Last Helmsman/College Day 2006
What a crummy way to start the morning. I woke up with an exceptionally bad headache and had to tolerate all the scolding and rambling from BOTH my parents, about how I was irresponsible and obese and an idiot, because I didn’t feel like going to school. Yup, those were the exact words and it doesn’t surprise me how they can jump from one issue to another just like that. Sons of bitches I tell you, or at least that’s what my dad is. I really hate the guy and if the day, in which I can finally get a job and move out, be tomorrow, it wouldn’t be soon enough.
Every time he has something to say, I can guarantee you it’s nothing good. Like shut up already, yes I know I’m obese and useless and brainless in his eyes, leave me alone. He has this whole retarded logic about how people who are below average in the IP should not be in the IP. Which is totally absurd, if you think about it, because it would mean that only one person is allowed to be in the IP. When the below average people are removed, a new average is made and you would have to remove even more people until only one is left. He’s also a hypocrite, so don’t be fooled by his false pretence whenever you have the misfortune to run into him.
I more or less cooled off after I went back to sleep. Rolled out of bed just in time to watch Oprah Winfrey on Starworld. I can’t believe they took Oprah off channel five’s 6.00pm slot. I have been home too late for the past couple of weeks to only realise this today when I checked teletext. Says a lot about how busy I’ve been don’t you think. Sighs*
Helmsman week is officially over!!! I would say that I enjoyed the last helmsman week to a certain extent. The feeling fab courses were undeniably the best activities for the whole week, but I wouldn’t say that the NE quiz was all that bad either.
 Really random pictures that I took when I was bored. The Tian Wei one is priceless.
I went with Yvonne, Amanda, Darren, Jomaine and Yi Xiang to the indoor stadium on Friday to attend one of Audrey’s church events. It got boring after all the more energetic songs were over and sad(?) to say, Language Arts has made me so cynical about religion that I will most probably never find a way to believe in any of it.
College Day. Oh boy, it was 1000000 times worse than the one we attended last year. First of all, we were all in the hall last year. We were allowed to do whatever we want and to talk at whatever volume we pleased. This year, we were separated into various LTs and there were PMS teachers over seeing the group of us, shouting like they were suffering from wedgies or menopause. I think the whole thing is absolutely illogical. It really wasted my whole Saturday. Just being in school to watch people whom I mostly don’t know, walk up the stage to receive some paper and miserable cash prizes.
There was this whole issue about bringing food into the LT. I mean come on, don’t pick on the poor PRC guy who probably didn’t understand the old prune. If you want to scold/threaten someone, go for the brainless twits who brought the bloody food into the LT! The old prune must really have nothing better to do than to ask for the reason why we are prohibited from bringing food into the LT. In the end, we amused him with answers like attracting ants and cockroaches etc. Sheesh, he must have gotten quite a kick out of it yes? Senile moron. I shall work hard to think of a good excuse to miss next year’s college day. Maybe write in to MOE to complain about how their whole five day work week isn’t functioning? Or just get my mom to write an excuse letter?
 Please sense the sarcasm in one of the quotes.
Seeing as how I’m really bored with school, I shall end of the entry by doing a quiz I found to see how exciting school life is for me.
Have You... [x] hugged someone in school? [ ] gotten a detention? [x] cried in school? [x] made new friends?
Total: 3
[x] gone to a dance [ ] watched a football game [x] watched a soccer game [ ] watched a baseball game [x]watched a basketball game
Total: 3
[x] watched a tennis match [x] watched a softball game [x] watched a track meet [x] watched a volleyball game [x] stood up for someone being made fun of
Total: 5
[ ] broken up with someone during school? [x] argued with a teacher? [x] got a 100% on a test? [ ] walked to school [ ]drove to school / driven to school underage
Total: 2
[x] got dropped off at school [x] heard a rumour about yourself [x] gone to school under the influence? [x] did something illegal at school? [x] missed school when you weren't sick?
Total: 5
[x] failed a test [x] failed a class [x] made up an excuse for homework not being done? [x] the teacher believed your lame excuse? [ ] crushed on a teacher?
Total: 4
[ ] hit on a teacher? [x] hate a teacher? [x] was involved with a sport? [ ] on student council? [x] in a club
Total: 3
[ ] got a scholarship? [x] got an award? [ ] fallen asleep in school. [ ] gotten into trouble for falling asleep in class [x] had your phone go off in class
Total: 2
[ ] had your phone taken away? [x] lied to a teacher? [x] laughed so hard you cried in class [ ] eaten lunch in the bathroom? [x] missed a week of school or more at once
Total: 3
Do You/Did You/Will You?...
[ ] enjoy school? [x] excited for summer [ ] taking summer school? [x] have a summer job? [x] going somewhere?
Total: 3
Now add it all together and multiply by 2. My School Life is 66%. I would say that that’s about average.
farcical-rants - 4:29 pm - Monday, July 31, 2006
The Future Seems Dim
Life feels like its shifting gear relentlessly. For now, the gear is escalating. My game plan for next week appears to be very jam-packed. There’s training and morning meeting on Tuesday. Somehow I must create a mental post-it to remind me to go for morning meetings. I can’t believe that I totally forgot about this week’s morning meeting. Obviously, I’m someone who needs to be constantly on the go, once I lax up even for just a bit, I start to lose momentum, and it is always hard to get back on track after that. (Probably not making sense here, but whatever)
Official gym training starts next Wednesday and after that, dinner at night with Draco cum Lynx house committee and the respective house masters. On Thursday, training and National day skit practice is going to clash. That’s if there actually is National day skit practice. If it comes down to having to choose between them, priority does go to the skit, seeing as National day is on the week after that. Friday’s probably when I can start to breathe. There’s One Sport to facilitate, maybe National day skit practice and perhaps a friendly match against SHSS. I take as read that I’m not required to be present for the friendly match because the deserving people will get to play. Unless they really lack people, like the previous Friday at Kolam Ayer. I feel “obliged” to not say main team to stress the fact that there is allegedly no main and reserve team right now. Than again, I’m no idiot and the signs are as clear as can be. Fine, I’m being a bitter bitch right now. So sue me. Sheesh, I rather not pursue this right now. On Saturday, there’s the fucking-stupid Chinese CA, which I so do not see the point of, and to top the week off, there’s “Home Sick” at night at the National Library.
Phew, it’s exhausting enough to just list them down, not really looking forward to actually getting down to doing the things on the list. (Except maybe watching “Home Sick” Haha)
Limbo. Volleyball has been really distressing me since K.A. I don’t really know why, can’t really place a finger on it, but yah, the bloody sport has been bugging the hell out of me. Helmsman week may be another reason, more time alone with myself to think. Am I setting too high expectations for myself? Honestly, I feel like I’m letting down my team mates on the court sometimes. When I’m by the sidelines, visualising myself playing up to my standards comes by so easily it seems natural. However, when I’m on the court, it’s just a whole different story. It’s just so maddening after time. I should get myself together. Once or twice is enough! How much more do I need to actually be able to play properly for once in a set? If I could like life meta-ly, I’d slap myself and bring some sense to my head.
I discover a wish I always have when I get home after training. Short-lived it may be, when I truly reflect about the wish I have, it says a lot. (For me, at least) I repeatedly wish there was training the next day, after I come home from one. The reason hit me only today and I wonder why I’ve never seen it before. Blatantly shoved towards me, it took me almost a year later to become conscious of the meaning behind it. The simple notion of the wish is that I console my pathetic self with the fact that there is still another chance. More often than not, I tell myself that I will do better the next time, filled with so much determination that I manage to even con myself for a period of time. However, when the time actually comes, so many other things have already happened that the determination just somehow slips away. And when I go to training without the determination, I suck again and tell myself the same wish when I get home. Sort of like a vicious cycle that I’m stuck in. So maybe I have determination, even passion, but it’s always short-lived.
A sense of accomplishment ironically sweeps over me at the same time. At least now I know the issues that I have to deal with and hopefully it’s still not too late to change them. Making it a conscious effort to go with the same amount of passion and determination I have after a sucky training, I’m fairly certain that it will become sub-conscious over time. [Another self-motivation post, I really am cut out for being a psychologist/psychiatrist aren’t I? Come to think of it, what’s the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? Haha.]
farcical-rants - 11:03 pm - Thursday, July 27, 2006
The Idle Mind Wanders
Volleyball and studies, these things have become the only two things that matter most to me right now. Possibly also the reasons why all that were bothering me over the June holidays have magically vanished into thin air. Either I have been too caught up with CCA and studying to actually overlook them or I’ve gotten over them. I hope to think that it would be the latter, but I’m not really sure which it is. All that matters is that my life is reasonably structured for most of term 3. Ever since homework started piling up and CCA commitment was back in the rat race of mine, I’ve been to busy and tired to even reflect about other stuff.
Blogging is a pertinent avenue for me to relief my stress right now. I am starting to get really worked up about the EOYS. Two years content people, two bloody years. I should have started over the June holidays and even now would be good to start. Better late than never I always say, or at least say. I’ve actually made plans to start this week, since its helmsman week and all. However, when I get home, I’m just too blasé to get down to doing anything. Maybe I should give myself a week off from all the frenzied mugging done on week 2 and 3. I must have the willpower to start filing and planning my mugging strategy for the EOYS. How I wish I were like those people whose studies are so good that strategic mugging is not needed for them, all they have to do is look through their notes once and they’re set to go.
An idle mind is without doubt a devil’s workshop. Conceivably, a vaguely more unperturbed week is making me think more. Some broken dam with all my thoughts that were just trapped behind by all the homework, tests, research module and bullshit the IP just throws at us. To quote Rachel “The teachers are so self-centred. They think that RM is actually fun and exciting.” She is totally right, I mean like not everyone enjoys RM and I am quite sure that whatever objectives they set behind Imagineering, Service Learning, SIP and Research Module are hardly ever reached. Maybe this are the consequences of being the guinea pig batch, everything that is tried out is always new and still has lots of room for improvement.
Speaking of improvement, volleyball immediately pops into mind. Not that I think that I’m improving, but there is just so much more room for improvement. It’s exhausting to even think of the stuff I have to improve on. Spiking is definitely one. I have problems doing the normal way of spiking now. At one point of time, I managed to get the gist of it. It is plausible that doing all the shot balls/A-quick screwed it up. Receiving is not really an issue since I play center? I only receive serves and drop balls which I hope I’m fairly more inept in. Of course, I would love to be able to tell when the main spiker will hit to the line or to the side. Blocking!!! Oh my god/Buddha/tian, where do I even begin with this. There should a book called “Blocking 101” for me. My movement is just too slow I guess. I should try harder to move faster when it comes to blocking. Of course, I will probably find more avenues of improvement when I actually get down to moving fast enough. This isn’t good seeing as the center spiker is the main blocker. Bah.
The list is so long that it’s vexing to think about it sometimes. I need help. There’s also not much time left to improve. With all the new intakes coming in and the over surplus of people in the team already, my fate is somewhat sealed unless I do something about it. It seems unattainable actually, but I’m optimistic. There’s still a glimmer of hope somewhere that I managed to deceive myself into believing in its presence. No worries, something will definitely be done. I won’t go down without a fight; I won’t give up without trying.
farcical-rants - 10:47 pm - Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Let Me Know If You See The Point
[Updated] Oh my goodness!!! I just found out that an EDS blog has been set up. There are so many photos that have been uploaded. Definately brings back alot of happy memories. The first CCA that I had, loved and always will cherish. If there ever was one regret coming to VJC, it would be leaving EDS. Sighs* Now the rest have graduated and our batch has moved on. Bitter Sweet I suppose, hope to see a few of them in VJC next year!
 String Sketch. ARGH! I look hideous!
Snores* Once again, its one of those boring Sundays where I am stuck at home with nothing to do. I don’t know how many times I have stressed how dull my Sundays are, but its definitely getting old. I need to find something to do, someone to go out with or somewhere to visit on Sundays. Sheesh, now that I think back, it’s probably the umpteenth time I said it. I should seriously stop wasting my Sundays. ARGH!
Spend the day watching Re-runs of Friends on my computer. This is depressing; all the good shows are ending. Charmed and Friends have both ended and there is currently nothing really nice on television. I guess the more decent shows on now are Desperate Housewife and Grey’s Anatomy. One Tree Hill has yet to film the third season and I don’t really give much for shows like LOST and The Ghost Whisperer. LOST is just too tedious to keep up with and The Ghost Whisperer is just plain mind-numbing.

I’m just itching to do something. Play volleyball or badminton, go shopping, catch a movie, eat a buffet or just hang out with someone else besides myself! I not even tired enough to take an afternoon nap. Oh my goodness, I really have nothing to do.
Well actually now that I think about it, I should be sorting out my worksheets and start studying for the EOYS. However, I’m trying to take a break from all the test mugging and I’ve yet to do something fun since.
Friday was invigorate and training at K.A and I spent the whole Saturday sleeping. I slept at like 1.00am the night before and woke up at 10.00am the next day. Than I had breakfast and went back to sleep after watching some morning cartoons on kids central. Woke up just before dinner and went to this place called Bernie’s because my carnivorous brother was craving beef, something which is forbidden from my house because my mom’s a Buddhist. Got home and watched Singapore Idol and went to sleep again after that.
Now that I have caught up with all my lost sleep, I feel quite lost doing nothing at home. Maybe I will just watch more television after this entry. Really quite pointless actually, just like 10 minutes of online entertainment before I go rot on the couch again.
farcical-rants - 2:45 pm - Sunday, July 23, 2006
Racial Harmony Day 2006
My knee is currently hurting so I’m wearing a knee guard. Had to plough through my brother’s rubbish before I actually found one to wear. It’s quite hard to bend my knee in them but at least they really do provide more support for my weak jointed knee. Haha, maybe it’s time to start drinking more milk for calcium.
Invigorate rocked! Haha, we won volleyball finals and we are in floor ball guys finals! The floor ball girls didn’t make it to finals but its okay because they can still fight hard for third position!
The day was passing by really slowly, maybe because everyone or at least a big group of us were just exhausted from all the mugging we were doing the pass few days, in light of the fact that we have been bombarded with test after test, week after week. And I forgot to mention that Friday was racial harmony day.
I had to dress up in an ethnic costume because it was somehow agreed upon by all the house committee people. Haha, it isn’t compulsory but let’s just say that if you don’t dress up, they will slaughter you and hang your meat for the vultures. I borrowed a dhoti from Vaishali’s father. It was fully white and it looked like it belonged to some priest or something. Haha. I was still freaking out in the morning because I didn’t know how to wear the bottom of the dhoti and had to seek help from Shreya because no one else seemed to know how to put it on. It was quite fun to wear it actually. I got Amanda to hold one side of the bottom and I started to turn into it. HAHA!
It would have been a good idea to bring something thinner to wear underneath the translucent top. I ended up sweating like a pig during assembly. The bottom was quite hard to move in and I nearly fell like at least 20 times throughout the whole day. When I bumped into this lady teacher, I remember nearly falling into the air rifle range if Isabelle had not been in my way to stop me. Haha.
 Me in my dhoti that was secretly taken by Marjorie.
Went to Kolam Ayer at night for a friendly match. Of course, I was probably summoned in the last minute because no one else could make it, but hey, I seized the opportunity to gain more exposure I suppose. Haha, aren’t I optimistic? Lol. Felt really disappointed, sad and exasperated with myself throughout the whole game, thinking why I suck so badly after playing for a year already. I believe that I could have played better. Oh well, there’s still time for improvement, I guess I will just have to work harder.
Had dinner or supper, if you will, at the coffee shop nearby. Had a craving for fried kway teow but regretted buying it in the end because it tasted like crap. Lol. Ended the long day with an even longer ride home.
farcical-rants - 12:27 pm - Saturday, July 22, 2006
Juxtaposition Of Views
Argh, my primary school friends seem so fixed on going back to visit the primary school teachers that whenever I go online, there is this mass conversation just waiting to start and bore the hell out of me. The best part is that every time I close the window, I get re-invited, until I was forced to appear offline because I don’t have any of their contacts left in my MSN to block them. It’s not that I don’t want to talk to them or anything, well actually I don’t, but like when I leave the conversation, get the hint and stop inviting me back!!! Yes, this may seem really bitchy of me, but rarh!
I feel so free at the moment, a surreal short-lived thing that will probably wear off after helmsman week or maybe even after the weekends.
On a rather random note, I am enjoying training all over again. It’s a different sort of enjoyment that I get as compared to last years training, with Wai Kin, Di Xuan and the other IP2s. Last year, I was probably just happy that I was actually in a CCA that involved a sport that I love playing. Wait, is love too strong a word? Not important to pursue right now I suppose.
I guess for this year, it is indeed a different type of feeling. I know I dreaded trainings during the first half of the year, probably because of the difference in skill level and the unfamiliarity of the team. Most of the time was pretty much spent picking up balls and watching the main team train for the A Divisions. At least that was certainly the plan that Cogito Ergo Sum had for us. It was probably during the later parts of the training when we got to at least play some sets which made it slightly more worthwhile.
Things appear to be looking up now and I think the enjoyment comes from the satisfaction of actually getting something done right once in a while (perhaps maybe even the increase in social interaction with the people of the CCA). Maybe because I don’t really have high expectations for myself and am easily pleased. Who knows? All I know is that everything I feel “suckish”, I remind myself that I’ve only had a year’s experience. The excuse is getting really old, but it still consoles me every time I use it. I presume there will be a time when the excuse can’t be used anymore, so I better buck up and do something to improve. Haha.
I also realised that I never really got down to blogging about the departure of (CES). Nothing much I suppose, just that I never realise how much I really hate a person until he is gone. Really pretentious person if you really think about it. Like the Chinese saying, dagger/knife hidden in the smile.
There was a really stupid spot check today regarding the length of the girls’ skirts in VJC. I mean, yes okay, they are some that are short and certainly whorish, sluttish or whatever you want to call it. But oh my god, you don’t have to catch every girl whose skirt is above her knee right? I mean like, honestly, catch those whose skirts are really the ultimate short kinds. You can’t expect every ones skirt to be at the knee and below, they might as well wear dresses that reach their ankles for crying out loud. I mean like some of the skirts that were caught today weren’t exactly what mini skirts look like. Or at least that’s what the person who complained claim the VJC uniform looks like. The guy is perverse I tell you. I mean like its sick enough you are staring at girls skirt length and judging to see if they are mini or not, but actually taking pictures and collating them to send to the school? I mean he must be mentally unsound or something. And honestly, this fellow must have nothing better to do with his time than to actually bring this up to complain to ministers. Like are they bothering him or harming him in any way? Get a life dude and stop staring at VJC girls’ skirts. With that said, I was also thankful that there was no spot check done on the guys. Haha.
farcical-rants - 10:28 pm - Thursday, July 20, 2006
KBOX Birthday Celebrations !!!
Oh dear, I should be studying for physics now since there won’t be time tomorrow when I crawl back home in the wee hours of the night after training. However, I rather not put off blogging about the KBOX birthday celebration if not I will never get down to blogging about it.
I managed to convince my mom not to go for the meet the parents’ session on Saturday. I guess I managed to gain some insights to what lessons will be like next year and better guide myself towards the best subject combination for me.
Went to parkway to celebrate Nicole’s and Yy’s birthday at KBOX! Being on a tight budget, we settled lunch at bread talk. There had this promotion in which all their buns cost only $1. Apparently it was also bread talk’s birthday. Haha and there was also this really ugly free bag that came along with buying ten breads.
Anyway, we were squeezed into a really tiny room at first. However, our dear Audrey lim took matters into her own hands and went to give the staff the scolding they deserved. So we were shifted into a slightly bigger room after that. Yu Hui brought her camera and we made sure it was put to good use. We ended up using all the battery and some of them bought extra batteries when they went down to buy bubble tea. Haha.
 Aaron Crowing Away
 Group Shot ONE!
 Group Shot TWO!
 Yi Xiang, Darren, YY and Nicole.
 YY, Nicole, Yu Hui, Me and Amanda.
 The Ex-Lesbians
 I'm so flexible! Haha.
 Yu Hui, Me, Darren and Amanda.
 Me and the breadtalk bag. :)
 Yu Hui and I.
 YY, Audrey and Nicole.
 Yvonne and Nicole.
 Nicole and I.
 Audrey and Nicole.
I think our surprise for YY and Nicole, even though not executed properly, met the objectives and more. We chose the happy birthday song and arranged it in a way that when the song came on the screen, Audrey and Yu Hui walked into the room with two cakes that had lighted candles on them already. We made YY cry happy tears! (:
 Cut the cake and smile for the camera!!!
 Group photo!
 Eat Cake!
 Eat more cake!
After that, people became high on oxygen or something and started dancing and singing at the same time. This was definitely one of the more enjoyed KBOX outing. Probably because we “booked” the people in advance and everything was properly planned out. So we didn’t like waste our time thinking of what to do since it was already done before hand.
Walked around parkway after KBOX, it was sort of a mood downer. Like we were all high in the room and when we left, we left behind our energy with it. However, we did do some last minute cam-whoring whilst walking around. Nobody really wanted to eat, probably because we had stuff ourselves with the snacks and drinks at KBOX, along with the cake and bread we had snuck in. We sat around in MPH to talk and left soon. Not a great way to end it all, but the day was still one to be cherished.
 Ooo, how bright!
farcical-rants - 11:10 pm - Monday, July 17, 2006
Brain Juice Concoction
I think I lead a very sad and pathetic life sometimes. Thus, I have decided to improve my standard of living! No more harping over stupid things which, if I think about it, are quite insignificant depending on how I want to see it. No more bothering about this and that when I can just ignore them all and not let them get to me. Makes things a lot more simple and to be honest, more often than not I feel that the bullshit that gets to me just isn’t worth all the trouble. All my years of mental blocking stuff can finally be put to good use. No more bouts of paranoia, anxiety and other foolish feelings which I should have done away with months maybe even years ago if I had actually sat down to think logically. Seriously, I don’t want to waste my time and effort anymore. I have to learn to move on yes? And I am a happier person doing so. Not that I’m not happy now, it’s just that when these things get to me, I get irritated and have to consciously tell myself not to do certain things just in case I regret doing so after the temper bogs down. And it’s not just one issue. It’s like a chain of them that comes one after another. When one goes away and I can live for a while, another rears its ugly head. It’s probably the conscious effort which is tiresome. I guess I’m just lazy in this aspect? Hah, laziness may just be my downfall. But what the hell, I will learn to live with it. Tolerance is something quite tiresome too. I shan’t make a conscious effort to be more tolerant but maybe a sub-conscious one? I think this sudden break through is like a breath of fresh air. Another light bulb moment, enlightenment feeling which I just love getting. Haha. Perhaps in ignoring all the mind numbing things that ties me down, I will actually be able to focus better on other things! Haha, who knows? I’ve made my decision and no ones going to change my mind about it. You’ve made yours and I’ve made mine. Pick yourself up and move on you know. (:
farcical-rants - 1:45 am - Thursday, July 13, 2006
Attachment : Bouts of Insanity and Insonmia
 I didn't want to do it.
 Really didn't want to.
 Tried to blow Yvonne Away.
 And in the end, we did.
 Darlie Advertisement.
 Can you see our eyes?
 Why not frightened?
farcical-rants - 9:03 pm - Sunday, July 09, 2006
Swirls of Nostalgia and Disappointment
Haha, my waste materials all smell like durian now because my father bought durian for us to eat!!! I’m so happy with myself, recently I rediscovered photos of my UK trip in sec 2 and photos of the trip to Japan last year. And to think I thought I lost them all when my dad sent my computer in for reformatting. I was so amused and spent like two hours sorting and going through all the pictures. I am extremely disgusted with how nauseatingly ugly I was last time. Maybe I shouldn’t complain about how hideous I am now when I look back at photos of myself in sec 2 and sec 3. Shivers*
 Visting some author's birthplace.
 At the youth hostel.
 If I remember correctly, at Anne Hatthaway's Cottage.
 At Lake District
 Me and Nicole during meal time.
 Yvonne and I on the bus!
 Yvonne, me and Jovena, trudging up Mt Fuji in the torrential rain.
 Awesome bunch at Miraikan.
 XCB and I during IKI MASHO.
 Rachel, Isabelle, Me and YY on the first night in Japan.
Just came back from dinner with my family at East Coast! Haha, I’m so happy now, ate so much seafood and it’s one of those nice times spent with the family. Been a long time since I’ve felt so happy around them. Haha.
Language test is over! But there’s nothing to rejoice about because in week 3, there is a Chinese test, mathematics test and a chemistry test coming up. In week 4, there’s going to be a biology test and a physics test. All of which I have yet to study for. Oh joy. There’s also SS assignment which I have been to lazy to touch and training. Yes, training has resumed and I’m dying.
Really really very physically unfit. All the physical training is bitter sweet I suppose. I suck at them but hopefully over time I will get better, fitter and slimmer! :) Trainings are ending late too, kind of hoped that after season it would end earlier, but with all the physical training, I suppose its quite hard to end it at 7.00 or 7.30? Oh well, that aside, I’m still glad to be back at training and touching the ball for after so long.
Really embarrassed myself during Invigorate on Friday. How bloody sucky was I? I was disgusted with how I played against V14. I could have blamed it on the nerves, but I shouldn’t find excuses. Hopefully when I play against V13 in the finals, that’s if I actually play, I won’t suck as bad as I did on Friday. Not that I’m not sucky already, better clarify before I sound like some desperate wannabe who thinks that I’m good when I’m not, but I mean come on, I could have definitely played better than I did. Disappointed with myself, that’s all I can say.
Oh and before I forget. Yvonne, the nunny Nina, the hazardous queen of the world has BROKEN HER LEG!!! REMEMBER THE DAY PEOPLE! 5/7/2006.

farcical-rants - 8:26 pm -
Inflate My Ego [Help me do! Thanks :)]
My teacher once said that I have caustic sarcasm!
Never in my life have I skinny dipped.
The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always make me smile Darren Ho!!!
I like lines because they are so neat.
When I'm nervous I speak incoherently and actually stammer.
The last time I laughed was when I was in Nicole’s car talking about something with her and Darren.
My hair is starting to symbolise a mushroom.
My feet are obese.
Last Christmas passed like any other ordinary day because my folks don’t celebrate the holiday.
When I turn my head left, I see a way out.
When I turn my head right, I see another way out.
When i look down i see my crotch.
The craziest recent event was sleepover at Audrey’s house.
By this time next year I would hopefully slim down and be in a subject combination that I’m happy with.
I have a hard time understanding people.
One time at a family gathering I spilled coke all over my cousin’s bedroom floor and spoiled her Polly pocket palace thingy.
You know i like-like you if I show you the signs. :)
If I won an award, the first person I'd thank is myself?
Triangles are three pointed geometric shapes that bore me.
My ideal breakfast is a Macdonald Big Breakfast with a cup of yogurt, iced Milo and a banana.
If you make me really happy I’d be really grateful because few people can actually do so.
Where do you plan to visit anytime soon the kitchen.
Boys are what men once used to be and are made of hair, snails and toe nails. Haha.
I'd stop my wedding if I realised that the important people who are supposed to be present aren’t there.
The world could do without all those little annoyances whose life purpose seems to be to irritate the living hell out of me. It could also do without socially retarded people and those sickening show-offs who should drown themselves in their shit than show their face in public.
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than sit for End of Year Exams.
Most recent thing you've bought yourself is sushi!
Most recent thing someone else bought you is a pair of Samuel and Kelvin pants.
My least favourite time of day is getting out of bed at 6.15am.
And by the way, please hold on while I finish this quiz and go to sleep.
The last time I was high was styling hair at Audrey's house.
The person whom I last talked to told me to think about some philosophical theory he shared with me.
I shouldn't have spent so much money today and leave myself struggling to feed myself for the rest of the week.
Last night I watched My Best Friends wedding and slept at three.
There's this girl I know who needs my psychiatric help.
There is this guy I know who also needs my psychiatric help.
I'll tell the next person who makes me really happy to go celebrate with me over some buffet or something.
I'm listening to scrubs on channel 5.
I last ate KFC.
My Bedsheet is blue with suns, fishes and stars.
I smell like my clothes softener.
On my table, i have VJC and DHS year book, chemistry 10 year series and PSL handbook from Secondary 2.
My full name is Neo Wei Ler Tristan.
This quiz is showing you how bored I am.
farcical-rants - 11:55 pm - Monday, July 03, 2006
Bouts of Insanity and Insonmia
I’m back! From the past two days of sleepover, I’m back with a lot of leftover work and a lot of lost sleep. I went to Darren’s house to stay over the day before Invigorate, with Gary.
Wasn’t exactly interested in watching world cup, seeing as how I’m not much of a soccer fan. Instead, I resorted to watching Cheaper by the Dozen 2 on the laptop. Haha, I think I had a fun time trying to get the movie started because Darren’s Stone Age laptop was very temperamental. His computer speakers only allowed me to turn them up so much before they started emitting this high pitch sound which nearly deafened me. The only other speaker that I could find in the room was spoilt. However, after tweaking it a bit and fiddling around with what tools I had, I managed to jab a pen into some part of the speaker and got it working for a while. Not really much of a help but at least I could actually hear what was going on.
In the end, I realised the error of my ways and fished out my headphones from my bag. The stupidity! All that could have been avoided if I had used my brains. Haha. Scribbled some nonsense in my diary after the movie was over before I turned in for a while. Got woken up when the other day clambered back into the room and sort of talked about random stuff with the light off. Slept at around two plus I think.
Got dragged out of the room by Darren the next day at 7.00 in the morning. ><’’ Showered and got ready to go to school for Invigorate. Thankfully I wasn’t playing anything that day, it was so freaking hot! Let me tell you, umpiring a captain ball match is stressful, especially when the competitors are so competitive!!! Haha, but at least they really went out to win and not like just play because it was an IP thing. We ended up getting second for both Soccer and Captain’s ball, good job everyone! To quote Si Hui, it was the first time our class was actually so enthusiastic about something. Haha, and most of the class turned up except a few who couldn’t and didn’t want to go. I washed up after everything ended, with my bag still with me, fortunately. People were losing or misplacing their bags, never take better care of their belongings. CRIME WATCH people, always make sure your stuff is with you! Lunching at burger king with the class was fun. We walked around for a while before Audrey and I got a lift from Si Hui’s parents. Didn’t have time to rest because my dad ferried my maid and I to tampinese to meet my mom, brother and his girlfriend for dinner. Shopped with my mom while waiting for my brother and his girlfriend to finish their movie. I bought a new pair of Samuel and Kelvin pants. Haha, realised only than that I have too many brown based clothes, very hard to mix and match. This means I will have to be on the look out for new clothes! Actually planned to go to Audrey’s house after dinner, but it was still too early to go so I went home first. Watched Singapore idol and news before my brother gave me a lift to her house. Ate the leftovers of my subway sandwich there whilst waiting for the game to start. Things got quite boring after a while and I provided some form of self entertainment by means of playing Rush Hour. Haha. Used the computer and stoned in Audrey’s room while the two of them (Audrey and Yvonne) and XCB brother’s motley crew went berserk in the living room. They finally retired back into the room when the match was over. No idea who won, not really interested also. We were lazing around, deciding what DVD to watch at the same time, when we started pillow fighting. Haha, it was quite fun, watching the XCB wrestle with Yvonne while I stood by the sidelines, safe and sane. Lol, Audrey was too strong for Yvonne so I started distracting the beast by throwing the mougoo cushion at her and pulling her toes!!! Haha. I laughed so hard my jaw hurt and I thought it would cramp up or go into a spasm. We probably exhausted all our energy throwing stuff at one another that we slept right after that. Woke up the next morning and lazed around some more because we didn’t want to leave the comfort of the air-conditioned room. Ended up wrestling some more and the two insane ones were pushing one another of the bed and throwing all the pillows/bolsters/blankets around. In the end everything ended up on the floor and I could have made myself a nest. Had Nasi Lemak for brunch and some other random stuff that Audrey’s mom had bought for us. Went back into the room and got bored again. In the end, I started to play with Yvonne’s hair. Somehow I got to the hair spray and wax. Haha. I currently only have a few pictures so I shall let them do the talking. When Audrey decides to finally send them to me, I shall upload more. For now, enjoy.

farcical-rants - 12:09 am -