Amuse me
Went shopping at Queenstown today with my parents. Or was it Queensway? Whatever. Anyway bought myself a pair of bermudas, a hat, a new pair of court shoes and a new belt! Haha, nothing really interesting to blog about, I'm just bored. In the meantime, I shall amuse myself with the quiz.
30 Questions that are rarely asked
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?Oh dear. Fat neck, yellow crooked teeth and pimples galore.
2. When is the next time you will have sex? After I lose my virginity.
3. What’s a word that rhymes with “DOOR”? Whores.
4. Favorite planet? Earth?
5. Who is the 3rd person on your missed call list on your mobile? Mr. Teo -.-'' .
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? Haha, my sms ring tone. Because it’s unique!
7. What shirt are you wearing? Some plain old home tee that has a rip over the chest area.
8. Do you “label” yourself? I’m blunt, cold-hearted, obese bitch. I’m also super psychic and logical. Haha.
9. Name the brand of shoes you’re currently wearing? I’m barefooted now. Haha, but I just bought a new pair of addidas court shoes today.
10. Bright or dark room? Dark, only my table lamp is switched on.
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey? Who me? Or the person I took this from? Haha. Nicole is cy-Nicole and trying-to-do-all-things-that-makes-her-a-nice-person girl.
12. Take a break, have a kit-kat! Cannot, must lose weight.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Chatting over a mass conversation online.
14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? That Aaron was going to his grandma’s place and was complaining about how the Chinese fan wen put him to sleep for 4 hours.
15. Where is your letter box? Near the main gate, bellow the light that illuminates the garden.
16. What’s a word that you say a lot? Excellent. I’m a positive person you see.
17. Who told you he/she loved you last? My mother?
18. Last furry thing you touched? Hmm, does my blanket count? If it has to be a live animal, than I would say probably my aunt’s dog.
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? None.
21. Favorite age you have been so far? 14, I was remotely thin than and studies weren’t that tedious yet.
22. Your worst enemy? Haha, my willpower.
23. What is your current desktop picture?

24. What was the last thing you said to someone? It’s closed la! (Contextual information, My mom asked if my windows were closed.)
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you do? I’d choose the ability to fly for a number of reasons. I had wasting time traveling, so flying will help solve that. I could probably earn the million bucks flying people around and at the same time, it would be good exercise. Haha.
26. Do you like someone? I like everyone! Feel the love!
27. Are you dating them? I'm infinity-timing everyone!
28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet for them? Ya, my mom would do the same for me.
29. If you could punch one person in the face who’s in your life right now, who would it be? Hoho, for censorship and politics sake, I can’t say.
30. What is the closest object to your left foot? My pillow. Haha.
farcical-rants - 8:00 pm - Sunday, October 29, 2006
Prom Clothes Shopping
I’m exhausted. I have been out the whole day with my mom shopping and my feet are throbbing. Shopping just isn’t the same when you are out with your mom. I went with her to bugis today to shop for prom. My initial plan was just to hit the stores where I had seen some designs that I liked, purchased them and call it a day. However, my mom had other plans in mind. She was looking at shoes and bags, which I am perfectly fine with if I may add. But after looking at them for nearly an hour, it does get tiring.
The nice, and may I add inexpensive, shirts at Topshop didn’t carry my size. The biggest size they had, in all of Singapore, was a size M. And how do I know this? Because my mom made the sales lady call all their outlets to check, haha. Apparently G2000 carries vest now. I saw it on the rack when I walked into the store and browsed through their shirts. However, I realised that it really does look a lot like a waiter so I stuck to my decision to not buy it.
We were getting hungry so we went to Delifrance to have lunch first, before hitting the shops again. It just occurred to me today that Delifrance is actually affordable. Haha, I always thought that the cheapest meal there was at least $15. I wanted to use the 10% Giordano discounts that I had from open house, however, the Giordano at Bugis had closed down.
It was getting late and my mom had a doctor’s appointment at Tampinese, so we took a train down and continued shopping there. We went to TM’s G2000 to shop for pants. I choose a pair of frog mouth pants and was trying them on when I realised that size 36 was rather snug for me. Not to my utter amazement, the largest size that the catered to was a size 36. Why am I not surprised that they wouldn’t have clothes for fat people? It seems that more shops are catering to only toothpick sized people. Sighs, it makes shopping for enormous people like me really hard.
Seeing the circumstances, I was semi forced to get the more snug pair of pants. But my mom wouldn’t have it. She feared that I will continue to expand sideways and insisted I get something that required me to wear a belt. So she went around the shop and looked around before she found a few pair of pants which had size 38. Excellent, my waist breathed more easily after trying those on instead. Haha, my mom decided to take advantage of the fact that our dad had passed us his credit card to shop for the day. She bought me two more shirts from the place and a pair of jeans. The shade of pants I wanted wasn’t in stock in the shop so it would take a few days for them to send it over. It would than take another few days for them to alter the length before I would finally get it. They estimated an average of about 11 days before the process is complete. It was cutting the deadline a bit short because prom is just 16 days away. I guess its times like this having a kiasu mother pays off. She started using her skills in shopping to pressurize the poor sales guy into making sure that the pants are ready by the tenth lest she gives him hell.
We went to Isetan to look around for shirts. My original plan for prom was to dress full black. Yet, after looking around, I realised that there weren’t many nice black shirts for sale. Instead, a nice white coloured shirt caught my eye and I bought that in the end. Somehow typing it all out doesn’t make it seem that tiring. But my shopping with my mom is definitely tiring. She is someone who must make sure she combs the entire shopping complex and finds the cheapest deal possible before she makes a purchase. And she walks so slowly that I have to take teeny tiny steps so that I won’t lose her in the crowd and waste time locating her. The whole process was excruciating, but I guess coming home with my shopping for prom settled is somewhat satisfying.
I just realised something too. You know how I’ve always said places like Neoprint shops and bubble tea shops are sexist for hiring on female workers? It seems that Best Denki only hires males to be sales assistant. I found out when I went to buy a new pair of ear phones today.
Hopefully the pants will be ready in time. If not, I’m screwed.
farcical-rants - 9:40 pm - Saturday, October 28, 2006
2 Years of IP, OVER! =/
I was reading Gary’s blog and I feel the need to comment about something. I don’t really know if he still comes here to read or anything, but I don’t think it’s really fair to blame the departure of two of the volleyball team-mates as being nonchalant to their respect to the sport and their passion. I mean like, congrats that he and whoever is left in the team still has the passion and respect for the sport, but give the other two of them a break. This respect and passion has to be achieved through certain means you know. I mean like the other two weren’t as lucky to have his flock of VS buddies around to help make the process of assimilating into a new team easier. If of course you would consider this assimilating into a team with more than half coming from your original team. And all that talk about persevering the faith and belief in the teams capability for more? I highly doubt that the two who left ever had the faith and belief to begin with, and do you know the reason why? It’s because they never freaking felt part of the team. Same goes with that statement about being taught to strive and not yield as one TEAM? He’s right I suppose, this will definitely be a chance for them to be even more bonded than ever, what with Ke Jun being the only none VS guy left, it’s practically back to their team back in secondary school. Maybe I’m wrong about all this, and hopefully I’m wrong, but I’m just speaking with whatever contextual knowledge I have of the situation. Hell, I doubt if Darren and I are still considered part of the team. I think whatever faith and belief I have for the team was thanks to Darren for being sort of my middle man to the rest. I still consider myself part of the team, but if they've decided to "kick" Dar and I out, I guess I can't really blame them. You know, I really blame CES for all this in the end. I feel that he was the one who drew the line very clearly to begin with, classifying the good and the horrendous. Bah, thinking of him makes my blood boil. Oh well, somehow I felt the need to give my two cents worth, even though it probably doesn't matter much.
Training with Swiss is better I suppose, but it’s not that great too. I’m full of complaints I tell you. But it gets really annoying having to treat him like he is god, having to ask permission if we want to use the phone, if we want to drink water etc. I mean like come on, he’s human, like everyone else. And of course, there’s irritating person on the team whom I shall not mention, just as a form of self censorship, although I’m certain it’s very obvious. Okay, I’m ranting. Moving on.
My results suck. Haha, I have 2 Ds and 4Cs. Excellent isn’t it, I’m just hoping that I won’t get retained. My biggest headache right now is what combination to take next year. If I do get retained, I guess I will much rather be transferred to any polytechnic. Oh well, we’ll see. Hope for the best and expect the worse. Chinese is really getting on my nerve, I’m just waiting to see what the bitch intends to do to me if I don’t hand in any of her fucking work. She can burn in hell I tell you, the worse teacher I’ve had after the cock and LBA. These are the top three on my list of teachers I want to pound.
There was another farewell assembly yesterday, but it was for Mrs. Chan. I suppose the most entertaining part was the photo slideshow and the performance by the staff. Haha, I’m rather indifferent about her departure because she never really did anything that impacted me much.
 We get bored during assemblies, take note of the stranger on the bottom right of the picture. Haha, she was shot because of bad aiming on Louis' part.
 Performance by the staff.
It hasn’t really sunken in yet that IP is over. Maybe because there was no big hoo ha to help send us off to JC life. The only thing that was done for us was the really sweet thing that Mrs. Jay did. She chased us all out of class during break and got Timo and Jom to help her put lighted candles on everyone’s table with a personalised message and a notebook given by her. I think it was really nice of her to do that. She even got us two cakes and a bag of potato chip per table.

Maybe things will start to sink in more during the class party and prom. I’m in charge of making mashed potatoes! Haha, oh and speaking of prom, I found my vest!!! There’s this tailor shop around tampinese library that makes vest!!! Haha.
Major cam whoring in session yesterday, with at least five people bringing their digital cameras to school. V12 definitely ended IP life with a lasting memory for the teachers. We broke the first hexagonal table in IP history. It happened during the process of cam whoring when too many people piled on top of an already wobbly table. Just to add, I wasn’t one of the people piling on top of the table.
 Incriminating Evidence!!!
 Matt Ho, Me, Foo, Si Hui.
 [Clockwise] Matt Ho, Foo, Me, Ben, Louis.
 Zhang Yang, Foo and I.
 Si Hui and I.
 Si Hui's dream to be taller than Ben and I.
 Can you spot the difference between the first and second picture? Haha.
 Clara and I.
 Timo and I.
Elective was sort of a wet blanket because ours was scheduled at four thirty… Than of course, there was the idiotic higher Chinese mock paper. Why did all of these have to take place on the last day of school, where Mrs Chan gave us full day off?! Oh well, at least the paper is over and electives went well. Now I have to do the essay and wait for O’level to be over before I can be truly free! Haha. There’s nothing really much left to blog, the week has been quite boring. There was a rather interesting documentary on Channel News Asia just now though. It featured the process of making bras and how our noses control our lives, ranging from things like inhalation to sexual arouse-ment.
I hope there will be something interesting planned to do for the two day holidays. Rawr!
farcical-rants - 10:18 pm - Saturday, October 21, 2006
VJ Open House 2006

Screw Indoneisa, the bloody haze is killing me.
I’m still struggling to adjust to the post exam period. What is wrong with me? Haha, I know that before the exam I was telling myself to work hard so that after the EOYs, I will be able to enjoy my freedom more. However, I still keep waking up every morning thinking that there’s something important to read up or that I have to sit for some paper that day. Maybe it’s because I could have worked harder for EOYs, but whatever. Haha.
I’ve sort of started my swimming plan, which is to go swimming as much as possible before prom. Haha, but of course I’ve only done so twice. However, I think I did a fairly good job in just two days, haha, a total of about thirty to thirty five laps. ><’’ okay, it may be considered little to some, but I’m working on it. There was training on Thursday with the girls. Haha, the whore is starting to really annoy me. Life must be really sad for her, but whatever comes around goes around. Now her spot in next year’s main team is being jeopardized and she is pissed. Haha, I hope she will be benched next year!!! That will serve her right and teach her a lesson. The house committee performance on Friday’s farewell assembly was by far the best skit I have ever seen them put together. Haha, I think farewell assembly was successful; at least it was definitely amusing for me. The two emcees, who I swear to god I’ve never ever seen before in VJ, were actually very entertaining. When they first walked out with those ridiculous masks, I had my reservations. However, they managed to think quickly on their toes and I guess using power ranger and batman is something new. The dance by the teachers left me laughing so hard that I had stitches even after walking out of the hall. I am so thankful that there weren’t any horrible bands standing on stage as they attempt to “jam”. My aversion to mass dances have been growing, I think the last time I got involved in any mass dance was during Chinese New Year celebration or this years orientation. A few of us went to Kampong Arang first because we decided not to wait for the V14 people, the SC and the CT in school. Ate at KFC for the second time in the same week and chatted the time away until the V14 people came. We took a bus to Amanda’s house after we were done to meet Nicole. I guess I can say that we had fun at Amanda’s house, playing all her interesting computer games and baking brownies. The only setback was her sister. Well, the kid’s only nine, so I shan’t rant. I love brownies! Haha, I was so glad that we baked brownies, even though it was sinful to eat them after we had KFC for lunch.


Open house was yesterday. It was fun because house committee people got to dress us as pirates! I don’t have any pictures of us (yet) but I think we managed to get the look down, more or less. I used this years super hero orientation tee because I hated the design, so I turned it inside out, spray painted on it and started snipping away to get the frayed look.

Other stuff like sashes and toys were provided to further strengthen the look. Haha, I like events like this because they air condition the hall. There was also free ice cream!!! I think I ate like 5-7 cups of ice cream, but who’s counting. There was also 10% Giordano vouchers in the goody bag and some had $2 Mph vouchers. It was fun walking around when everything had ended to harvest all the vouchers, and lollipops. :) We didn’t have the beach volleyball court this year, I think the only reason we had it last year was because Wai Kin helped push for it. Went to bugis for dinner and of course, Yvonne went hazardous again.

ARGH, we are going to get back our papers tomorrow, someone pray for me.
farcical-rants - 6:57 pm - Sunday, October 15, 2006
IP2 EOYS closure
Hallelujah people, the IP2 EOYS are finally OVER!!! They are freaking over!!! Hurray! Hurrah! Argh! Whoopee!
Oh my god, the past week and more has been hell. I hate, detest, loathe, abhor, dislike, despise, and abominate EOYS! I have half a mind to burn all my EOY notes and do like some sort of mini celebration by dancing around the bonfire and screeching like an idiot. I officially screwed up some of my papers with the most careless mistakes ever possible. I can just start banging my head against the wall in disgust of my utter stupidity. However, I shall not let all this bother me right now, because the bigger, more significant picture is that, the EOYS are OVER! And even though, six months from now there will be JC1 midyears and a year from now there will be another round of EOYS or Promotional if you will, I shall let nothing bother me. Even though the papers will be returned next week and I will start to drown myself in depression, even though preparation for Higher Chinese O’level will start soon, even though our THIRD mock exam for Higher Chinese O’level is coming up, I shall NOT let anything rain on my parade.
I’m surprised that I am actually able to keep awake right now. My sleeping patterns have been off the chart, ranging from times like 1am to 6am to 1 am to 3am. I guess it depends on the type of paper I will be sitting for next day. Bah, I suppose that it’s probably because something in my body is keeping me awake to start enjoying the post exam period and not let myself waste precious time to play over sleeping.
It’s such a breathe of fresh air! Coming home with nothing to worry about for the next day, although right now I’m still not quite yet adjusted to not having to force myself to study something. The feelings relatively awkward but I am sure I will adjust to it over a day or two?
Nothing really much to blog about since the exams just ended about 8 hours ago. Celebrated immediately after the bloody physics paper by going for a buffet lunch and stuffing ourselves silly with all the black pepper beef and curry chicken. Seoul Garden never seemed more inviting. Haha.
 Mai Hum!!!
Played the Sims 2 just now and am planning to watch some television after I’m done awakening my blog from its long hibernation.
The most random pictures ever taken during the time span of the EOYS.
 Signs that I snapped along the way home or to somewhere for lunch.
 Greentea and Mango Mooncake that I had during the mid autumn festival which was overshadowed by the EOYS.
 The new design for those handicap buses. It's extremely spacious!!!
farcical-rants - 8:39 pm - Tuesday, October 10, 2006