Salutations to the Land Down Under !
Disclaimer: This is going to be a short entry.
Ah yes, the long awaited day has arrived. In a few short hours, I will be leaving for Australia and saying a temporary goodbye to those sad people who would have to stay in Singapore and suffer the terrible weather here. I have more or less finished packing my luggage, of course with the exception of those little odds and ends that are supposed to be only included right before I leave for the airport. Hopefully I can finish this entry before I leave for the land down under and before I give in the drowsiness.
I finally got to watch X-Men3. The movie totally rocked! But why oh why did they have to kill of Cyclops, the professor and Jean grey? And why did they have to make Mystique back into a human? It was so depressing to watch. Haha. I met up earlier with some people before the actual meeting time because I was clueless as to how to get to Marina Square. Yes, laugh all you want but suntec city isn’t exactly my territory or something. Oh my god, I sound like some senseless hooligan. Anyway, we walked around for a while before settling down in Mac Donalds to study. Haha, yes me of all people, studying right after the last day of school. As impossible as it is to belief, I did do some mathematics problem while stuffing my face with a double cheese burger. Wrapped up at about 4.00pm and headed to the arcade to kill more time. We met up with the rest of the team at Carl’s Junior to have dinner after we exhausted a good amount of our cash. Being the really bored people that we are, we amused and entertained ourselves till the time we had to make our way to the cinema with the game, 21. The movie ended late and we got a treat from Mr. Chew after that at Bakers Inn. By the time I reached home it was already midnight.
I shall announce that this blog will temporarily not be updated for at least a week, unless of course Matthias brings his laptop to Australia. Haha. If I don’t reply anyone’s SMSes (assuming of course that people actually SMS me), it’s because my phone bill will just die if I DO reply you. Lastly, don’t miss me, all you people who have to remain in sad sad Singapore! I’ll be sure to get you guys something from the land down under. Let the shopping begin! Cheerios for now! :)
farcical-rants - 2:51 pm - Sunday, May 28, 2006
Vball Chalet 2006*edited
 Congratulations to Xiao Char Bo for winning Champion!
we heart australia I have finally done up the template for the Australian blog. Go visit it here. Haha, I am too lazy to link it at the side bar because I will probably have to remove it once the blog dies out when we return back to Singapore.
Life appears to be increasingly hectic now; either that or I am getting tired more easily. I hope it isn’t the latter because I can only imagine what things would be like if I turn 30 or 40 next time.
Depending on how you would like to see it, we had an informal/formal farewell to Mr. Chew who is leaving the volleyball team and the college after this term to pursue further studies, at either NTU or NUS, while at the same time working there. I didn’t go for the first night of the chalet, which seems to have a lot of action taking place already, because I had to lug my butt down to SAJC to support Sandra who was singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Congratulations to Sandra, who got second in the inter-junior college talent time.
I am quite thankful that VJC is built on a flat piece of land and isn’t 5000 acres in size. The people at SAJC must be really fit, climbing up and down and up and down their school everyday, just to get from one place to the other. There was this live performance by some band called Ronin at their school. I must shamefully admit that I actually heard of such a band before and to be honest, the music wasn’t really all that great; the singing was near inaudible and incomprehensible. I couldn’t catch what the long haired albino was screaming and all I could hear were the instruments and hordes of retarded fan girls and guys jumping mindlessly in front of the stage. Something that I realized was how similar the albino was to Sylvester Sim in the way they love thrusting their pelvic bone.

Darren was late the next day and he made me wait for him for half an hour at the stupid Pasir Ris Interchange, where, may I remind you, has nothing for people to do! I nearly strangled him. We missed the bus so we reached the chalet near noon. There was some difficulty in locating the place at first and we actually went out of the chalet area because we thought we were at the wrong place. Fortunately we ran into Feli whilst aimlessly walking around shouting people’s name, hoping that they would hear and stick their heads out to signal to us where to go. Everyone at the chalet was still more or less subdued and they looked as if they all didn’t sleep at all. We sat around playing cards and mahjong. It wasn’t until about late afternoon when we left for lunch at Elias Mall.
The lunch probably energized everyone and they suggested beach volleyball when they returned to the chalet. Haha, setting up the net and court for the beach volleyball was the hardest thing I did at the chalet, manual labour wise. Haha, I think we spent more time setting the net up than we did playing beach volleyball. However, it was fun to play and the heavens were nice to us, holding back the heavy downpour till we kept everything and went back to the chalet.
Dinner was a treat from Mr. Chew and whether or not money is an issue for him, the dinner was still very costly in my opinion. We were all expecting a buffet because that was what was planned. However, the caterer screwed up and we went to the beach-side restaurant nearby. No wonder everyone was thinking what was taking so long for the food to arrive. It has certainly been a long time since I felt so stuffed and I had to actually get up and walk around if not my waistband may just burst. We presented him with the gifts that we had prepared for him back at the chalet and he seemed to be rather amused by the rock that had been wrapped with immense amounts of newspaper beforehand by Wai Kin and yours truly. :)
We played 21 after dinner and it was undeniably very side-splitting with all the rules that had been implemented. Haha, poor Wai Kin kept wagering his index finger and that was counted as pointing! Haha, I went to sleep for a while and got up later to watch the rest, who had not given in to fatigue, play mahjong. Things were getting quite monotonous with the four playing mahjong outside and the other four playing cards in another room. So, the martini that was brought by someone was popped open. There wasn’t any bottle opener at the chalet so we had to make do by just digging a hole through the cover of the bottle. Personally, it wasn’t all that wonderful to drink, but there was nothing else to do so I just keep drinking it to keep myself entertained. Apparently I got drunk after that, but I don’t remember getting drunk and I can actually recall some of the things that happened the night before. Oh well, I rather not pursue the matter further.
When everyone decided to give up on their gambling antics, we resided in the last room left without anyone sleeping in it and told/listened to ghost stories and jokes. It wasn’t until four plus in the morning when everyone finally dozed off.
I got up at about 8.00 the next morning because Ke Jun’s snores woke me up. Haha, he probably has the loudest snores I have ever come across. Had breakfast at the table with the few others who had woken up too and we just sat around talking. There wasn’t much to do so we continued playing mahjong and people started to leave one by one because they had other appointments to go to.
In the end, there was only Gary, Ke Jun, Mr. Chew and I left. I actually gambled through mahjong and this would only make it my second time. I nearly cried when I missed my Shi San Yao by just one tile! ARGH! I ended up losing the most money. The three of us remaining decided to stay over for one more day and go to school together the next morning. However, there was the issue of their chemistry spa notes which none of them seemed to have brought home, much less brought to the chalet. There was like this mad rush to contact people to come stay over while at the same time bringing along their notes. However, no one seemed to be able to come over. In the end, I got some of the house committee people to scan/type out the chemistry spa notes for them.
Took a cab home to grab my stuff for school the next day and printed the spa notes out at the same time. Mr. Chew than came to pick us up in a cab and we made our way back to the chalet. Sort of had dinner there and than it was mostly lazing around, watching the two year ones read their notes, talking and finally going to sleep.
 My work of art :)
The volleyball camp was definitely fun. However, all those happy memories have temporarily been pushed to one side and I am currently very worried about tomorrow’s NAPFA. Actually, I was very worried but I finally managed to reason with myself that since I am going to fail anyway, there’s nothing much left to worry about. Oh well, lets see if I can survive tomorrow. I think I am more bummed out than worried, seeing as how it is the last day of school and there is going to be an early dismissal tomorrow, I’d much rather spend my time outside shopping than running under the sweltering sun. On a happier note, I have completed all my homework and only have the fucked up Chinese worksheet regarding Hai Chen Zhi Ye that the fucking bitch wants us to complete by tomorrow. I think what Marjorie said is true; she is forcing us to copy by setting such an unreasonable deadline. Oh well, bitches will be bitches. A whore never changes her spots.
farcical-rants - 12:20 am - Friday, May 26, 2006
Journeys End
VJC vs NYJC 18 25 30 32 15 25 [National 4th, after 11 years]
 My lovely Draco House
I’ve finally found time to blog after all the homework that was long over due, I have finally cleared them all, except social studies. ><’’ Okay, I plan to either do it after I finish blogging or tomorrow morning when I have nothing to do to kill time. EDS night was great! I bet it was undeniably better that the stupid play that the fucking bitch was forcing us into. I didn’t regret at all going for EDS night, being blown away by the dances and totally awestruck at how much more entertaining the dramas are now as compared to the Shakespeare theme we had when I was in DHS. We had our last match on Monday against NYJC. I totally missed lessons for the entire day because there was house committee investiture before that. Sighs. I am going to miss the 05 batch even though I am like one of the more insignificant one in it. There was still this bond between us I suppose. But I guess its okay, I still have the 06/07 batch to work with and bond with to be one house committee! Haha. The whole investiture was quite screwed. It’s like SC and CT both gets one or two periods to do their investiture, they get either an air conditioned hall or the performance theatre and they get funding to have refreshments. What do we get? No even one period and the seniors had to be rushed down the aisle/runway/length of the hall, donned in black in the hot hall, sweating like pigs and barring the wrath of a certain someone after it all. It’s like the video was 7-8 minutes long and we dragged on a bit with the passing on of the ties and stuff, but is it our fault that the assemblies took so long, leaving us with only three minutes to wrap up our investiture? Three bloody minutes! Oh my god, praise the school I tell you. They might as well abolish house committee. They expect things from us without any returns? There’s no such thing as a free meal in the world okay. It’s like, fine, we do stuff for the school because we enjoy it and we are enthusiastic etc, but it is also basic courtesy to be grateful for it and thank us with some sort of measly appreciation. I just can’t get over the damn bloody fact that we were scolded and actually had to restrain myself from scoffing at some of the things that were said. When has he/she ever said no to us? I almost wanted to say quite a number of times. Sheesh. What a mood damper! At least you don’t have to lecture until someone cries you know. Do you feel good about it? You feel important and in power doing it, do you? Get a freaking life! We basically spent the rest of the day slacking, taking photos, resting in the performance theatre while talking cock and attemtping to amuse ourselves with hide and seek around the school compound. 

The match against NYJC was exhilarating for one. Especially the second set, it’s the first time I have ever seen a duce go on for so long. I think the team has nothing to be disappointed about emerging as fourth. It’s like they did everything in their power and there were unforeseen circumstances that were unavoidable, like the injury of Ben and valueless referee that should burn for eternity. I finally had like normal Tuesday lessons yesterday when there was no longer any matches to leave early for. P.E was actually fun because there were still people who had yet to complete their NAPFA and so we had the lesson free to do whatever sport we wanted. Badminton was definitely fun and their poles are really light, especially if you compare it to the one that we use for volleyball. Haha.
Today was prize-giving day and of course a cause for more photo-taking with the team. We went down to watch the finals for both girls and guys match. HCI is the champion for girls this year and AJC for guys. I am so glad AJC won. There was this motley crew of TJC SC’s behind us when the match was going on. One of them was an idiotic, annoying bitch who kept screaming bloody murder at a pitch so high that any higher and only dogs will be able to hear her. Seriously! If she wants to scream, at least do it standing up or something and not scream directly above the people who are sitting below her. Even the spectators in a few rows before us were turning around and throwing looks of disgust. And before I forget, some of the TJ people, I’m not saying all, really don’t have sportsmanship. They were literally shouting out shameless comments like cannot spike, or cannot serve or referee lousy with no backing to the warrants they were making. Technically, I was in no position to comment about this since I used to do it, but I don’t really think I am so childish anymore so I am both disgusted with some of the TJ SCs and myself. Yet, there’s always something called retribution and for every time the TJ people cursed someone on the court, they lost a point. Seriously, it is either pure coincidence or karma.
Anyway, went for dinner again and reached home pretty late. It’s quite sad to think that there’s no more missing of lessons and matches to attend. It’s all over. Oh well, there’s still next year and the year after that. Haha. I don’t really have any pictures to post because I don’t bring around my lousy camera and usually wait for people to send or upload. So those with pictures out there quickly send or upload!!
farcical-rants - 11:45 pm - Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Vesak Day 2006
School’s been a bore [nothing new] and I have a ton of homework to complete [nothing new] because I missed quite a lot of lessons [nothing new] and have been too lazy to do any of them in my spare time [nothing new]. I find it more enjoyable to spend my free time resting that clearly my work load. [nothing new]
Anyway, I strained my knee. This is perhaps my first time ever getting any form of injuries that involves my legs. Come to think of it, I hardly ever have any injuries in my life. There was once when I was young when I ate like a whole packet of Strepsils in a day because I thought they were sweets. Immediately after that I got sick and an exceptionally high fever. Actually I was too young than to remember what I had contracted but I remembered visiting a hospital and taking multiple blood tests.
Another time in which something rather serious happened to me was when I was young and I was playing this infantile game called “Crocodile” back in primary school. There were these rolls of planks that we would stand on and the person who stood on the ground had to try to catch us without touching the planks we stood on. If memory doesn’t fail me, I fell on the metal part of the roll of plank squarely on my nose. When I got home, there was a huge scare on my face and my mother was worried that I had broken my nose. I had my first X ray after that and fortunately, my nose didn’t require any surgery or facial reconstruction.
That’s about all I can remember regarding accidents in my sixteen years on this planet. It’s relatively little if you think about it, no broken bones, ruptured spleens or internal bleeding of any sort.
Thursday was the last house committee sleepover before the 2005 batch passes down the torch on Monday. I don’t really know if I am sad or happy about it, I guess a swirl of mixed emotions? I realized that the school is freaking hot at night or at least it is exceptionally humid. I was sweating the moment I step foot into the college. We didn’t have to climb the gate that day because there were people leaving the school after they had watched the C.O concert. After an hour of assembling in the canteen, we finally made our way to the hall to start playing some games. At that point in time I was still too hot to even think about playing any games. Even with the fans all switched on; the place was still comparable to an oven, maybe because the windows were all sealed shut! Besides the temperature, I guess floor ball isn’t my cup of tea, seeing as how it is near impossible for me to even hit the small plastic ball.
However, I did play captains ball later and I ended up being extremely sweaty at 2.00 in the morning. Haha, we went to shower after that and made our way to one of the T1 classrooms to watch Bring it on. Not being a very nocturnal person anymore, I fell asleep at 4.00 or 5.00 in the morning while the rest, I assumed, stayed up the whole night watching other DVDs like Ice age.
Woke up the next day at a pretty early time of 9.00 or 10.00 plus, considering the time i went to sleep, and went to parkway for breakfast. I left soon after that because I had to be home to do physics project with Audrey and Louis. The rest of Vesak day was pretty much spent doing the report, thinking of the demonstration and video-taping the demonstration. It was fun I suppose, but our first experiment was a complete failure. So in the end, we just switched to a different experiment which was fairly easy and I think we should have just used it in the beginning. Haha, had dinner with Audrey and Amanda at Pasta Mania after that even though we were initially suppose to be going Darren’s house to watch some DVDs.
farcical-rants - 12:44 pm - Sunday, May 14, 2006
Injustice;Raging Fury [not a good mix]
VJC vs TJC 20 25 22 25 21 25 [Roughly there]
My eyes are going to drop out because they are so tired, but I am still going to blog before I cool down and lost the drive to bitch!
We lost. We didn’t make it to finals. And yet, the lost wasn’t something that many could stomach. Why? Because injustice was done and there doesn’t seem to be anything done at the moment to help get it back.
 The mountain tortoise
The match against TJC today was intense and it was possibly the best the team has ever performed. Of course, the opponent put up a good fight (from what I saw judging by the fact that I don’t play). However, we lost three nil without even being able to take away one set from them. All because of the bloody fucker referee that we had who was so blatantly, shamelessly, slap-in-the-face bias. He actually awarded the other team four points because of the most superficial errors that he assumed we made! I know two points were awarded to them because we didn’t roll the ball to the ball official and rolled it to their server instead. Oh my god, that is just freaking retarded. Another point was given to the opponent because we were incorrectly accused of wasting time when we were trying to clean up a sweat mark on the floor which the senile old bastard couldn’t see. Just because he is blind doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Yes, I see that he has a skull but that doesn’t mean there he has a brain too ya?
Lastly, this point that we lost was the most unwarranted judgement of all. Wai Kin had attempted a drop ball and he pushed it against the opponents’ blocker hands, causing them to have a touch out. The malicious head referee or whatever the fuck he is called said that it was an out ball when the opponent had unmistakably committed a damn touch out. Even the referee closer to the touch out area and the one who was standing near our side said that it was a touch out. But the senile bastard insisted like an insane fool that it was a drop out. And I heard from the VS or PJC coach that even if we drop out, one of the opponent tried to save the ball and he touched it too! So even if the blocker didn’t touch it, the person defending the blocker did! Argh!
I cannot fucking stand it! If only I mastered dark arts or witch doctor voodoo, I will do everything in my power to plague and jinx the son of a bitch. Honestly, which dim-witted soul essentially allowed him to be a referee in the first place? How can he sleep soundly at night? How can he walk home without looking back every once in a while to make sure no one is trailing him in an attempt to commit brutal massacre? The aged old hag, I hope he dies soon of some sort of freak accident that will reduce his chance of survival to 0%.
Yes, I know I am a sadistic, conniving, cold hearted bitch and I will perhaps get my just deserves for cursing the living hell out of this asshole. But I really cannot stand the fact that he actually got away with it! This may probably sound extremely childish and immature, but you would probably feel the same if you were there to witness and understand it.
If you have anything to say that would be defending the fucker, please don’t tell it to me. I am in no mood whatsoever to listen to reason, so if you are going to be some samaritan and try to speak up for the KAYU referee, I suggest you don’t. Don’t come and tell me how childish this is, how unfair I am being to him etc. I am not going to hear it. Not unless it’s something negative about him that involves further bitching of the Satan reincarnate, keep your comments to yourself.
Hopefully someone will do something soon enough and get the shallow man fired and labelled as the worst referee ever! Argh! I can’t wait for justice to be served!

farcical-rants - 12:20 am - Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Haha, okay, I am on one of my blogging escapades in the school computer lab again. Why? Because I have an early dismissal but no where to go with no one to accompany me. For this reason I shall amuse myself with my good ol blog until Darren decides to come out of his class or when Amanda is done with her weird health check up thing. Hopefully there won’t be any jabs this year; I have something against it, which is probably also why I will never ever put myself up to donating blood. Don’t you think its quite scary, sticking a thick hollow metallic needle into your vein and vacuuming out the contents of your body? Anyway, I am rambling.
I managed to skip Chinese just now to complete my essential question which was due yesterday. However, I was pleasantly not present in school yesterday, so I got like a day extension or something. I realised that my brain is currently (or perhaps all the time) not functioning properly and there seems to be an utter lack of anything remotely interesting to blog about. Sadly, I will have to resign myself to being a bimbo and blogging about the day’s events which happened, yesterday. =.=
Let’s see, I woke up at a pretty lovely time of nine in the morning, instead of the usual 6.30. Had breakfast while surfing the different channels on cable. There was nothing really interesting and I ended up watching Oprah. Haha, it was the best there was, seriously. Unless of course you think Blue’s Clue is better or some retarded show called Dora the Explorer. What are they exposing to kids these days? Come to think of it, it probably wasn’t much better back than when I was younger (I’m still young okay), what with Sesame street, Barney (the infernal purple dinosaur), teletubies and other brain numbing shows which horrifies me whenever I tell myself that I actually watched them once before. Brain washing kids, that’s what they’re trying to do I tell you.
Anyhow, I went to sun tan in my roof garden after that. Haha, no I wasn’t wearing anything that would cause your eyes to burn, I was conservatively dressed in singlet and shorts. I think it was quite a failure judging by the fact that I just perspired a lot and turned slightly redder. Haha, but it was still fun to try.
Showered and had lunch while being in front of the television again. This time, I was watching some documentary about the Hima people of western Uganda. Personally, I’m not really a women rights person and you would probably never catch me at one of those feminist riots holding up posters whilst making animalistic cries.
However, after watching the film, I was totally disgusted at the way the women of the tribe are treated. The poor girl was forced into marrying this guy whom she didn’t even know and he only wanted to marry her because he thought that she was pretty. The bride price? Ten bloody cows? Oh my god, the parents actually traded their daughters for ten bloody cows! The poor girl was saying that once her parents decide that she was going to marry the guy, she couldn’t object. She was forced to drop out of school when she was actually hoping of furthering her studies in college. What’s worse was they had to fatten her up because the men there have fat fetish. The poor girl was forced to drink milk and porridge at time intervals of 7,8,10,11 and 12 in the morning, 1,2 and 5 in the after noon and 6,7,8 and 11 at night! It was insane! The grandmother was sitting there with a stick threatening to beat her if she doesn’t finish whatever she is force-fed. When the poor girl was getting ready to get married, her mother told her to fear her husband and respect him. Sheesh! Fear her husband? Her husband wanted her to put on even more weight after they got married. 200 pounds to be exact. That is just freaking retarded! He is totally disregarding her health and not thinking of the implications of weighing more than 300 pounds!
The show ended just like that, and nothing was done to help the women there. The poor souls. At least the guy got his retribution when two of his cows were killed by lightning. It’s sadistically funny actually.
The show finished just in time for me to get ready to make my way to Tampinese mall where I met Aaron and Cheryl to have a meal at crystal jade. Technically, it was dinner for me. I finally got to try their congee! Haha, after that, Cheryl left while Aaron and I went to NTUC to do some grocery shopping that his mother had entrusted him with. Haha. I totally failed in exerting self control and bought sushi. ><’’ After the longans and nata de co co was bought, we went to Four Leaves to show off our “aunty” skills. There was this promotion going on that said, 5 breads for $2.40. I still have them in my locker, just waiting to be devoured when I get hungry over the next few days.
Oh, it seems that the time just flew by and it is already eleven. I guess I better wrap up. More about the match to be played after I return home. =)
farcical-rants - 11:07 am - Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Post General Election
Once again, there is loads of homework that I have left undone. There are my language arts essential questions, language arts task 3, some idiotic Chinese composition the bitch gave to us, two newspaper reports which I owe the bitch and some social studies question that I have yet to answer. Yes, I’m procrastinating again, and come to think of it, I have been slacking off ever since the March holidays. Never for once since school reopened in term two have I put any effort into any of my work at all. I barely study for tests, I’d rather go to school to copy homework and when I get home from school, I spent the rest of the night watching the television or using the computer. This has got to stop. I have decided that from tomorrow onwards, there is going to be some drastic changes in my life.
First of, there is the whole diet regime that I am trying to implement. Technically, the main goal isn’t to lose the weight as of yet, moreover, it is the saving of cash that I am more interested in. Secondly, I am planning to be more serious about my work, judging by the fact that I am sick and tired of failing or just barely passing my different subjects.
Of course, this may all seem like big talk now, and it will be hard to actually carry out all that I have set for myself to do. However, I am going to try, or at least that’s what I am telling myself now.
I feel very much disengaged from the Singapore politics, like I am part of the unthinking mass or something. No, that would be an understatement. I fear that I might even be worse than the unthinking mass. I don’t know what GRC or whatever the hell it’s called that my district is under. I don’t know the parties that are running. [Besides PAP, Worker’s Party and some Singapore Democratic Party] I don’t know who won. I don’t know anything! This is why I actually took the initiative to ask my parents about the on goings today.
I found out that my family is under East coast GRC. Apparently PAP won 82 out of the 84 seats or 84 out of the 86 seats. Whichever way, they only lost two seats to the opposition parties. One seat went to the Worker’s Party and another went to the Singapore Democratic Party or something like that. (Okay, turns out that I really do not know my Singapore politics, the opposition party is actually called the Singapore Democratic Alliance) The guy who won the seat from Worker’s party had some weird name that Darren mentioned yesterday and I am assuming he is the leader of the Worker’s party. Yup, this is all I know and I believe it is still very little.
I watched the news and saw the different parties going around the different neighborhoods to thank the residents for supporting them. Hah! How fake is that? If you noticed, they only went to housing boards and decided to steer clear from condominiums and private housing. What’s that suppose to represent? That they feel that they should show more appreciation for the poorer people or something? It’s probably all done for the sake of publicity, like oh my gosh I actually saw some guy ruffling the hair of some child. How cliché.
I have run out of things to blog about. Hence, I will end this entry with the analogy I thought on the bus on my way home the other day with Audrey and Darren. I don’t really know the name of the monk so he shall thus forth be known as the monk. They are the characters from the story “Journey to the East West”. [I think ><’’] [Omg, my chinese is terrible. I thought 西游记 is east!]
The monk: Chia Yvonne Because she is the one who can’t bear the killing of ants, like the monk in the show, whereby he made his horse walk around a trail of ants so as not to harm any living creature.
Sun Wu Kong: YY Equally twitchy, the monk also wields power over Sun Wu Kong whether he likes it or not.
Zhu Ba Jie: Me Need I say more? Equally greedy, fat, ugly and lazy, it's an exact replica.
Sha Si [I don’t really know the Han yu pin yin]: Audrey Lim According to the high self esteemed one, equally slow, which is to a certain extent true, when it comes to expressing oneself.
farcical-rants - 11:47 pm - Sunday, May 07, 2006
History made
VJC vs IJC 25 21 25 21
Woo hoo! We’ve made it into the semi finals! After no less than 8 years, the VJC volleyball guys’ team has made history. We are finally back up in the top four! Our next match, VJC vs. TJC. Who will win? TJ supposedly claimed to be in the finals already since they don’t view us as much of a threat. We shall see. We had dinner at toa payoh since there was no bus back due to the polling day events.

Today’s a damn public holiday and I am at home at 11.00 in the morning blogging. How sad can it get? At least there’s a wedding reception or buffet or whatever later in the evening/late afternoon.
Okay, I found some way to get out of the house in the end. After the countless smses, calls and waiting that was done, we eventually settled on going Amanda’s house. Being the indolent person that I am, I requested a lift to Amanda’s house from Yvonne. I honestly think I am not suited to live in a hot humid country such as Singapore. I mean seriously, the merciless weather is something I can live without; as I am sure many others would agree with.
Spend the time at Amanda’s house watching DVDs and stuffing myself with the food that Amanda’s mom and graciously prepared for us. What a good hostess yes? My mother would probably be in her room sleeping if my friends came over or something. Sometimes I wonder why I even tell myself that I am going to lose weight that I am seemingly stuffing my bottomless pit with fries and chicken wings. Who am I trying to kid? No one but me in all honesty, and the sad reality of it all is that I just don’t have enough will power. Sound weak doesn’t it? It’s a flaw that I will rather do without. It’s probably also a flaw that has been bogging me down for far too long now. It’s affecting my studies, my character development and other what nots. Perhaps, just perhaps, maybe one day I will find inspiration, motivation or some sort of spark somewhere out there that will finally break this weak barrier and allow me to go full force in doing what I set my mind to.
I left at about six forty five to make my way to my cousin’s weird gathering. It’s an after ROM (registration of marriage, I think) party at the Aranda Chalet at down town east. Weird isn’t it? People usually celebrate marriage in the form of a wedding dinner, at least that’s how most Singaporeans do it. I always tell myself that if me, this tub of lard, ever gets married, I will undeniably not have the traditional hotel wedding or at least not just that. I will have one of those wedding settings that you see the American’s having, in which there’s the walking down of the aisle and the pastor talking with God as our witness and yada yada yada. You get the point, the sappy romantic kind of wedding that presumably everyone dreams off, the kind that will cost a bomb but will be one for the memory scrap book. I’ve always imagined what it would be like to have that kind of wedding instead of the boring old wedding dinners and ROM. It’s definitely going to be a hefty sum, but as they always say, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. Hopefully. Haha.
Okay, anyway, I’m digressing. The weird celebration cum gathering at the chalet was without a doubt weird in all sense of the word. It was also boring, dull and utterly uninteresting. I’m not going to exhaust all the words that symbolize boring here, but yes, it was enormously dreary and I was just dying to leave the place. My mom and I were sort of stuck there because our dad had just dropped us off and went off somewhere else. It was raining like a bitch and we couldn’t leave till heaven decided to stop pouring down on us. I was literally dying, dying from boredom that is. I sat facing the wall whilst listening to my mom talk to the typical aunties about weight lost and bitching about different sorts of people whom I couldn’t give a damn who they were. Fortunately, there was Zhi Wen and Audrey to amuse me through means of sms. However, somewhere along all the smses, Zhi Wen stopped replying, so I was totally depending on the Xiao char bor. Haha, very grateful with regard to the fact that she replied me till the very last minute I spent in that prison.
farcical-rants - 11:11 am - Saturday, May 06, 2006
Crucial Match II edited*

Random picture that I took in class today. Love the effect! Haha.
VJC vs NYJC 16 25 23 25
VJC vs HCI 24 26 25 10 25 22
The HCI match was very crucial and we had to win it. (Judging by the fact that we lost to NY and had to win to make it to Semis.) Fortunately, we did and it was the best win yet. The whole team was very driven and those at the sidelines were giving out the most animalistic cheers and roars possible. At least I know I did, screaming my lungs out with the few others beside me, along with the red-shirts who had made their way down to lend their lung power. I must really comment those at the frontline. It goes without a doubt that they are the ones pulling the team through to the quarter finals and the semi finals. I guess what is lacked in skills is made up for in cheering. The best part of the win was when we got the last point and we all just flocked into the court and started doing the spelling cheer. Definitely a moment for the scrap book. It was also quite fun this morning when we got together in the middle of the hall to cheer when they announced the results.
Oh my freaking god! I hate my Chinese teacher. I am so not going for the海城之夜 that the hussy is forcing us into. If she so much as forces me to buy a ticket, so help me I will and can bury her so far down into the ground that the heat from the Earth’s core will incinerate her sorry ass. No offence to the PRCs and whoever else that may be starring in海城之夜, but it’s the damn bloody fact that I am clearly not interested at all and am in a situation where I am clearly being forced to do something that I do not want to do which gets me so riled up. Screw the fucked up Chinese Teacher! One day I will just march out of the class if my last nerve cracks under her tyranny.
Happy birthday Wai Kin. Haha, I don’t even know why I’m saying it on my blog seeing that he probably doesn’t even go online. We celebrated his birthday today in good old fashion dunking. It was definitely very well thought out and we managed to get into cahoots with Mr. Chew apparently. Okay, I suppose he perhaps just agreed to let us dunk Wai Kin or something. Lol. It was rather crazy. We were like stalking him from behind after training as he went with Mr. Chew to the staff room. Suddenly everyone broke out into sprints as he neared the koi pond and we very nicely removed all expensive and important items on him before dumping him into the pond. When he came back, we sang a song and cut the cake. Of course, it wasn’t over yet. How can there be cake without the smudging? Subsequently, he was brought to the fountain to be dunked again. Haha, only this time, Andre was dragged into the fountain because Wai Kin was holding on to him. There’s a video that Matthias took. It’s a little dark so the images may be quite hard to see.
To view it, go to this link.
The pictures that we took in the canteen, compliments to Ya Wen who took them for us, have been will be uploaded once I get them from Matt. Haha.

[I shall use the a different tense here since it's pass midnight and is technically already Friday]
On a side note, we MUST MUST MUST win today’s match against IJC. We even had a special training yesterday, just to prepare ourselves against their strongest and most valuable player. It is especially crucial if we want to make it to the Semi finals. And apparently, if we win tomorrow, we will be making history to be the first team in at least 8 years to have made it to the Semi Finals. So all the best everyone!
farcical-rants - 12:13 am - Friday, May 05, 2006
Labour Day 2006
I cannot believe that there is training on a public holiday, but there is. Haha, I actually had to climb into school because the gate was apparently locked. However, I found out later that it was supposedly unlocked and that the lock was just placed there but not closed shut. Doink*
Someone made the comment that it was indeed really Labour Day because we were moving the chairs, which were going to be used for the investiture the next day, to the side of the hall. In the midst of all that hard work, we took time to goof off and took a picture to that I must say provided some laughs for me.

I don’t really like public holidays because my friends usually have to spend the day with their parents or at home and that leaves me to brood over the boring day alone. However, thankfully Aaron came over to play the Sims2 and I entertained myself by watching him play and at the same time, taking narcissistic shots of myself with his camera. Before that I blew some serious cash on a rather sumptuous lunch. After that, there was this huge hole in my wallet. (OMG slap me, I’m using primary school composition writing language.) From then on, I decided to save money for the shopping trip that would hopefully be put into action before we leave for Australia!
It finally hit me how all those Himbos and Bimbos out there take their retarded looking friendster shots that they so shamelessly post online. All you need is an evening setting and a relatively lousy camera and you have those brazen pictures of whores all over the internet. Hence, in all essences of the word shameless, I shall follow suit and upload the pictures that I so shamelessly took of myself for cheap entertainment sake. Enjoy but don’t laugh too hard okay?! Haha.

Ps. Oh and if you’ve noticed, all my blog tittles have the year in them. Reason is simple; I have such a limited supply of creativity juices that I will be re-using the tittles year after year after year. Haha, so just to clarify in case anyone was wondering.
farcical-rants - 11:27 pm - Thursday, May 04, 2006
VIP Open House 2006
Argh! It’s been so long since I last blogged and there have been a lot that has happened. Very cluttered memory is what I have; hence I shall blog about the events that have happened in individual posts. It will be easier to read and pen down this way.
Let’s see, the last thing that took place since I last updated was the VIP open house. I don’t really remember the exact things that took place so I guess I can pretty much just give my two cents worth. First of all, I was definitely less involved in this year’s open house that I was for last year’s open house. It’s highly because of the fact that there is much more helpers around now and I guess I am not needed as much to be ushering around overly-excited parents. The weather that day was insanely hot and humid. I still remember Isabelle and me running off when we had usher duty just to hide in LT3 with the harmonica people. The cold air in the LT was definitely very inviting and it was quite hard to finally leave after a while since we didn’t want to get caught.
Several families left after the talk and we were left to usher around the leftovers who were seemingly interested in finding out more of what VIP is about. Hopefully those who left earlier had already made the decision to come to VIP. Haha. New pet peeve! I cannot stand IP1s who boss IP2s around. Oh my god, who the hell are you to tell us what to do. Sheesh, it’s like we are not even telling you what to do and you come along, thinking you’re some stupid big shot?! Please! Reality-check okay!
Mass dance was extremely depressing and I am relatively sure that a handful of IP2s were sitting it out because of the lack in enthusiasm due to the disappointing sound system.
I went to suntec, after everything was packed up and returned to their respective places, with the class people. We had lunch at subway and sat there talking for quite a while. We went to walk around the place shortly after Audrey came to meet us. My legs were literally dying from all the walking around with regards to the ushering duty that I was assigned to carry out, along with many other people of course.
Many of them left early. Audrey, Yvonne and I went to East Point for dinner and met Darren to catch a quick movie at his house before I finally returned home to plop my sorry ass into bed. Hopefully symposium will be better. Jia you SCs!
farcical-rants - 10:41 pm -