Teacher's Day Celebrations 2006
Highlights of Teacher's Day
P.E Dept Dance With Mr. Tan Yew Hwee Singing Some Hokkien Song

The Teachers Dress Up As One Another!!!

The Not So Pretty Sights/Side of Things
 The most terrible band I've ever heard.
 Even the teachers struggled to hide their pain and torture.
 #1 Disturbing #2 Disturbing #3 Disturbing #4 Disturbing #5 Disturbing
I’m on the fence once again. The world is my stage and I’m relentlessly putting on a guise, to bend to the needs of different people. Logic doesn’t escape me, the difference between wants and needs are plain. A tool. What a fitting word to use. A tool indeed; to achieve the ends of its owner, so expediently stashed away time after time until its services are once again vital. Used so evidently all this while, my folly realised only after time eroded away. The hankering for approval blinds an individual. Denial rears its ugly head. Enlightenment takes over, the truth sinks in.
So in your face yet so deceptively done. Conceivably an open book is susceptible in this facet, your flaws open to the elements. Or perhaps a new methodology should be established in struggle for meaning. Death of the Author/Text and Birth of the Reader, all content open for readers elucidation, text being moulded the way projected by the one in power.
Maybe, just maybe, I am inept in identifying myself in this aspect. Maybe, just maybe, I opened up to be shaped, wrought into what was indispensable to fit in with the correct pieces, to be part of the greater picture. Like a jigsaw puzzle if you will. Hitherto, all is recurrently shifting, so time and time again, a piece has to be changed. Respect is hard to earn and easy to lose. And that’s a fact, hate it, love it, embrace it.
It’s taxing, all this bull. I wash my hands off and shall deal with it when the punches come along. Only a fool gets hit without knowing it. Fool no more. =
farcical-rants - 9:44 pm - Thursday, August 31, 2006
Joakim Gomez;; Mind Boggling
I don’t know why, but every time I watch Joakim Gomez sing on Singapore idol, I feel the urge to blog.

Maybe because it is so boring or perhaps his perseverance stimulates thinking. I trust he is in denial. I mean he keeps saying that he loves the competition and that he doesn’t feel that he should leave just because of that? This is a singing competition for goodness sake. It’s not a competition on how much you love something. It’s ironic to think that someone who is so lousy in something (as compared to his fellow idol competitors) has so much passion for it. However when it comes to people with talent or potential with regards to something, their measure of passion seem to fall short. But I suppose that’s just how the world works? Nothings fair, if everything were determined by meritocracy (i.e. how much effort/work you put in), muggers will excel and lazy people like me will just die, buried under all the unfinished work and notes to be revised.
Tomorrow’s teacher’s day and I still have to finish a Chinese composition by tomorrow, just to make sure I don’t fail Chinese. I really hate that bitch, and it isn’t only because of the insane workload that she throws at us. I mean fine, she’s doing it because of our O levels this year, but that doesn’t mean I have to be freaking mature and accept it. Childish rant is always allowed once in a while okay!
I’ve also seemed to have misplaced my chemistry qualitative analysis worksheet that we did in the lab yesterday. Either some idiot borrowed it without my permission and somehow failed to return it to me or, idiot that I am, I must have lost it. Hopefully when I get to school tomorrow, I will find it lying around somewhere. Absentmindedness is getting to me. I left my wad of foolscap paper in school. Bah, my brainwaves must be in utter disarray, I shall do yoga or something to calm the mind. Meditating is the way to go! Haha, I’m blabbering nonsense! Argh! I’m OFF!
farcical-rants - 9:27 pm - Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Taking a step beyond the OB markers
Haha, this is undoubtedly the funniest thing I’ve heard this whole year!!! You have got to go to thw link, download the MP3 file and pin your ears back for Mr. Brown’s pod cast of the national day rally. I couldn’t stop laughing after I heard it in class today. It’s even more side-splitting than the whole "Poh Hui Pu Hui" thing. (Okay, insiders joke, sorry.)
 Click on the photo to go to the website containing the pod cast. I suggest you don't consume any drinks when listening to it.
What is the world coming too?! Nurul Maideen got out over Joakim Gomez?! Why has this happened, and to think the three that I’m supporting is Nurul, Jonathan and Jasmine. Now Jasmine’s the only girl left in the competition, let’s see just how far she can go. It was pretty amusing when they announced this morning that Jasmine was from VJC so please support her. I mean, it took them this long to realise that she is a Victorian? Or maybe Mrs. Chan knew all about it, but only made the effort to get people to support Jasmine after she went far enough to prove herself. It’s just like the CCA situation in school isn’t it? Just look at her blatant portrayal of favouritism to VJC Soccer Guys. Real eye opener if you actually think about it. We only support those who bring glory to the school and thank the little people along the way. She rocks I tell you.
Someone else who rocks is Mr. Yang. I can’t even count the number of balls he has confiscated from the IP already. He’s taken at least two from our class, namely the rugby ball and a football that someone had brought to school. Today, he decided to take our last ball, the smiley-face volleyball. He’s such a wonderful person. I can’t really back this up, but I heard that he confiscated the ball, not because he heard it being bounced and it disturbing his lesson, but because he saw the ball through the plastic above the doors in our classrooms. How anal can you get? Oh well, we shall just pass him the ball tomorrow and listen to him hold a monologue session for two periods, which he has mistakenly interpreted it to be an intellectual debate between the class and him. Being in denial has just been added to the list of this remarkable spirit.
Tomorrow’s tie day. I shall now go pack my bag before I lay down to rest, forever would be nice. Haha. Hopefully my blister will heal faster. It’s really taking it’s time to form new skin cells. And on a completely random note, I realised that I can’t really write in cryptic. (Am I using the word correctly? ><’’) Wish I could though. Haha.
Ps. remember to listen to the pod cast!!!
farcical-rants - 10:54 pm - Thursday, August 24, 2006
Mother Tongue Cool *
You know, I should be studying for chemistry right now, but I’m not. An attitude adjustment is in check for me. I failed mathematics! I mean even I can’t condone the fact that I actually didn’t pass that test. It was the easiest, and I mean easiest, test that the teachers have set for us in my entire time in VIP. Well, we should always brush the dust of our knees and pick our feet up. Haha, doesn’t that sound familiar?
Anyway, I am attempting to adopt a new approach to viewing things in life. This sudden change in mindset is probably due to the fact that everything seems to be going downhill in my life now. And instead of wallowing in sheer depression, I believe in making the best out a horrible situation. Or at least I believe in that for now. Haha. Maybe setting simplistic goals makes us more easily satisfied and in a way, we are more effortlessly contended instead of relentlessly being pissed at ourselves for not reaching unattainable aims that we have.
Watching Singapore idol is getting progressively more fascinating. I find myself taking pity on Joakim. The poor boy is getting brutally criticised week after week. Memory fails me, but I agree with the judge who said that his fans should grant him the favour of leaving the competition. It’s excruciating, for me even if not for him, to watch the judges condemn him week after week about his dreadful cawing. They have even come to the point in which all the bitching has already been done and all they have to say is “It is all up to the viewers.”
I wonder if it is easier for the Malay contestants to do a song in mother tongue than it is for the Chinese contestants. For me, the imagery I have in my head is that the Malay language comes as second nature for the Malays. As for Mandarin, there is a growing trend of youth who are starting to detest it as a second language, like me for instance. Which is also perhaps why the government is starting campaigns like “Speak Good Mandarin” or Jack Neo coming up with subplots in his movie “I Not Stupid” where one of the child actress helps illustrate to us why Mandarin is supposedly important when the teacher does some sort of cost-benefit analysis of doing well in Mandarin. Hence, in light of the issue that more Chinese are hating or disliking (if the word hate is too strong) their mother tongue, it may be why the contestants found it harder to sing in mandarin since the delivery was likely to be slightly more awkward than doing a song in English. Either way, I feel that Asian singers should concentrate more in singing in their mother tongue because it is rare for English Asian singers to ever make it big anywhere.
I shall end this really random post that I spewed out of my mind while dwindling the time away. Now that time has dwindled away, I shall attack my chemistry notes.
farcical-rants - 10:12 pm - Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Bitter Optimism
Hoho just came back from a “wonderful” training. My foot is starting to blister again. It’s healing and hurting and healing and hurting, like some sort of vicious cycle if you will.
 A week before.
 A week after. Haha. And guess what, we have to fork out $300 each to pay for coaching fees. (: Awesome right?! To think of how much I have already benefited since the arrival of a coach, I can’t help but feel that this isn’t really just. The circumstances just aren’t in our favour as Darren has said, and I should be mature enough not to blame anyone but myself for being lousy. Sighs* We need HELP!!! Oh well, we’ll see I suppose. As a wise man once said, censorship is the key to peace and harmony. (Haha and that wise man was me!!!)
Mathematics test is over. I guess I can heave a sigh of relief? I’m not really sure if I failed or passed, which is somewhat a new feeling, because more often than not, I’m fairly certain about whether I failed or passed. Anyway, there’s still a chemistry test coming up, organic chemistry, don’t you just love it?! Of course, there are still things like RM and SIP! SL is hopefully on its way, this reminds me, I need to contact Amanda about the scrap book.
Saturday was… I can’t think of the right word to use right now, my range of vocabulary has seemed to have failed me for the moment. Let’s just used the word pleasurable for now, shall we? Haha, I crawled my way out of bed in the morning to meet up at orchard for RM. I ended up being late because I missed the bus and when I got to paragon, the two of them had already finished getting the interview time slots. We had lunch at yakitori, before we made our way to parkway, each for various reasons.
I went to help out with the Youth for Cause people who were selling cookies and balloons somewhere outside Mac Donalds. I didn’t sell anything per se, but I did help pump numerous heart shaped balloons and I did my part for charity by buying a packet of Famous Amos cookies. I left at about 3 plus with Yvonne, to meet up with Darren at Tampinese Mall. We were considering the idea of going to catch a movie at orchard with Audrey. In the end, we couldn’t make it in time for the movie slots and the four of us ended up having dinner at takashimaya.
People were giving out hellium balloons outside Lido(take note, don’t sell balloons there) and we took the chance to re-live our childhood by taking one each.
 The Balloon!!! Of course the picture was taken in my room. Haha. I was bored and the balloon was still floating.
Of course, we got bored during dinner and tried to play around with the balloon. We managed to get Yvonne’s hair to stick to the balloon through static.

Somehow, I think the balloons ended up being somewhat of a public hazard, seeing as how Yvonne nearly knocked over a young kid when her balloon got entangled with Audrey’s.
Not sure of what possessed us into doing this, but we took a bus home from orchard. The bus ride went on for nearly an hour and by the time I got home, it was almost 11.00. Mind you, we left the place at nine. Haha. Yes, we are really bored and pointless people sometimes.
Picture of the week
 Audrey Lim ripped her keychain out of her wallet whilst trying to grab it back from me, tsk tsk tsk, talk about your violent and deranged behaviours, this definitely takes the cake.
Oh and Jason finally sent me the pictures we took on One Sport Day. (:
 Those who turned up and played.
 One Sport Ad Hoc
farcical-rants - 10:06 pm - Tuesday, August 22, 2006
East Coast Park Birthday Bash [long overdue entry]
How brilliant am I? I left my wallet in school after training and I didn’t realise it until Ben called Darren who smsed me to tell me that it is with Ben’s friend, who is also Darren’s council friend. Sounds complicated doesn’t it. Haha.
Anyway, I’ve yet to blog about Amanda’s birthday. I met some of the people at parkway after getting my hair sliced in the morning. Spend almost an hour in Giant trying to figure out what kinds of food, besides hot dog and crabsticks, are suitable for a barbeque. We even went down to cold storage after that to buy more stuff because we were afraid that we would end up with insufficient food supplies. In the end, we ended up with so much stuff that we nearly died when we walked all the way from Tao Nan to parkway, lugging along the heavy plastic bags at the same time.
When we got there, we spent almost an hour, I would think, trying to start the fire in this disposable grill we had bought at Giant. The weather was just so windy that nothing was in our favour and we had to all surround the grill for a long enough period before the charcoal stones were hot enough to cook anything. It was a fun day!!! We played Volleyball and Frisbee. I had a lot of fun cooking all the food. The best was hands down the honey-butter mushroom.

We only had honey and butter, so we had to fully utilise our “marinates” to come up with something decent to eat. Of course we also took time to cam-whore. Since pictures say a thousand words, I shall just post the pictures with captions for you all to see.
 Aaron and Nicole.
 XCB and I.
 YY, Yvonne and Nicole.
 YY and Yu Hui.
 Nicole and Amanda.
 Amanda's Birthday Cake.
 Deranged Aaron.
 Deranged XCB 1.
 Deranged XCB 2.
 Cooking the patties, the hot dogs and the crab stick.
 Battered piece of patty that we nearly ruined by not placing it on the aluminium foil.
 Playing Frisbee!!!
 Everyone had kinda left by around 7.00 plus in the evening. It was just Yvonne, Aaron, Darren and I who were still lingering around because we had nothing better to do. There was still roti prata left over, because it was so darn big that we ended up not cooking them on the small grill we had to make do with. Since we still had a box of fire starters, we created this bonfire, skewered bits of prata and roasted them over the fire. Ingenious isn't it. I suggest the skewering. Haha.
farcical-rants - 11:29 pm - Thursday, August 17, 2006
National Day Eve
[[ I know the date says national day, but this entry is about the day before national day. :) ]]
I’m broke! Oh my god, I’m broke. I hate the feeling of being broke, but yes, I am broke! Damn it, I haven’t been able to save money recently, because every time I have extra cash lying around, I have to use it to pay my never ending debts. All the birthday presents are driving me to the poor house! Yes, I’m bloody hell bitter about it because people’s birthdays are all so close to each other!!! ARGH! I’ll dump like $20 on someone next week and everyone else’s birthday present money will be settled, except for Darren’s which is way in December, thank god. I’ve left with what, $3 for the week, and there’s still 5 more days to go!!! Okay, maybe I could exclude Sunday, since I’m always rotting at home on Sundays. But that’s still 4 days!!! Argh, I will start taking money from my parents and having to come up with a wonderful reason for what happened to the rest of my allowance for the week.
National day celebration was a bore. Seriously committed social suicide with the video, but whatever, don’t really care? Totally skipped mass dance and went to find Aaron to go out. Perhaps it would have been wise to have loitered around in school longer before we left. We ended up reaching orchard at like what, 10.00am? The klutz got black paint on his shirt which even thinner (is that how you spell it) couldn’t remove. Everything was closed, which wasn’t entirely surprising. It was bloody 10.00am!!! So we decided to walk all the way to takashimaya to sit at Mac Donalds and eat something light. We planned to have a buffet lunch at Sakae, just for contextual knowledge on why we were eating something light.
We managed to kill about an hour plus there. Next, we managed to make our way to Wheelock Place, where we spent quite a lot of time there looking at the books and CDs.
 Something really interesting we saw on our way to wheelock place. It was on a billboard.
Something that is really starting to annoy me further; smokers. Damn, they should seriously all vanish. (Shall refrain from using die? Maybe because some people’s parents smoke too.) How socially retarded is smoking? It isn’t cool, it kills you, it makes you appear unhygienic and low class, it stinks, it produces litter, it kills others who breathe in the smoke and it basically sucks! I always try to make clear to smokers that I do not approve of what they are doing by covering my nose and mouth and walking away really quickly. Sometimes even fanning the air in front of my face very vigorously.
Of course, walking away really quickly doesn’t work all the time does it? This brings me to the second irritant that most Singaporeans are. Why do you have to walk so slowly all the time? Especially in crowded places where there is little space to manoeuvre around and over take a snail. Honestly, some people walk so slow that they should jolly well not walk at all. I was glad that Aaron pissed this lady off today by deliberately overtaking here and walking really slowly in front of her, blocking any other routes to let her overtake at the same time. Yes, we are probably conceived to be childish and have nothing better to do, but it proves a point! I suggest the government start splitting up the walkway into the fast and slow lane.
Managed to waste a bit more time at the arcade by playing one of those mindless games where you just jam the buttons to kill the enemies’ minions. Wasn’t really in the mood for DDR and besides, there were a couple of pros hogging the machine. Made our way to bugis because we decided not to eat at heeren. We met up with the SHPS people there. Poor Yu Hui lost her camera. So in the end, they cheered her up by taking neoprints with her. Haha.
The first time they took consisted of only Aaron, Yu Hui and Nicole. I was already too broke then to take neoprints and I didn’t want to go into debt by borrowing money. Whilst cutting and distributing the first set of neoprints, there was enough time for YY and Yi Xiang to come. So the five of them went to take again. Nicole got pretty riled up with the stupid machine which somehow, doesn’t allow you to erase stuff. Neoprint machines shouldn’t cock up!!! It will drive its customers crazy, especially when there is a race against time to have everything decorated before the time is up.
Aaron and I had lunch after that, and there was this free comedy show in front of us, consisting of a huge group of bimbotic girls who were getting a huge kick out of taking photos of one another posing with their food. I managed to eat about 20 plus plates and for once, I was comfortably full, not painfully full like what Aaron was after he stuffed down his last two mochi dumplings. Just for future reference, always go to bugis sakae to eat because they have fairly good service there and they serve the nice ice cream like mochi dumpling there, instead of the weird pasty one at parkway.
Somehow after walking around for a bit, we managed to find it within us to get bubble tea before we headed for the bus stop to go home. Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten the drink because I would presumably be slightly less broke if I had just gone home instead. Oh well, what’s done is done. No use crying over spilt milk.
------------------------------ RANDOM PHOTOS
 Little Class Project that we had embarked on to help the YFC people.
 Something very amusing that we ran into at Bedok. Hope you all can see the words.
 Very cute right?!
farcical-rants - 12:12 pm - Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Another Temporary Breather
I feel free again. Haha. Another jam-packed week is over. Actually it’s sad to think that we live life by the week, enjoying the short term relief and happiness every now and than, before returning back to rushing through another week just to await the sweet escape of the weekends. But I don’t really care right now because I’m too tired to think. Haha, I shall just blog and let whatever resides in my grey matter to just spew out.
More setbacks of being obese are showing. My knee is starting to throb rather badly after most training sessions. I’ve new found respect for people who have the willpower to push through hardship and rise to the occasion. I guess what Nicole said is true, to an extent. That is sometimes I get jealous of people with things I lack/want, and we end up just making whatever they do sound bad or negative. Like mugging if you will, or being overly passionate/borderline obsessive with something. Sometimes I push myself during training, sometimes I feel like giving up. It’s really mentally draining to have to make the extra mental effort just to push yourself to keep up with the rest. Just to keep up mind you.
Anyway, I will most probably see a sinseh tomorrow to get my knee “fixed” (if you will) and I’ll probably end up missing a week’s worth of training. Slightly wary of skipping training at first, but I don’t think I should really let that stop me from trying to get my knee “fixed”. I need more backbone, if only there was like some pill to take that empowers you with the ability to ignore what others think of you. Haha, I’m so idealistic sometimes I could just slap myself.
Thursday and Friday were horrible.
I was starved for nine straight periods because my first break was taken up by T42 with Mr. Teo. I don’t really like it when teachers preach, but somehow Mr. Teo managed to do it in a not so annoying way which I didn’t mind. Training ended especially late at night and it was the first training with the new coach around. To be frank, I’m intimidated. Partly because I believe the line between the good and bad will be drawn even more clearly, and partly because I feel an added pressure to do even better. My performance during training was incorrigible. And to think I was trying to make a good first impression, to make known that I’m not that lousy for a beginner. Haha, here’s the excuse rearing its ugly head again. In any case, the attempt to impress failed. Every spike and receive was so shitty I could flush it down the toilet. It was really demoralising. Oh well, I’ll find some way to pick myself up.
Don’t really know why, but this is starting to become a terrible obsession. Bah, I shan’t think of a way to deal with it just yet.
Reached home really late and really tired. I lied down to rest at ten and got up at around 3.30pm to 4.00pm in the morning to study SS test, which was on economics. I was surprised I didn’t pass out when I got to school and managed to survive my way through the first 5 periods. Didn’t really pay much attention during L.A because my attention was more focused on the bloody test.
I skipped electives on Friday to prepare for the national day video. Hopefully it won’t be that embarrassing when it airs in the hall on Tuesday. Be kind with your poison tongues people. Haha. One sport, captain’s ball, after school was even more stressful than the SS test. I would have rather another test than to umpire 4 matches, in which 3 involved Phoenix. Must have really pissed a lot of people off with my umpiring, but I forgot all about it after the matches were all over. Hopefully people won’t be that petty to hold grudges. Haha, the irony of me saying this. (Ignore the bad grammar.)
Today started off with a four hour long Chinese paper in the morning. Prelims for our Higher Chinese O Level if you will, I’m relatively confident of passing. Hopefully I will do well for my composition, which I felt was one of my better ones. Of course, I suppose I shouldn’t expect much seeing as how my Chinese standard is so low. Lol. Dined at parkway before returning home to catch some sleep. The test started at 8.00am just to add some context and I slept at 12.00 the night before.
The day passed by really quickly and when I woke up, it was already 5.00 plus. Showered and got changed before meeting Audrey, Yvonne and YY at tampinese to take a train down to Bugis for dinner. Wasn’t informed about the class dinner, but I guess they assumed I knew or something. Oo. Ended up eating at Pasta Mania and I swear, I’m never again eating the vegetarian pastas or any stirred fried pastas for that matter. The layer of oil at the bottom was just scary and I should really adjust my eating habits because it only occurred to me how unhealthily I’ve been eating recently.
The play was good in my opinion. Actually all the plays that I went to were generally enjoyable. Haha, perhaps it’s because I don’t have the level of anticipation that others may have before a play, so I go in with no expectations whatsoever and end up being able to enjoy the play. It ended fairly late and I was glad that I had good sense to nap before going out.
 Argh, it's rather small here. But i like this class photo. (:
I’ve grown to really hate going home alone. I prefer going home with a companion because it makes the trip pass by faster. Which was why I was really thankful that Aaron was around to go home with me after the play.
On a side note, I’m not going to remove the previous post even though it may have raised certain questions and issues. I’m finding it quite hard to type out what’s in my head so I think I better play it safe and not say anything at all. Bottom line, it’s not about anyone you (for those who visit) will know. Yup and it's really up to you all to taky my word or not because I don't think I going to spend time to convince you all about something I've already said.
Ps. I can't wait for National Day Week and I'm still waiting for Jason to come online to send me pictures that were taken on One Sport Day !!!
farcical-rants - 1:21 am - Sunday, August 06, 2006
Can't Break My Spirit
[[ If you think that this is about you, it just may be. But don't ask me who it is, I ain't saying. Circumstances present have forced me to be politically correct, if not I may stand to lose out in the long run. Have to play my cards right you know. And the chances of the entry being about you is very small, since the one I'm referring too doesn't come here anyway. So don't be too paranoid. ]]
This is so maddening. What do you think you are trying to do? Break my spirit? So that it will be easier for your beloved to gain what you want for those you favour more than the rest? Screw you! I won’t make it that easy for you to get things done your way. It will be just so unfair to me. And come to think of it, many others whom you simply disregard just because of your bias train of thought.
My passion may have wavered, but I’ve got news for you buster, your plans backfired. I will work even harder now to prove to you and all other doubters wrong. I just pray that now with someone else overseeing everything else, there will be a greater level of even-handedness when things are being carried out. But than again, I have very little say, actually no say at all, in whatever happens.
Sheer willpower and a little bit of luck is what I need to attain my goal. Fuck, I’m still pissed at the transparent flaunt of preferential treatment. Trust me, I will not react well if injustice is carried forth. Just you wait and see. If extreme measures are called for, I won’t even bat an eyelid to respond. ARGH!!!
Than again, I may just be too sensitive and over reading what has been said, but sheesh, I’m scarcely wrong about stuff like this. Damn, I must be suffering from some mental block due to all the rage. I can’t seem to express myself coherently. This is hard. I shall end here. May possibly update when I’ve sort my thoughts? Highly doubtful in view of the fact that I will most likely get over it when I get up the next day. Who knows?
farcical-rants - 11:46 pm - Wednesday, August 02, 2006