Exam Blues
 Studying for the exams is like a fight against myself...
It’s late so I won’t blog much. The exams are drawing even nearer, our practical starting next Friday if you want to get technical. Stress level slowly creeping up, but I am not going to snap anytime soon. Been trying to mug, but there’s still a lot left. Finishing biology, started on bits and pieces of the sciences, and I’ve language arts and mathematics to start. Argh!!!
 Mass mugging.
 Sleep Deprivation.
Lessons have been basically just last minute wrap ups of ip2 topics. Isn’t it ironic that the teachers keep telling us about time management when they themselves don’t seem to manage time very well. Like leaving topics to be finished two weeks before the exam? Or rushing to mark finish our papers when they know how many classes they are taking and ultimately having to not mark some of the papers we put in effort to do, but isn’t reflected in our results to hopefully pull up our average. That was a long sentence.
Interesting things that have occurred over the pass few days.
We had a language art lesson over MSN yesterday with Mrs Jay. It worked out better than I had expected, of course without a teacher around, someone or some people felt the need to step up and take over, which I’m perfectly fine with, really.

There was a dead lizard on our door today and it suffered quite a tragic death. It died when someone closed the door and squashed it between the door and the door frame.

Attempts to de-stress have been popping up around.
 Insanity whilst studying at T28 after electives.
 Shot of scary bus-stop advertisement. The stuff dangling from her nose is chewing gum. Somehow makes the picture morbid doesn't it, like nose bleeding, grinning freak.
 Drawing of nearly a hundred tortoises on the white board.
It's so frustrating! I can't seem to find any place that sells formal vests!!! I went to metro, G2000, Isetan and Topman and they all seem to only carry shirts and/or blazers. Rarh, the sad reality is that the only place that I can find them is at Orchard, which is way over my budget. I guess I'll have to do without them. :( I shall end here and try to wrap up social studies by tomorrow afternoon, before I start on language arts. Woo hoo…
farcical-rants - 12:12 am - Saturday, September 23, 2006
I Need Retail Therapy !!!

Haha, wonders of wonders, I have actually filed finish all my worksheets! The content for this year, I would say, is significantly lesser than last years, especially for language arts and social studies. I hope that’s a good thing. Been studying, but not really the hardcore studying I’m sure is happening with the people around me. Bugger, I should be studying now. Whatever, I’ll do globalisation notes after I’m done blogging.

The first week of this term definitely needs some adjusting too. I’ve been reaching home earlier since there aren’t any more CCA commitments. However, my sleeping pattern is off the rocker. I’m sleeping from like 5.30pm to 7.00pm everyday and waking up to have dinner, watch some television and attempt to study. This all lasts till approximately 1.00am or 2.00am in the morning before I blank out and sleep till it’s time to go to school.
Been out and about actually, I went to Tampinese Mall on Monday to make Yvonne’s new pair of spectacles. We must have given the optician a migraine with our fickle mindedness in picking out the right pair of spectacles for Yvonne. After about nearly an hour of deliberation, we settled on what we called the “Edna Mode” spectacles, which if you think about it now, bares similar resemblance to the pair that Isabelle owns.
 This pair was first runner up.
 The pair she got! It's the "Edna Mode" Pair.
 Personally, I think this looks the best on her. Haha.
Actually stayed back to play tennis after p.e on Tuesday and went to parkway for dinner after that. I don’t suppose it was the best thing to do but I managed to reach home before 8.30pm. However, that proved to be pointless because I watched the good ol’tube till about 11.30pm and dozed off.

Today was a really awful day for me. My contacts tore in the very beginning of the day and I had to go with one eye blur for the entire day. I tried to cover the eye with no contacts in it, but I just made myself dizzier. The whole contacts fiasco totally threw my focus out of proportion and I was rather inattentive the whole day. I paid minimal attention during language arts, making a few notes once in a while on my paper and drawing weird childish stuff like bees and flowers and grass when I just couldn’t be bothered to make the effort to listen to her. See what a torn contact lens has done to me!? Rarh. Felt so much better after I got home and finally put on my pair of spectacles.

Singapore idol got depressing. Jasmine Tye is out and that means the idols won’t be coming to VJC tomorrow to film some bits for their show. I was really looking forward to it, taking photos with them like deranged fanatic fans and getting their autographs even though I’ve never really been a hardcore fan of any Singapore idol contestant. I was rooting for Jonathan and Jasmine to get in, but it seems that some greater power has decided to not let that happen. Do you realise that not one female has made it to the finals in Singapore idol yet? Oh well, I suppose Jasmine has a lot to be proud of, being the female contestant to make it the furthest in the competition and being one of the top three. But how sad, her picture won’t be featured in 8 days and I weekly because she got booted out. I believe we all kind of saw it coming, especially with her terrible choice of song yesterday. Who chooses to sing “Some Hearts”? Even when Carrie Underwood sang it, it was awful. She must have dug her own grave and buried herself with that song.
Sighs* I’d better go back to studying now. I detest EOYs. Its okay, let’s all suck in our gut and just bare with the exam blues for two more weeks people. Once it’s over, we can let our hair done and paint the town red.
farcical-rants - 10:41 pm - Thursday, September 14, 2006
Obessions# version [god knows what]
Bah, so much for studying today. I woke up to an empty table with no breakfast. All thanks to my dad, long story so I shall not be bothered to elaborate. I swear I will not be like him when I grow up. They say you become your parents when you grow up, I’d rather be my mom any day. Even though she may bitch around every now and then, I still love her. (:
Staring at my biology notes for half an hour proved to be futile. Nothing was going in and I was stuck on the same chapter for the longest time. I shall make a promise to myself now, that I will study at least an hour everyday till the end of EOYS. I SWEAR I will keep this promise. ><’’ Right now I am too languid to do anything but let my fingers do the work while I mindlessly watch Charlie Angels Full Throttle on channel 5. It must be the umpteenth time I’m watching this movie. I borrowed the DVD from Aaron and being the eccentric person that I am, I watched the show over and over again throughout the course of the September holidays. They were a good source of entertainment at night while the novelty of the show lasted. Sighs, instead of getting down to filing all my worksheet, here I am wallowing about the exams. I seriously despise it. I just can’t wait for the exams to come and go. I grow sicker of school as I age. Hopefully this will change next year when I’m studying stuff that I have interest in, unlike now where I’m taking preposterous subjects like mother tongue and chemistry!!! Biology is riveting, but it is way too tedious for my liking. ARGH! If the holidays come tomorrow, it still won’t be soon enough. Schools starting tomorrow, somehow the week seemed to just fly by. Well, at least there’s going to be Oprah tomorrow. I’ve seriously addicted to the show. The woman is 50 plus years old, yet she still sees the need to do her part for people in need. Apparently she is the first black woman billionaire, how about that? I was wondering about what Yu Hui said, about Oprah seeing the need to tell the world of the good deeds she’s doing. Perhaps she is showing everyone what the donations are being used to do, and making them feel good when they see how they’ve help in some way or another to put a smile on the faces of those less fortunate?
 *click the photo to go to her website
Damn, now that I got started on Oprah, I’m reminded about my note to self to blog about my obsessions. Haha, well at least this is making me feel slightly better. The Sims2, I just played it in the afternoon. There’s probably already a post about the game somewhere in my archives. But I seem to have fallen in love with the game all over again. Haha, it may be due to the fact that I went cold turkey with the game months ago, or maybe the game started to function properly and became less lag, making it more fun to play. I’ve something with alien Sims and trying to get them all pregnant to pass on their green skin genes. Oh and for all players of Sims2, I found Bella Goth!!! Haha, somehow she wandered into my house as a visitor and I jumped to greet her. Currently, the eldest daughter is trying to convince Bella to move in. Haha, wonder what her memory will be like. Moving on. MUDPIES!!! Haha, I thought of making it a goal for this year to visit all the shops in Singapore that sell this wonderful dessert and sampling all of them. However, after my conversation with Darren via MSN, I realised that there are more places selling MUDPIES than I had initially thought. So it may be quite difficult to actually achieve this goal, especially if I consider my financial status. Oh, and with the new season of America’s Next Top Model showing on channel 5, my obsession for the show has started again. 

I actually went to find out who the winner of the show was. My better judgement causes me not to reveal who won because I know how annoying it can be when you find out the winner even though you don’t want to know, spoiling the whole experience of watching the show for you. But for the record, I like Jade and Nnenna.

No surprise that the hill-billy was the first to get booted out. Jade may be over confident and over bearing and over the top sometimes, but I still like her whole exotic look.
Ok, the nagging feeling is coming back, I’m off to attempt to file those worksheets.
farcical-rants - 8:43 pm - Sunday, September 10, 2006
Family Tree & September Holidays 2006
I feel so god damn drained right now. Not physically drained, but mentally drained. I had intended to blog earlier actually, but somehow cable access led to a string of events and I ended up having to do SL before typing out this entry. However, I still felt the need to blog because I’ve been somewhat neglecting my blog for a prolong period of time. Blame it on Sims2, somehow I got hooked on the game again and have been playing it almost twice everyday. Tonight, I have chosen to put aside the game and make time to blog, lest stuff start to pile up and I will overdo and entry by making it five pages long or something. Oo.

Family tree seemed to have taken place ages ago. The Steve Irwin accident took precedence and after searching for information on what really took place, I was too indolent to continue blogging about family tree. It was an okay day I suppose, not as big a disappointment as I had thought it to be. Than again, with no expectations whatsoever, how could there be disappointment? My prediction was right, hardly anyone turned up. Not counting the number of VJC students and staffs who had brought their families down of course. I think the number of people who visited the volleyball booth was less than a hand few? Well, at least the school air conditioned the hall, I’m thankful for that. I crawled out of home at 6.30am in the morning because my mother was dropping me off at bedok to take a bus to school. I would be awfully early if I had taken the bus immediately from the interchange, but it would be the same either way if I took a bus from home because I would have to get up at the same time. Instead, I took the opportunity to wander around bedok and got myself breakfast before heading to school. Ate in the house den and slept for a bit before making my way to the hall to idle.

The highlight of the day would probably be the six dollar ride at the car park near the tree house. I must admit that I didn’t think it would be fun at first, but after getting on, I didn’t want to get off.

Haha. Another memorable event would be the dunking of Foo. Haha, that was fun to watch.
Left while the school was doing mass dance and made my way to parkway with Audrey, Yvonne and Amanda to have lunch.
This September school holidays have proven to be relatively different from my normal school holidays. First of all, my regime for the week was totally the opposite of what I would plan for other holidays. I might have possibly turned into a partial hermit for a week. To clarify, I define being a hermit by not doing anything social like going out to meet up etc. Went out with Yi Xiang and Aaron on Monday to watch Love Wrecked at Tampinese Mall. It was a nice show, but I would have rather watched the Break up/Devil wears prada/Monster house. I spent Tuesday rotting in school, trying to wrap up RM and went home to end up sleeping till dinner time. Blame it on the fact that I live an hour away from VJ and have to wake up even earlier to get ready to go to school. I spend Wednesday at Aaron’s studying. Thursday was a bit of alone time spent in front of the television with my favourite snacks by my side.
Spend Friday morning going through a bit more of biology before giving in to the temptation of playing Sims in the afternoon. Met up with everyone else in the evening, the first time throughout the whole week if I may add, for dinner at New York New York at City Link Mall. Something must have possessed us to go to such a place for dinner, seeing as how our usual haunts are places like fast-food restaurants and food courts, I guess its high time for a change? Haha. We split the appetisers and desserts amongst ourselves and left the main course for each individual to settle themselves. I shared a whole spring chicken with Yvonne, not really very tasty if you ask me. The desserts were heavenly though, I especially love the weird mango strawberry sundae and the MUDPIE!!!

Spent the day at Aaron’s again today, swimming with him and Darren in the afternoon and playing tennis with an additional Audrey in the evening. Haha, I would say that it was a good workout, but all the Pringles and soft drinks probably made all the exercise useless. Haha. Hopefully I came out of the pool more tanned though. Lol. *Well at least there wasn’t an oil spill, thank god for that.
My eye bags seem to be getting worse but I don’t feel tired for some reason. I slept at like 3.30am yesterday and woke up at 9.00am today. I really should have slept at 5.00am, since Oprah was going to be on 4.00 to 5.00. Bah, something else I’m addicted to, Oprah. Haha, loves that show, but I shall leave the dedicated post to my obsession for some other day. I shall have to study some more tomorrow, sheesh, I’ve only started on biology and have yet to file the other subjects!!! Eeks ><’’
*Note to self, have post on obession with Oprah, Sims2 and Mud pies when free. Haha.
farcical-rants - 12:22 am -
Impacted lost* Steve Irwin, R.I.P
Excerpt of Wikipedia.
On 4 September 2006, Irwin was fatally pierced in the chest by a stingray barb, while diving off Queensland's Great Barrier Reef. He had been filming a segment for his daughter Bindi's upcoming television series. Irwin was in the area filming his own documentary, to be called Ocean's Deadliest, but weather had stalled filming. Irwin decided to take the opportunity to film some shallow water shots for his daughter's programme.The BBC reported that this was only the second known fatality in Australian history from a stingray attack, while The Age lists it as the third.
Shortly after 11:00 a.m. local time (01:00 UTC), Irwin was filming off the shores of Low Isles, Queensland, near Port Douglas and north of Cairns, where he was stung either through his heart, or through the left side of his chest. After he was stung, emergency services were called from Cairns Rescue Base and met Croc One, Irwin’s rescue vessel at Low Isle on the Great Barrier Reef. The Croc One crew performed constant CPR during the thirty-minute dash to Low Isle. The Queensland Rescue Helicopter responded, taking him to Cairns Base Hospital, where Irwin was pronounced dead on arrival at noon. The Queensland Police Service notified his family and released a statement for the media concerning his death. News of his death prompted a public outpouring expressing shock and loss. Several Australian news websites went down due to high web traffic and talk-back radio experienced a high volume of callers expressing their grief , commemorating his passion and exuberance. Prime Minister John Howard, among many other politicians, expressed his "shock and distress" at the death, saying that "Australia has lost a wonderful and colourful son.” Steve Irwin's body was flown to a morgue in Cairns, where stunned family and friends were gathering on Monday night. His wife Terri was told of her husband's death while on a walking tour in Tasmania, and returned to the Sunshine Coast with their two children.

I am still in disbelief after I first heard the news. I believe I initially came across it in the morning while watching cable. It was probably on one of the paid channels and was flashed during one of the commercials. Didn’t really pay attention to it at first, I just knew that something related to Steve Irwin had took place. I feel saddened over this, even though I don’t even know the guy. I wonder what it must be like for his wife and kids, especially his son, who’s only three years old. Imagine growing up, unable to recollect your dad, who was and is allegedly one of the greater men in Australia and perhaps even the world. Sighs, life can be so unfair sometimes. At least he died doing something he loved.
Visit this link "Steve, from all God's creatures, thank you. Rest in peace"
farcical-rants - 11:42 pm - Monday, September 04, 2006