Quizzes entry, one of the many yet to come
VJC vc AJC 18 25 23 25
I get a kick out of doing quizzes and it has been quite some thing since I had a go at them. So as childish as they may seem, this entry is all about quizzes. They are actually relatively accurate, I have underlined the keywords that I find most tallies with my character. Haha. I will hopefully update with more interesting things when open house comes.
You Are Likely a Third Born |

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.When you love someone, you tend to like to please them. In friendship, you are loyal to one person.Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration. |
The career options are somewhat amusing
You Are Apple Red |

You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun.And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial.Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well.However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you.
| Couldn't agree more with this. You Are Apple Green |

You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life. | Hah! This tells everyone that I am optimisitc and have a positive outlook okay! You Are Not Scary |

Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet | Haha, I am not scary! Your French Name is: |

Denis Perrot |
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian |

You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! |
You Are Lightning |

Beautiful yet dangerous. People will stop and watch you when you appear. Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing |
You Are a Yellow Flower |

A yellow flower tends to represent joy, friendship, and playfulness.At times, you are childlike, as a buttercup is.And at other times, you are fickle, like a dahlia.And more than you wish, you tend to feel bittersweet, like a marigold. | Totally see eye to eye on the fickle part. Your Values Profile |

Loyalty: You value loyalty a fair amount.You're loyal to your friends... to a point.But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties.Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself. Honesty: You don't really value honesty.You do value getting your way, no matter what.And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem.A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!) Generosity: You don't really value generosity.Your needs always come first, no matter what.And you'll possibly help someone else out...But only if it helps you in return. Humility: You value humility highly.You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are.And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better.You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low. Tolerance: You value tolerance highly.Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them. |
This is probably the most detailed and most accurate one. Sad as some of the facts may seem to be, they are all still true. Deal with it.
farcical-rants - 11:38 pm - Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Crucial Match I
#5 things that I am worried about for tomorrow’s match [This was what was asked and this is what I wrote.]
1) Nervous team-mates 2) Low morale infecting everyone 3) Lost of hope 4) Over confidence 5) Reduction of error not carried out
Initially, I knew that I wasn’t asked what they were just now because he probably thought that I won’t brood over all this worries that we were asked to list out. Admittedly, I have to confess I agreed in the beginning. However, now that I have actually been made to sit down and brood over whatever worries I may have, the anxiety seems to set in. I know I wont be playing and the worries and pressure isn’t as immense, but its still there nonetheless. Was it a good idea than, to have made us think about our worries? I was quite skeptical when he requested the stating of at least 5 worries. For all you know, some may not have that many worries and by making them think up of it has created more worries for them as an end result. Maybe I’m missing the whole objective here, but I guess what I am trying to say is basically a lot of “what ifs” are popping up in my head.
I decide that I am going to block them out and ignore them because that’s the best way I deal with anxiety. I just thought that this entry was in order since the first crucial match is tomorrow, explains the title.
The world’s best athletes never win. Athletes who play the best however, are the ones who win. (Quote from Mr. Chew, maybe not word for word, but you get the main gist.)
farcical-rants - 9:58 pm - Monday, April 24, 2006
Inflexible I am Not
VJC vs CJC 25 6 25 19
Oh joy, we won the CJC match. Like there was any doubt that VJC would lose to begin with. We went in it knowing that the opponent was lousy so I guess it’s nothing really much to celebrate over. We will celebrate more when we beat AJC on Tuesday, so for now, let me catch myself up with the on goings on the past few days.
Friday was fairly mundane given that everybody was more or less busy with their own stuff and I decided to go home by myself after the match. I ran into Ang Hee on my way home. It must have slipped my mind that she stays at Mariam Way. Anyhow, it was quite an awkward encounter. Possibly because I was never really close to her and the small talks that we did to “catch up” were slightly text book, Moreover, when I ran out of things to say, there was just discomfited silence. Hah! Uncomfortable silence over awkward conversation, take your pick. I never am good with catching up with people whom I am not really close with because I can hardly come up of anything interesting to talk about, and neither can the other party. Argh, which is precisely why I do my drops-head-to-feign-sleep routine every time I spot someone whom I know, but am not really close to, coming towards my direction. Not the best way to avoid tongue-tied meetings, but at least its one way.
My Saturday turned out to be incredibly screwed up. It started primarily with me having more things to do than I have time and ended up with me having nothing to do with a whole lot of time. Let’s see, I was believed to have my morning free for me to sleep till the sun was high in the sky in view of the fact that I was going to go to the doctor with my mother who was bringing my grandmother for a check-up. Lame? Yes, I know. But they were all insisting that everyone goes since the old lady is going to kick the bucket any time now.
Yet, things were evidently not going as planned. My mother decided to wake me up at the wonderful hour of eight in the morning to go to the market with her to get breakfast. I was than dragged home, half asleep or half awake whichever way you like it, to eat and wash up before I had to rush out with her again to chop the mangled moss growing on my cranium. Than I was dragged back home by 12.30pm and was told that my grandmother’s doctor appointment had been cancelled. According to the grapevine, they want to bring her after mother’s day. Don’t ask me why, I don’t even want to know. (Ask the grapevine, sheesh.)
Thus I was stuck at home with nothing to do seeing that my plans had all been screwed. Even my plan to go to the dance concert had been cancelled as the people I was supposed to go with couldn’t make it in the end. Fortunately Yvonne was asking people to go out and the two of us ended up with Amanda at Darren’s house. It was quite a nice turn out, I guess, spending the weekend with friends, sushi and watching DVDs at Darren’s house. Haha.
 The hazard flies.
Yvonne, Darren and I went to meet Audrey for dinner at Suntec. It was a reasonably spontaneous decision and a rather stupid one at that. We left at about 7.00pm and when we got there, there was only time to eat and shop for a while. Haha, oh well, stupid things are usually fun too. We ended up eating at Swensons because it was one of the fewer places that weren’t as packed as the rest.
 Cool Pun. I'm currently experiencing a bimbo moment.
I definitely felt very under-dressed because I gathered that we would only be spending the day at Darren’s house and not at Suntec City. We finished at about 9.00pm and took a slow walk back to the MRT station to head home.
Sundays, as usual, are a boring event for me. I spent it watching DVDs that I borrowed and playing the Sims 2 which I seem to get quite excited over whenever I get to operate new functions that I have yet to control.
farcical-rants - 11:43 pm - Sunday, April 23, 2006
Time crawls
VJC vs TPJC 25 19 25 8
My biological clock is off the rockers again and I have been sleeping at ungodly hours like 2.00am these few days and waking up at times like 6.00am. Damn, it took me quite some time to adjust to sleeping by 12.00mn and waking up at 6.30am so that I won’t sleep in the afternoon or evening and now its just all screwed up again. I will have to wait till some public holiday before I can adjust my body clock again, don’t ask me why, I’m just weird this way.
I have finally completed the long over due elective essay that was due on Monday. Haha. I was actually somewhat inspired to do a good job in the beginning but as it continued to drag on, I lost my drive and motivation to write it and there were moments where my head was just a blank and I had to like de-stress before I could get back on the road to completing the stupid thing. But alas, it is done and over with! So now I can relax and not worry about anything else for the moment. I have learnt to live in the moment and not think much about the future since the start of this year. If we always think of the future, we would never be able to enjoy ourselves as IP students since there will always be something to worry about, like tests or assignments or projects or other non-academic commitments.
We have to make a decision on what subject combination we want to take when we enter J1 next year and we have to decide by Friday! Haha, of course it will be just a survey and not the confirmed turn out of what we will be taking next year. As much as I hate science (actually just chemistry) and mathematics, I am pretty sure that I will be taking a science stream course. Hey, it is the best shot for the moment because it opens up different revenues for me.
I haven’t really decided what I want to do in the future. I always considered an occupation that I would be able to enjoy and have a passion for. Radio DJ crossed my mind before. I also looked into working as an actor on mediacorp or for the arts. However, I realized that acting is not really an easy job and making it into the industry is already hard enough. Of course, that would be referring to artistes on mediacorp. I think I would enjoy working for the arts. However, I am a pragmatic person and I have a feeling that the pay isn’t very appealing. I guess I may just consider the job my brother is working towards now. Teaching. Hah, I just hope that if I ever do become a teacher, I won’t strangle them alive.
There’s going to be preparation regarding our Australia trip tomorrow! At long last, a heads up to our trip overseas. I wonder what we will be going to do, probably be briefed about the universities and what we will be doing/visiting when we go there. Tomorrow will in all likelihood be attaining to admin stuff like number of days we go, room mates etc. I just wish time will fly by and this weekend will be the date that we are leaving. Seriously, I can’t stress enough how sick I am of school and life in Singapore. Yes, I know I have been brooding about this sad fact that school sucks for a long time already, but it doesn’t mean that just because I brood, the sad fact changes. So yes, life is still “sucky”. At least school life is.
Never had a dream come true S Club 7
Everybody's got something they had to leave behind One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time There's no use looking back or wondering How it could be now or might have been Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you know
I've never had a dream come true Till the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say You're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be with you
Somewhere in my memory I've lost all sense of time And so my road can never be cos yesterday is all that fills my mind There's no use looking back or wondering How it could be now or might have been Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go
I've never had a dream come true Till the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby I never found the words to say You're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be
You'll always be the dream that fills my head Yes you will, say you will, you know you will Oh baby, you'll always be the one I know I'll never forget
There's no use looking back or wondering Because love is a strange and funny thing No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye No no no no
I've never had a dream come true Till the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby I never found the words to say (words to say) You're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be A part of me will always be with you
farcical-rants - 12:20 am - Thursday, April 20, 2006
Good Friday 2006
The rain is coming down hard outside and the throbbing in my head has gone away at last. What’s more, the god damn biology assignment is over and done with. All that’s left to worry about for the time being is electives essay, the mathematics topical test that will be coming up and physics assignment ,which I have yet to hand in because I thought I could hand it in today since I was supposed to be in school for a friendly match today. Strangely enough (or maybe not that strange after all), the up coming A’ division is having no effect on me whatsoever. I’m not feeling the stress, the anxiety, the adrenaline rush or any other emotions that may be running through most, if not all my other team mates. I reason with myself that it’s probably because I won’t be playing much or at all since I am still a green horn. Perhaps the only thing going through my mind right now is how far we can go and the satisfaction of it all when something is won and any doubters will thus be proven wrong.
I’m in sort of a fairly subdued mood right now and again, I am using my blog as a form of entertainment to help the hours go by faster. My relatives are coming over tonight to celebrate my father’s birthday for him. One can’t help but feel cynical on their sudden want to celebrate anything for my dad since they haven’t been doing so the past 20 years? My mother, brother and I all know that my dad’s side of the family is anything but good. However, being the simple minded, dim witted old folk that my father is, he refuses to see anything but positive about his brothers and sisters, even though sometimes it is just so slap-in-the-face obvious that they are taking advantage of him. It’s just so retarded that my father keeps complaining about me spending so much money and not wanting to send me overseas this year, when he can just brush off the $3000 my uncle owes him and the $600 interest that my aunt owes him. With that amount of money, he can not only afford to pay for my trip to Australia but actually pay off the debt to the house sooner. But no, my father, whose brain seems to have left him since he hit 50 (or maybe even 40), thinks otherwise. Bah, I’d better stop here before I go on even more about the atrocity of the idiocy of the sucker I call dad.
I just adore the rain. Okay, maybe not all the time. Though, when the situation is just right, the rain can be just wonderful sometimes, don’t you think? I love it when it rains in the break of day with my air condition still switched on. The bed just beckons for me to snooze in it a few minutes longer and enjoy the cool morning that the rain has brought to us. Even when it rains at night and you may not feel the least bit tired; it’s just nice to curl up in bed with a cup of hot Milo by your side whilst enjoying a good read. It doesn’t even have to be a novel or paperback, for me, a good comic or crossword puzzle will just do the trick. Usually I would hate walking home from school in the rain, getting my shoes all wet and handling all those cumbersome books, files and what nots. Nevertheless it can be reasonably nice when you are walking in the rain with a huge umbrella and only your feet (ankle down) is wet in the nice cool rain water. I guess many of you would be thinking that this all sounds like something you would come across in a book. But truth be told, I do enjoy the nice ambiance that the rain sets for us sometimes. Maybe I should learn how to cherish these few moments that the rain creates for us more, since they are hard to come by judging by the fact that it usually rains when I’m in school or the idea of school is what keeps you from lazing a while longer in the warmth of your bed.
I shall now leave you all with this much of the entry first. When the barbarians come over tonight for the free barbeque dinner (don’t ask me how they are going to carry that out in the rain, they’ll have their ways) which they have tricked my father into organizing for them, I will blog more about how I spend my Good Friday.
Okay, the party is over. It wasn’t as ghastly as I expected it to be. Being the anti-social person that I am when it comes to my father’s side of the family, I managed to spend a good deal of the day in my room playing the Sims2 and watching some music awards show on channel five. In fact, for the first time in history, my father or mother wasn’t hounding on me to down to amuse or serve the guests. Also, another thing that I rejoiced over was the fact that no one brought any of their annoying progenies, I call my cousins, along.
Of course I went down in due time, to devour dinner that is. The barbeque had just started when I went down and I planted myself in the kitchen, ready to pounce on the food when it was done. Dinner was good I suppose. There were squids, prawns, hot-dogs, two different types of fish, sting rays, sweet potatoes and chicken wings! There was also the usual bee hoon or vermicelli (for those people out there who use the Queen’s English) that my mother would prepare whenever we have any sort of major gathering involving people of numbers 10 or more.
I’m currently stuffed and not in a good way. I don’t enjoy the feeling of being stuffed in such an uncomfortable manner and it is probably due to the highly-concentrated-in-coconut-flavour agar that my aunts made/bought. I ate too much. At times like this I wish I was bulimic. Than I can just puke everything out without having the nagging voice in my head of putting on weight. In fact, I feel so fat right now, even though I’m fat 24/7, that I am going to end my post here and go do something about it. Sayonara for now!
farcical-rants - 2:44 pm - Friday, April 14, 2006
I'm Evading
Disclaimer: This entry was supposed to be for yesterday but I couldn’t post it because blogger seemed to be down.
Biology assignment, electives essay, topical test, two Chinese report; all knocking at the back of head constantly nagging at me to get them over and done with. But as I tell myself that I am going to sit down and actually get down with business, the television and computer beckons. Technology is my poison. I just wasted three whole hours wiling away with reality shows, the news and desperate housewives. The last show is actually justified in my opinion since the show is absolutely fantastic and has gotten great reviews. The best worst part is that there is grey’s anatomy after all this and leave me with like half an hour after midnight to just study for the test. At least there is an extension for electives essay.
I amused myself by visiting www.myheritage.com . Haha, this is a somewhat pointless entry but I am just finding ways to evade homework. In the mean time, laugh yourself crazy with the pictures that I have.

farcical-rants - 9:53 pm - Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Miss Singapore Universe 2006
Oh wow, Carol Cheong won. No surprise there actually since the results are already decided when the top twenty have been chosen, or so I heard. The Miss Singapore Universe beauty pageant 2006 wasn’t as nice as I anticipated it to be.
On our way to Caldecott, my bitch of a father started going into a fucking bitch fit when my brother called to say that there may not be space left in the studio. Yes, it is natural to throw a bitch fit in light of such circumstances, but he, being the bastard that he is, blamed my mother. Like what the fuck. He was shouting and hollering away about how it was her fault because she didn’t see that it was on a first come first serve basis written on the ticket and how that it was her fault for asking him to not shout and a whole lot of bullshit that I was just far too annoyed to even pay attention to. I swear the man is Satan’s reincarnate, no doubt about it. He is like the devil’s advocate and I could just slap his damn bloody face sometimes and not feel bad about him. Seriously, I wish he would just disappear from the face of the earth. And believe me, I am not speaking in the heat of the moment. My father is so bleeding dumb that I can just drop dead due to it. Oh dear, I better stop, I can feel my blood pressure rising.
After all the fucked up bitching was done by the asshole cum jerk, we finally arrived at the place whereby we had to line up, wait for the doors to be opened and wait for seats to be salvaged for us to sit in. the whole thing was pathetically planned. I mean who’s ever heard of a beauty pageant or any other performances that has more ticket than seats. It’s just plain retarded.
Burning with rage and fury that burns like the white hot intensity of the sun, I was further annoyed by this bunch of bimbos behind me who probably had the IQ of their waist size. They were literally squealing whenever they saw someone of some sort of celebrity status. Like oh my god Thomas Ong! Oh my god, Bernice Wong (who by the way is fugly) is so thin and tall! Squeals* Squeals* Argh, I could have brandished a blade and stab them so viciously that I’d be doing the world a good deed.
We managed to get seats in the end. My mom and I were occupying the seats of the finalists’ mothers who were going to be on stage with their daughters later in the show. Honestly, I don’t think Carol Cheong should have won. It seems totally unjustified for her to have actually won the award for Miss Beautiful Body. She just has two big breasts that are supposedly proportional to her fat physique. I mean, finalist Jade Seah’s winning of the most photogenic is something that I can understand completely. However, having Carol Cheong being Miss Body Beautiful? I just find it literally impossible to stomach. Speaking of Jade Seah, apparently she was from Tampinese Junior College and is one of the girls who does Starhub advertisements.
At least my brother’s girlfriend managed to make it to the top 10. It is an achievement I suppose, to make it that far because it isn’t that easy to make it to the top 10. There was one point of time when they were reviewing the top 10 for the last time when a small mishap took place. During the interview section, I and perhaps a few others noticed that her fake eyelashes seemed to have fallen off. So when the top 10 were reviewed for the last time, my brother’s girlfriend just rushed out in time to appear in front of the camera. Haha, her impeccable timing was somewhat hilarious, which is probably why you may have heard laughing when you all saw her moving as the camera went pass her.
God help me, school is starting again. Bah, I am suffering from school blues again. Thankfully this would be one of the shorter weeks with Good Friday and Sports day coming up. Let’s see how I hold out.
farcical-rants - 11:30 pm - Sunday, April 09, 2006
Magic Fundoshi

Another play being watched again. Magic Fundoshi was a riot, although not half as amusing as Dim Sum Dollies. Got all dressed up as usual. Whoever said that plays in IP is a fashion parade for everyone is true to a large extent. People usually anticipate seeing what others would wear to plays. I know I do, and I enjoy commenting about the ugly things that people put together and the nice things that people pull off.
Met up with Si Hui to go with her to meet some others at bugis for dinner. On the way, we met Tina on the train and we met up with Rachel, who was shockingly the earliest today, and Vanessa at Bugis MRT station. Apparently, Rachel has the record for being the one who is always late. Audrey was supposed to meet us initially, but she had to spend her mom’s birthday with her mom, duh. So it was the five of us and we decided on eating at Swenson after a moment of debating where to dine. Eating is, to me, a social event so naturally we talked and bitched and chatted about random stuff, as usual.
We went around shopping for a while, but it was not long before we had to hustle to make our way to the national library theatre. The play was hard to stomach in the beginning because there was a lot of profound talk going on that was done speedily. I, being the low IQ person that I am, took some time to familiarize myself with what was going on and over time, I understood what was going on. Haha, there were some funny parts. However, I think the funniest parts where those that had the red light flashing. The red light is some sort of self censorship that the company had introduced to warn us of moments where NC16 content would be revealed. I was rather taken aback when there was nudity present in the play. There was the exposure of an actor’s butt. At first I thought that it wasn’t real, since it looked pasty and all. However, over time it occurred to me that it would be quite impossible to create a fake butt. Other nude scenes was the last skit in which there was not one but probably over ten red lights switched on throughout the whole sketch. There was the revelation of three of the male actors in g string, or at least that is what I assumed it to be. It looked like the kind of things that sumo wrestlers wear. The most shocking part of all was the revelation of Emma Yong or Young’s breasts! Her nipples were covered with shiny stuff but besides that, her top was totally revealed. Shocking if I do say so myself.
Stayed at bugis until 11.00 plus. Went to sit at the infamous steps near the MRT station. When some of us had to leave, Yi Xiang, Mark, Nicole and I went to meet Yi rui and a few others who were are Breekos. I don’t really enjoy awkward silences and was quite glad when it was broken after a while. Major bitching session going on before we left to catch the last train home. Got a lift from my mom home and reached home past midnight. Thankfully no policeman went up to me to arrest me for being out after eleven. Haha.
farcical-rants - 2:26 am -
Helmsman Week* Spirit of Enterprise [Part II]
At long last, Helmsman week is over and done with. This is probably the most torturous and monotonous helmsman week I have come across in the history of IP helmsman week. Thursday was a pure waste of time for me. We spent probably a great deal of the day planning this uncanny promotional advertisement for some strange bear ice cream which I am proud to say I played no part in helping with the so-called game that we were to engage ourselves in. People can bitch all they one about it but I seriously don’t give a damn. I was just too bored and uninterested with whatever “fun-filled” games that the trainers had planned for us. I ended up sneaking off from my group with some others and just wiling the day away by stuffing ourselves occasionally with visits to the canteen or bookshop. Otherwise, we would be sitting in on other groups and watching them being oh-so enthusiastic about the stupid game that we were playing. Oh well, at least they were supposedly having fun with what they were doing.
Training ended incredibly late that day and I was there all alone without Darren or Aaron to entertain myself as I watch the rest of the “team” do their thing. Okay, at least I can communicate with most of them better than I could months ago. But still, it would have been better to have someone there that I can talk normally too. Bah. Thursday was a crappy day and with competition coming, trainings would be ending later and later. I guess everything will pay off when we actually win, of course with the mindset of some people or person thinking that they are the ones who did all the striving to win whatever we will hopefully win. I have a feeling that we will win because I think the team this year is exceptionally strong compared to the other JCs that we have played against. Of course, there may be unforeseen circumstances that may arise but let’s just pray that nothing will thwart our way to top four.
The highlight of the week for me was probably the game in which people paired up and one of the partners gets blindfolded for a period of time. I was the one to be blindfolded. It was pleasurable to walk to the canteen and struggle to devour food while blinded. Not a bad bargain if you ask me, getting people who weren’t blindfolded to go around doing stuff for you since you are temporarily handicapped. We went back to the elective hub afterward where we cam whored and I played a guessing game in which I had to guess who was who without looking. Haha, it was easy I suppose. To recognize YY just feel for the socks or the watch. Yvonne is the one with the thin ankles and huge calf muscles. Darren has the dry face skin and skinny wrist. Nicole is the skinny ankles and calf and hairless leg. Audrey is the one who will be clapping when you guess the people correctly. Haha. I’m not sure if I guessed Aaron and Amanda. However, it would be relatively easy. Amanda was wearing the converse shoes so feel for the star and for Aaron, the hair would be a dead giveaway.
 The Felons
Actually, Thursday wasn’t all that bad. There was this retarded but enjoyable game in which we wrote things that we liked about ourselves on stickers and went around pasting them on people’s faces after that. Haha, we look spastic to a certain extent, but it is good to let loose once in a while. No point being so serious all the time in my opinion. Haha.

 Darren looks so cute!
Friday was a more engaging day because there was this trade road show that we were going to organize that day. My group ended up selling bags because we got the idea from all the bags that were placed haphazardly at the bee hive looking corner of the electives hub. We bought the space next to the bee hive looking corner and spent quite a great deal of time moving all the bags to one side of the room. At the same time, we were looking out for nice bags that we could borrow to publicize our business. There was this mad rush, after the spaces were bought, to move furniture and whatever decorative stuff we had in the classrooms to the electives hub to help spice up our booths. My group than spent the rest of the time creating posters to publicize our products and to help draw attention to our stall. People were constantly making announcements and advertising their products, but we were just colouring and decorating our posters, waiting for the right moment to stick them around the electives hub. When we were nearly done with the posters, I got Leon to go buy some air time and we basically just went around the electives hub shouting bloody murder. Hollering at the top of our lungs to visit our booth, I am quite surprised that I have yet to lose my voice. Someone came up with the slogan, “hifebags, one of these are surely yours”. I thought that was quite smart. The name hifebags was thought of by yours truly. It’s like high five fused together. Haha, our product supposedly comes in a variety of designs and we help pick out bags for everyone of any size. We didn’t win in the end, but our marketing of posters were said to be good.

Oh, I just about forgot, we did this relaxation thing before the tradeshow whereby the instructor shared with us a slightly personal and depressing experience he had. However, the part in which we had to relax was quite futile or useless for me because my legs were numbing up and I couldn’t concentrate on relaxing much less trying to get my blood circulation to regulate properly.
There were still electives despite the fact that we didn’t have normal/formal lessons throughout the entire week. Everyone was pretty much late for the talk about stocks later. The one thing I, in all probability, appreciated about the talk was that the only teacher there was Mr. James Ho so I was amusing myself by doing this word search book that I had brought to school. I don’t see the point of this talks sometimes because I am not even thinking of investing in stocks now and am too un-fascinated to even pay attention.
Left for training after that and basically ended the week going home smelly, tired and sluggish. Yay! There’s extension for Biology assignment! It’s now due on Thursday, the same day as when my elective essay is due. Wonderfu1!
farcical-rants - 1:54 am -
Helmsman Week* Spirit of Enterprise [Part I]
Three days of helmsman week have passed and I’m flabbergasted to say that I am still alive. I have managed to survive the mind-numbing lectures and idiotic games that I feel the school has wasted their money on. I mean $400 for these sessions that are being conducted now? They should have just used the cash to buy everyone their own set of Cashflow or perhaps put it to better use by subsidizing our trip, this June, further. Seriously, they should sit down and think if the courses that we do during helmsman week actually have any effect on us and whether or not we take away something from each helmsman week. In retrospect, I doubt anyone would have remembered what they learnt during the past few helmsman week or be would have put whatever they have supposedly learnt to good use.
Yoga wasn’t what I expected it to be, I never would have guessed all the sweating and suggestive posses that we would go through during the course that was supposedly suppose to relax all of us. The place was so damn bloody crammed that I decided to just stop doing the Yoga halfway. So I left and changed back into my uniform. In my opinion, the yoga session conducted was no where near relaxation and it just ended up in everyone feeling tired, sweaty, smelly and dirty in the start of the day. Wow, totally pointless if you ask me.
There was this tea session that we were had, after all the sweating, in which we would all gather together and meet our T42 teacher mentor as a group. After watching this somewhat attention-grabbing video, that main purpose was to help us remember what has happened since we entered IP1 till present time, we were suppose to talk about what we have learnt since we entered IP. I’m not really sure what was Mr. Teo’s question(s) to us, but basically he just had a hard time trying to get us to speak up in the beginning. No one really wanted to speak up in the beginning, even myself. The CO room just reeked of the sweat smell that was left behind by V13 and V14 who were doing yoga in the room before we entered. In the end, someone finally spoke up and it just started this whole chain of events that I can only remember myself bitching about everything that I wasn’t satisfied with. Things like the ugly VIP poster and the categorizing of smart and stupid people. I got to proof Mr. Teo that I was right in saying that there is the distinguishing of smart and stupid people in IP because almost everyone else there in the group felt the same. Poor Mr. Teo had a hard time trying to convince all of us to look at it from a positive point of view. However, he didn’t really have a strong argument to begin with because his only reason for us to approach it from a positive outlook is because we would supposedly be happier people. However, personally I would still look at it the way I look at it now because I am already a happy person and I don’t really want to shift paradigms just because it would be the oh-so idealistic thing to do.
The Australia University talk was either cancelled or postpone, guessing that it probably is the latter. So this resulted in us still having to attend the other talks in which I just sat there and stoned because I wasn’t really interested in going to the US to pursue a degree. Yet, I believe that even when stoning, some of the things that the presenter said had some impact on me and whether I wanted to or not, I can still remember some of the things she asked us to inquire when we go to the overseas university to check out if we want to study there in the future.
Ending at a rather early timeslot today, my class decided to go to Jack’s Place at parkway to eat. The initial idea to eat Seoul garden was cancelled on the terms that everyone was financially deprived. We ended up gallivanting for almost an hour at parkway because the students offer at Jack’s Place only started after one thirty. I think the students offer is quite a good deal, judging that it only cost $7.50 (inclusive of GST) for a three course meal.
Tuesday was a day of sheer torture. I simply abhor it when we have retarded adults come and treat all of us 16 year olds like we are the age of people who would be currently studying in a kindergarten. I mean my god, making us do stupid whooshing movements just before we go for break or when we end the day? This isn’t summer camp or some sort of day care center! The talks were also extremely boring. Being left with the markers that were provided for us, pretty much everyone left the elective hubs that day with their bodies wonderfully tattooed by those less entertained than them. See how desperate we all were to find some form of entertainment that would be more amusing than some of the mundane things that were trying to be drilled into our already overflowing brain. There isn’t really much that is out of the ordinary for me to blog about. We just played a couple of games and listened to the guy talk about a couple of things that had to do with the spirit of enterprise. Ironically, even though it was the longest of the three day that has already passed, I have the least things to blog about on this day as compared to the other days that end earlier. I feel that the only thing that was remotely interesting today was the name tags that we received. Everyone was fooling around, folding over the letters to form different words with our names.

Wednesday was a breath of fresh air in comparison to the day before. I always wonder what it would be like to be one of those people who seem to be more involved in IP matters than others. Like those who are usually being called up to meet teachers after IP assembly, probably because they have something important to do, even though I do know that sometimes some people are called up to be lectured or talked to about conduct etc. oh well, I guess I am like many of the other people in the cohort, we are like the mass of the society. Haha, okay bad metaphor.
Today was a more exciting day for the reason that we got to play games that were more interesting. There was this game in which we would have to pass money to a partner and try to get it back from them after that. The trick was how to get it back from them. I tried using violence to get it out of Darren but it the end it turns out that in the heat of my violence I actually satisfied the quota to get back my money. Haha. The highlight of today was probably the game in which we got to dress up a member of our group and send them up for judging. My group sent up Louis who was dressed in this grass skirt and coconut bikini that the band people bought for Xiao Xian when they went to Hawaii. We also improvised and used the newspaper and masking tape provided to make other props for Louis. Not shocking, but all that were sent up were guys. Hmm, I wonder why.

 Excuse the bad photography skills, I had to take quick snapshots because the retard named Joe was bouncing in front of me for some reason.
The day was short and it was ended with prize presentation and more boring talk. I didn’t have to scar myself or others today because I spent most of my time doodling in my notebook instead of the skin of others. Haha. A few of us rushed back to class where all the overdue homework was rushed to be finished. Haha. I went to parkway with Cheryl, Darren and Aaron where we waited for the rest to arrive to have lunch. It was basically more talking and people slowly left till it was only Aaron, Amanda and I left. We talked till about 4.00pm before we went home. Haha, hilariously enough, Aaron and I bumped into three different people that we knew today. Two that were from Dunman high and one that was from Gongshang. I don’t really know why but I was positively tickled when I ran into them and had to take some time to absorb everything before saying Hi. We were talking about B.O and other random stuff on the way home, discussing the bitchy things we did back in primary school and guessing what we would be doing in school tomorrow.
I guess I shall leave with you all with this part of helmsman week first, the scoop on the last two days after I’m done surviving the torment. Oh the monstrosity of it all, pray for me won’t you?
PS. On a lighter note, I made it to this year’s volleyball team. Yay! Oh buy there some things that I just cannot get over. Oh my god, I seriously cannot get over it and the bitching doesn’t seem to have made me cool off. Bah, I better drag popiah skin boy to find CES one day to set things straight for him. Honestly!
farcical-rants - 11:28 pm - Wednesday, April 05, 2006
World going nuts indeed* edited
 A picture of one of the funnier April Fool joke that was pulled on the school. Quite ingenious don't you think?
The title probably doesn’t have anything whatsoever to do with the entry but I decided to use it anyway, just for some kicks. Okay, never mind, ignore this sudden moment of insane babbling that is incoherent to all.
My weekend has totally been burned doing weird random stuff that I had not initially planned to do but carried them out anyway. Just to set the record straight, I don’t usually have much to do on weekends and this is one of the few rare occasion where boredom actually gives way to many opportunities for me to be able to wander out of the house with an actual reason that won’t make my life sadder than it already is, at some point in time that is. Technically, there is some sort of friendly match against SPANS toa payoh today which became optional on Thursday for those who aren’t as skilled as others. I was considering whether I should go to show my support and all but the power of the television swayed my decision otherwise. I just spent a good portion of the day watching the “Desperate Housewife” marathon on Starworld. Even though disappointed by the fact that Charmed was pushed aside due to this, I would have to comment on the fact that I have just rediscovered why I fell in love with the show in the beginning.
All the ugly undone Chinese homework that the demon-ness of doom had unleashed upon my class is currently shoved to the back of my brain. It is instead replaced by my want to blog about what happened yesterday. Fortunately for me, my ,so called, thirst for blogging seems to be crawling its way back into my miserable life and now I take the time to seat myself down and make an effort to pen down the happenings of the day(s) which I would like the remember twenty or thirty years from now. Hopefully blogger won’t go crashing down on us like how diary-x did. I bet people like Xiaxue will throw a major bitch fit and start lawsuits with every single employee that works for blogger.
Anyway, enough with the digressing, I shall move on to what went on yesterday, which, incidentally enough, was April fools day. I was late in my arrival for the game, Cashflow, which the IP2s were to be playing for today, a part of our helmsman financial literacy week programme. Don’t be surprised that we are actually playing board games as part of our curriculum; we are even doing YOGA tomorrow as a form of relaxation before whatever the teachers would be putting forth to us in the next five days. Somehow, my parents must have adopted some sort of mentality that the child must always be earlier than them. I am in total awe at the fact that my bloody parents were rushing me out of bed to shower and have my breakfast so that I won’t be late and that they could drop me off at school on time, when in reality, they were still getting changed, watering the plants and filling in their 4D numbers when I was standing at the porch fully donned in school uniform and impatiently waiting for them to get a move on.
Ironically, I wished that I arrived later and got to miss more of the boring presentation that was put up for us to endure for the first hour of the day. Up till now, I still don’t get why teachers or even adult for that matter put up presentations that are so long, dreary and monotonous when they know in their heads that teenagers at this age of adolescence would not be able to sit still and keep quiet, much less pay attention. That aside, I managed to find someway to keep myself alive and awake till the end of the presentation. The playing of the game was quite a slow process because there were rules that had to be explained to us and it took some time for most people, even myself, to comprehend.
Cashflow is not a game for the impatient or the kind hearted. If would raise your blood pressure to a whole new level and it takes manipulation, shrewdness and cunning skills to excel at this game. This is precisely why it came as such a surprise to me when I actually won the title of earning the most cash in hand for the morning session. I guess I must have lucked out with all the shares that I had bought. I mean, how often do you get to buy shares that cost only $1 and sell 300 000 of them at $50? The prize was some weird boring book that I would probably not read anytime soon and a $20 borders voucher. Haha, this is like the first time I am actually winning something, quite sad no?
 Forgive the bad photography, I took this picture just before it was my turn and I was too lazy to take another picture after that.
Lunch at parkway was quite a hassle because somehow, it seemed that every Singaporean had decided to go to parkway for lunch that day. The only place that we could find that was also affordable at the same time was Yoshinoya. There was this fashion show going on and if I’m not wrong, the clothes that were being paraded were from Topshop. I just realized that all those stick thin models, when in an attempt to achieve the figure that they had, had to give up breasts. They were all painfully flat and I wonder if they think that this is what is considered to having a good figure.

I didn’t want to go home just yet because it would seem like a pretty sad way to end the day, so Yvonne and I made our way back to school, of course hatching a devious scheme to play an April fools joke on the rest while we were on the bus.
 Haha, I took this outside the electives hub while waiting for the rest to be dismissed.
It was quite amusing at first because we thought that we had managed to convince everyone that we were together. Haha. But of course our plans were foiled when I foolishly went to call YY who, according to the grapevine, saw through or heard through the fakeness of it all when I was talking to her. And according to the rest, they all figured it out when we were on the bus to bugis after the second group had finished their Cashflow session. That meant that all the acting that the two of us put up were actually uncalled for. Lol.
For the first time in a long time, we took neoprints that I thought looked nice. Haha, my scanner isn’t good enough to scan them so I shall post them if someone ever does scan and upload them for me to get. Haha, I guess that about wraps up what happened since the last time I posted.
 A picture on the MRT. Just showing that Nicole, Darren and I wore brown shoes on that day.
 The neos that we took which I was too lazy to scan so i stole it off Nicole's blog. Haha.
farcical-rants - 3:38 pm - Sunday, April 02, 2006