insomnia. Even if I had enough sleep and was wide awake before lesson, there seems to be a sleep wave sent throughout the class once anything to do with the history part of social studies is brought up. Oh dear, I better start drinking more coffee or increase my caffeine intake or something before social studies so that I will have a overdose of energy, enough to sustain me for the two periods.
Hopefully I can gain some passion or interest in studying chemistry. I might reconsider taking science when I enter J1 next year seeing as how it provides more job options for me. Sadly, there is no biology cum physics combination and chemistry seems to be the compulsory subject when taking up a science combination in JC.
I hope that I can find out more about mass communication sometime this year. I would seriously consider a job as a radio DJ. It seems like quite and enjoyable job even though the working hours are rather irregular and there may be little time left for social interaction with friends etc. however, I wouldn’t mind doing a job that pays me to just talk rubbish all day just to entertain people who have nothing to do either at home or while traveling.
I seem to be getting more and more broke these few days. I had to bring a loaf of raisin bread to school today along with two cup noodles to save money. I nearly finished the entire loaf of bread and even ate one cup noodle. I am such a pig.
My attempts to save money didn’t really pull through in the end when I had to borrow money to eat dinner when I went to bugis to do some window shopping with Aud, Rach and Isa. Bugis market has so many nice things! Argh, but I was too broke to be able to buy anything. So infuriating! I shall save up and go there to splurge one of these days. Bleh.
Life seems to be quite colourless these days, which is quite sad. I seem to be finding more time to be thinking about random things that just pop into my mind when I have time alone to organize my thoughts. Oh well, there is a friendly match tomorrow against some JC, I think its YJC. At least that will be something to blog about, even though I am quite certain that I won’t be playing. The reason I wouldn’t even be bothered to start explaining. Seriously should consider another CCA. Haha. I want to join dance, but than I keep thinking about how embarrassing it would be to just join alone and how the guys in that CCA play quite a small role too. Oh well, we shall see.
farcical-rants - 9:26 pm - Friday, February 24, 2006
Discovery of water
This is so infuriating, I was supposed to be blogging yesterday but somehow, slipping in and out of consciousness, I deleted something from my template and poof* everything disappeared. Oh my gosh, I felt so stupid.
Yesterday was just a chain of events that were literally shouting out for me to bitch slap. Let's review shall we, first there was training. Like of my freaking god, some people are totally oblivious to the fact on how fucking contradictory they make themselves sound at times. It is so blatantly obvious that he who shall not be named is so bias despite him saying how he would judge and give opportunity to people based on merit. My eyes just went around the world three times. Giving credit where credit is due is clearly not something which he is capable of, despite him trying to give the portrayal of how classy and sophisticated he is with his over usage of flamboyant words that he probably thinks would make him seem smart and all. Is it no evident that he shows the emotional and intellectual range of a 10 year old child?
On the way home, there was this bitch conductor doing her job at the most unfortunate time. I have something against conductors okay, they make me tear out the sticker that I have neatly pasted over my EZ link card to cover the unflattering and horrifyingly grotesque picture of what I can only infer is me that my primary school has so poorly captured. I was totally irritated and ticked off by her stupidity in asking Darren where his EZ link card was when he clearly showed her a bus ticket. Like damn you! Isn’t paying with cash a sign that he didn’t bring his EZ link card? What's more was that she had to say in a really irritated voice on how he shouldn’t forget his EZ link card. Is that a great tragedy that would be life altering for her? I could have just mental killed her or something. Of course, the court of law would a good enough reason for me to just be rude to her to sufficiently piss her off so that I would be pleased with myself. I nearly fainted with the odor spewing out of her mouth when she told me not to be rude. I replied with an irritated whatever and it was probably too deep for her to understand. She should seriously discover the joys of drinking water and not suffocate innocent students on their way home.
Another group of people who should seriously discover water are the commuters of bus number two. I mean seriously, have they not heard of a bath or a bar of soap. They reeked of a smell or urea or ammonia or something. I don’t really remember what I learn in class much less biology, so forgive my apparent lack of knowledge on the urinary system. I was disturbingly reminded of some reality television show that I saw on AXN on how some tribes save their urine to wash their hair with. Oo. This people couldn't discover rain if they were in a boat in the middle of a lake with the rain pouring down on them.
I am currently watching the news and it seems that some key political figure just died. S Rajaratnam or something. Death seems like such a sad thing even though I want to kill some people that somehow I cannot escape from in my life. I wonder if it is truly essential to die knowing that you did something to help change the world or life of some or most people. For me, I think dying happy would be enough for me. I would hate to have suffered from like cancer or something for a period of time before dying a slow painful death in which some virus totally kills off my immune system or something. Oh my god, I sound like I have aids.

Aaron and I being sluts before training. We took this snapshot while waiting for training to start, Haha. It shows how bored we are and how much we actually look forward to go to training, yes? A picture says a thousand words. Training was interesting to an extent, probably due to the fact that they were newbies to be amused by. I'm so horrible, judging by the fact that I am probably like them also. Haha. Oh well, whoever said I was a nice person.
 SBS should seriously get better facilities. I accidentally dislodge this today while trying to maintain balance with the deranged driver that was navigating around bedok mrt station. I cannot stand the bedok interchange. They should seriously consider moving the mrt station closer to the interchange; it is such a long walk to the mrt station that I could just mental slap the designer of the place. Shouldn’t they put the bus stop before the entrance to the interchange? This way people can alight at the bus stop if they were going to be boarding mrts after that. Sheesh.
farcical-rants - 9:20 pm - Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Virgin Entry
Oh my god, I cannot believe that I am using blogspot again after how I was somehow peer pressured into using diary-x. Actually, I never really knew why I switched to diary-x, probably because I can have locked entries over there and be a.a and have people ask me for my password. Screw that, if I want to post a entry that I want locked, I might as well just save it as a draft and read it myself since no one knew my password anyway.
I'm relatively happy at the fact that I got house caplet again. For some reason, I felt uncomfortable for a while after the results were released, as if it was too early for celebrations and not that nice to rub it in for those who didn't get the post they ran for. It was quite awkward to try to hide my relief and joy even though I supposedly didn't have to. But whatever, I still hid whatever emotion I felt anyway, lest I be called an insensitive bitch again. Rolls eyes*
It's been so long since I've updated and it seems so weird and all using blogspot again. For the record, I don't hate blogspot with a dying vengeance because it has always been nice to me and the ugly bar at the top is tolerable and can be dealt with. School is starting to be detestable again. I think I probably go to school for the people and not because I have some thirst for knowledge that the teachers all just wish oh so much that we would cultivate. Chemistry is officially the subject that I hate the most. I hate it even more than mathematics which is actually do-able now with the help of Mr ang and Mr lam. What lee boon ann was doing with one year of so called teaching mathematics shall remain a mystery. I cannot even be bothered to do the Chinese workbook that was due today. I am just so sick and tired and school for the moment and even more disgusted at the fact that there is a Social Studies test this Friday. This is one of the really pointless entry in which I just chatter on with no motive of what the entry should be about in mind. Of course, this is like my virgin entry for this new blog so I shall keep it short and sweet. Watch this space, there'll be more rants to come.
farcical-rants - 9:51 pm - Monday, February 20, 2006