Mondays come too soon
Okay, even though I should be at my desk conscientiously slogging away to clear up all my unfinished tutorials, I’ve decided to blog first before I get down to eventually doing my homework.
I assume that I’ve more or less caught up with all my overdue entries. I’m starting to dread going to school. Having to drag myself out of bed each morning, the process certainly isn’t getting any easier. Than there are the lectures, monotonous sleep inducing lectures. The subjects that I’m taking right now are just going to get harder, and that’s not a nice thought to have in the head every time I’m stoning during a particular lecture. I’m starting to feel the stress, like A11 being the humanities scholar class with all the really artsy IP people in there too. Literature is really distressing me, even though people are constantly saying that it’s manageable. I suppose it’s still too early to say anything.
Anyway, moving on to happier things to blog about, ITango had JTS on Friday at Yong Sheng’s house. I had ended lessons rather early that day, so I went to the igloo with few of my classmates and idled the time away. I think I’m still at a stage where things are still awkward once in a while when I’m around the A11 people. Like running out of things to say for example, haha, perhaps I don’t know much about the other party yet to find anything to talk about.
I went down to meet Yong Sheng after he finished school. Then the 2 of us went to find You Zhe and Chin Hao before we left school. I’m glad that the three of them aren’t obsessed bridge players because that allowed us to play asshole Dai Di until the rest of the crewlet arrived.
The original plan was to sing in the karaoke lounge, but no one brought DVDs to sing along to. So we went up to the third story to swim. However, we took so long to get our butts ready to swim that it started to rain. Oh, people still swam alright; it was just that they were freezing their asses off while doing so. AND, no one would listen to my logical line of reasoning when I told them to just get into the water before they got dunked. Only You Zhe was smart enough to heed my advice and he managed to keep his only spare shirt dry, unlike poor Moses who had to change into uniform shirt and VJC p.e shorts after he went to shower. As for me, I stayed away from the water to prevent any possibility of an oil spill on my part. Thankfully I had people’s cameras and hand-phones with me, so that eliminated any ideas of throwing me in with all their precious technology.
All of us hung out in the room that Yong Sheng had booked, stuffing our faces with pizza, calamari and chicken wings. At the same time, there was also major cam whoring going on. I think I have a thing for photographs, a new craze if you will.
.JPG) Normal shot. Look pretty everyone.
.JPG) Okay you can go nuts now.
.JPG) J1s!!!

 Li Hua's Forfeit.
.JPG) Moses' Forfeit.
 The host and I.
We left for supper at about 9.00 plus and met Kai Xiang on the way. I was more or less expressing my worry about joining house comm. to May Yee. The application form is coming out next week, which is tomorrow! Took a cab home with the east people and we had a hard time trying to flag a taxi. Of course it was nothing compared to the New Year’s Eve incident. I think flagging a cab in huge groups is detrimental to getting one fast, so I suggested only letting on person flag a cab and we managed to get a cab quite quickly after we walked to Katong mall.
The 05V12 people celebrated Si Hui’s 17th birthday, yesterday, at her house. Haha, I was truly appreciative of the venue because it allowed me to sleep for quite a bit when I came home from training and it saved me a hell-lot-of time from travelling.
We played cards while waiting for the majority to arrive. I either didn’t know or forgot that dinner was going to be steamboat, so it was a pleasant surprise for me. :) The only thing about Si Hui’s house is that she doesn’t have enough fans! Haha, so it was like reliving a sauna moment at Amanda’s house. Fortunately I was smart enough to hog the seat closest to the fan, so I stayed relatively cool throughout the course of dinner.
I enjoyed dinner a lot, what with all the random lame comments that people were making, the good company and the good food.
Haha the best statement of the night came from Tina. “Do you watch Yan can cook? Well I’m Yi Yan can cook!”
 Just like the one at YY's house.
 Me, Tina, Isabelle and Zong.
 Pause the game to take a photo!
 Haha, err.
Haha, Ben, Louis, Foo, Rach and I had a fun time playing 5 men speed/stress or whatever you want to call that game. The rules were bent so many times that I lost count and we wrecked havoc in Si Hui’s living room. Meanwhile, there were also a few people watching the Singapore versus Malaysia soccer semi finals on television. The rest of the group were still eating away, trying to conjure up some weird concoction in the soup.
We stayed until the soccer match ended, playing mah-jong and 21 at the same time. I can’t upload any pictures that we took as a group with the birthday cake because they are all with either Tina or Benjamin!!! I shall hound them for the photos soon.

Ugh, Monday’s always come too soon for me. The weekend isn’t long enough!!! (Ps. I need to slim down. Haha)
farcical-rants - 12:08 pm - Sunday, January 28, 2007
Back in touch with technology
Haha, I finally got back my internet connection.
Something happened to the modem and we had to get it changed. I felt so handicapped without my internet connection. But its back and I’ve gained a greater appreciation for my internet connection. x)
I am extremely tired right now, like seriously dying from lack of sleep. I’ve been reaching home relatively late, and even when I do get home early, I spent the time rushing last minute homework which is due on the next day. Haha, JC life is getting more and more hectic as the days go by, which isn’t a good thing by the way. This is supposed to be the honeymoon period, the first three months that is.
I can’t believe it has been two weeks since I last blogged. I feel so at lost with the cyber world, namely blogs, friendster and msn. But my fingers have been itching to blog since my modem started working again. So I’m like using every ounce of energy I have right now to stay up and blog.
My memory is seriously deteriorating so I remember the last week in bits and pieces. The more significant things that happened were the OG barbeque and Tina’s birthday celebration.
OG barbeque was on Friday and I hung out with busty and crazy at parkway before I left at four to meet my OG at Giant. It took a while, but we finally got everything on the list and headed towards East Coast Park. Things got quite worrying at first because it started to rain just as I was walking out of the toilet. Everybody was crowding at the Icarus pavilion because they wanted to wait for the rain to stop before working over to their barbeque pit.
Thankfully, the rain did indeed stop in the end. People got the fire started soon and it wasn’t long before we started to eat. I won’t say that people go to OG barbeques for the food. Haha, I would say that it’s more for the accompaniment. Honestly, I think the BBQ made everybody friendlier, like there was a sudden increase of people saying hi to one another. The best part of the whole thing would of course be the cam whoring.
 The 05 house comm seniors and I.
.JPG) Icarus ITango!
 Who's supposed to be feminine and who's the masculine one?
I spent Sunday with a few of the class people at Heeren, celebrating Tina’s 17th birthday. We went to Village to have lunch. Tina treated each of us $10 so the meal was relatively cheap. The meal was good, we sort of shared everything that we had bought and it was nice to catch up with the class people again.
 Do you think the Village cow/bull is Male or Female?
We cam whored and went walking around, window shopping if you will.

The best part was when we went to cineleisure to take NEOPRINTS. Haha, okay not exactly neoprints, but more like taking photos with our cameras in the neoprint machine. We got to dress up in costumes and I was a student from Hogwarts, haha.
Met up with Amanda, Yi Xiang and Darren after that to buy crazy’s present. Amanda left around dinner time and Yvonne came to join us. We had dinner at pepper lunch! Haha, I think I just might become addicted to the place.
The more significant events of this week would be my unfortunate fall, crazy’s birthday bash and OG JTS.
Honestly, the stairs at Tanah Merah are rigged or something. They are out to KILL me. I fell down the stairs for the second time in 2 weeks! How is that even possible? At first I thought that it had something to do with my lost of CG, but now I think that there may be something wrong with the steps, because I’m sure I ain’t that clumsy. Sliding down the steps with a fat lady going AIYOH really loudly isn’t the most glamorous thing to do. I almost slapped the lady too, trying to grab hold of something to prevent the awful slip.
Didn’t exactly land in the most comfortable of spots and I’ve a busted shin, sprained ankle and bruised butt. Actually, if it weren’t me who had fallen, I think I would have found the sight quite funny. Well, the injuries were rather minor, except the one on the shin. Damn, I’m taking the lift or escalator the next time I alight at Tanah Merah.
The group of us celebrated crazy’s birthday on Wednesday. We went to this place called Indulgz Bistro around late evening. It’s the restaurant that Xiaxue advertised on her blog. The food there was somewhat disappointing. The butterfish steak and cheese fondue wasn’t what I expected. The fondue was much too alcoholic, destroying any taste of the cheese. All I could taste was the red wine. But I would have to say that the chocolate fondue was probably the best dish we had there and of course the birthday cake that we had brought along.

Also, the owner of the place, I would assume since she’s the only waitress there not in uniform, wasn’t really friendly. I hate it when people pay lesser attention to teenagers because they assume we pay lesser than the adults.

I’ll blog about JTS something other time because it’s almost one in the morning already and I don’t want to oversleep and miss tomorrow’s training. There’s also Si Hui’s Birthday celebration tomorrow!!! x)
farcical-rants - 12:57 am - Saturday, January 27, 2007
Fickle Weather* Edited
Boo hoo today isn’t a very fine day. Today is the first time in the year that I had difficulty in crawling out of bed just to get ready for school. And because I was too lethargic in the morning, I decided not to wear contacts to school.
It’s a stupid mistake to wear spectacles to school because personally, I don’t like wearing spectacles. It’s not because of vanity; it’s more because when I wear spectacles, my face just somehow feels more oily and sweaty, like I developed an extra thick layer of sebum.
Today was filled with tutorials; the only lecture of the day was literature. Actually this isn’t a bad thing, haha. I don’t even want to think about tomorrow. Bah, Tuesdays are the worse. Tutorials seem more interesting than lectures and Miss Vanessa Seah, who wants to be known as Mrs Chua, is quite an entertaining econs tutor.
Mr Harris is hilarious. Haha, for the previous tutorial, we had a poem about faeces. Today was about AIDS, or as he had crudely put it, FUCK. I like his humour, even though it can be a bit sick at times. Like when he drew the swastika and added faces on it, haha.
Today’s weather was really unpredictable. I hate fickle weather. When we ended lessons, it was really sunny so we thought that we had the time to eat lunch before going home. However, when we were about to leave VJ, it started to rain. So we decided to take 55 instead and not cross the overhead bridge.
.jpg) Haha, you can see the number plate! Buy 4D if you want. How often does a bus get a flat tyre anyway?
Somehow, the bus got a flat tyre after it turned somewhere around Tao Nan. Another omen signifying that perhaps I won’t have much luck with transportation this year. The first omen was waiting for one and a half hours for a cab on New Year’s Day.
So we had to wait for two 55s before we managed to board another bus. The first 55 that came was too crowded for us to squeeze on. And the best part was that it stopped raining when the bus broke down, and started raining when I got off the MRT. Lethargy from earlier in the morning seemed to still be in me when I was on the way home, so I was too lazy to wait for a bus and ended up taking a cab instead.
I think I’m losing my center of gravity. Is it even possible to lose your CG? I fell down the steps at the MRT station today. Haha, the funny thing was that this woman went “Woops” behind me even though I was the one who slipped. I’m finding it hard to walk in a straight line and even when standing in the bus, I’m less stable as compared to the pass.
It’s like I’m moving like a drunkard even thought I’m sober mentally. Oo, maybe it’s a sign of obesity. Haha, I seem to link whatever strange disease or behavioural patterns I have with obesity. Hey, what do you expect, I’m no rocket scientist.
Well, I guess the day can’t get any worse now that I’m home. Unless of course I roll down the steps, fall off my bed or slip in the toilet etc. I need to find myself a four leaf clover.
Oh I realised something to blog about while munching on my oreo cookies just now. (Ugh, that’s 100 calories per cookie, but whatever.) I abhor people with bad breath. Or maybe it’s more like I abhor bad breath. I think generally I have very low tolerance for people who stink, be it body odour or bad breath. How hard is it to drink some water, pop a breath mint or 2 into your mouth or simply just brush your teeth every morning before you go to school?
I think I have a really sensitive nose because aside from unsightly arm pit hair, the rest of my pet peeves seem to circle around smells. Like smoking, body odour and bad breath. Maybe because I have such huge honkers on my face, the piggish nostrils probably make me more sensitive to smells than the average human being. Honestly, I think people should learn to practice personal hygiene. I choose not to point any fingers here because it’s barely the start of 2007 and I do not wish to step on anyone’s toes, YET.
My sarcastic, evil, cynical side will probably rear its ugly head soon enough. Then the true bitching will begin. Muahahaha.
farcical-rants - 5:11 pm - Monday, January 15, 2007
MATHS, the bane of my existence.
ARGH! Oh my god my maths sucks! I can’t even do the tutorials that were given out to us. It’s like I start on the first few questions and I hit a road block on the fourth question. And I’m not even sure if the first few questions were done correctly. This sucks because I don’t want to fail maths at the end of the year and end up having R-papers next year.
I don’t usually make resolutions, but I have two resolutions that I hope to achieve. One would be to actually do my maths tutorials without having to resort to copying answers. The next resolution would be to be able to do at least ONE miserable pull up by the end of the year? Haha, that’s not too impossible, right? But than again, I’m not one who has the willpower to actually follow through with my resolutions, so I can’t ensure anyone that any of these will come true.
Monday’s going to be a killer. It’s like 5 periods in a row before a single period break, and than it’s another 4 periods before I end school. Rah, what a stupid way to start the week, it’s no wonder people suffer from Monday Blues. Well, at least I end the week better than how I start it. Friday’s lessons are like 2 periods followed by a 3 period break, thanks to Chinese, than its 4 straight periods before I end school.
I think my plans to take a H3 subject has been more or less thrown out the window. I was considering H3 economics or H3 geography. But they both seem really difficult, and I’m not sure if I will be able to cope. There’s also a really high possibility of me dropping maths to H1 somewhere along the year. Hopefully I will be able to cope with H2 maths. Well, I guess it’s still early and I have quite a lot of time to decide. I’m just dreading the start of PW and dreading things like cross country and NAPFA.
The new principal has yet to give any half/full days off. And he is really starting to annoy the hell out of me with all this boring talks during morning assembly. So much for short sweet and SHARP, why the hell is he trying to make his talks/announcements sharp anyway? From what I see so far, I don’t really like the new principal. I wish we still had Mrs. Chan, she is probably way better than him.
This entry is rather dry. Oh well, what do you expect from being bored on a Saturday night and being unable to do my maths tutorial? I’ve been craving for sushi the past few days. Maybe there should be like a 24/7 sushi delivery set up for people like me. I NEED SUSHI!
farcical-rants - 10:14 pm - Saturday, January 13, 2007
Orientation 2007 [life as a J1]
YEAH! TGIF, because one, there’s no training today which means I can finally go home early. Secondly, I finally got down to buying my new bag, so much for buying the one from ZINC, i didn’t have to chance to go to ZINC so I ended up buying a bag from Addidas instead. Haha and the best thing is that it's RED! So thats a new pair of RED shoes and a new RED bag. Lastly, I finally get to blog about orientation and maybe other stuff if I have the time.
Orientation seemed like so long ago, even though I know that it was just last week. My classmates spent the morning lazing around in our classroom for the last time. It was quite sad watching our class get inhabited by a new batch of IP students and knowing that we weren’t be able to gather in our class every morning before assembly.
.jpg) LOVE <3

Initially I was glad that I was in IAGO because most of my class guys were in IAGO. However, I soon realised that my orientation was going to be miserable if I stayed with my OG. There were just people who I knew at once I couldn’t click with, and people who I knew at once I might kill if you leave me in a room with him or her. So I immediately left my group and went to join Rachel’s group after the IP assembly in the afternoon. Surprisingly, I felt guilty for leaving my group so I went back to join them after playing some games with Ayden. BIG mistake on my part, I was soon bored out of my wits and made the decision on the spot to find a new OG the next day.
So for the last three days of orientation, including Sea Regatta, I joined May Yee’s group, ITango, Icarus! Haha, I was lucky enough to have run into her on Thursday morning on the way to assembly.
Orientation was okay I guess. I know that learning mass dance was easy for most of the IP people, haha and we were actually able to enjoy mass dance instead of just standing around looking lost at which way to move. The games were somewhat different from what there was in the past 2 years of orientation, so I’m thankful for the change. I’m also thankful for the lack of the topless wet game that I managed to escape in the past 2 years. I think they should just create more wet games and less station games because it seems that most of the fun comes from the wet games.
I like this year’s skit! Oh and haha, I realise that OGLs do indeed cheer their OGL cheer very often during orientation. I didn’t really thought that it was a lot when it happened last year, maybe when you’re the one cheering it doesn’t seem like its a lot.
 Opening OG HEAD catwalk.
 Some strange game. Like we were suppose to move up and down with our hands in the air. And I was too lazy to go down so this guy behind me started to PUSH me down! Oo, weirdo.
 Haha, Foo!
Sea Regatta is hands down the best day of the orientation. I would have preferred though if people weren’t throwing sand. Water is fine, but sand is a bit dangerous. Someone actually threw sand into my face and it went into both my eyes. Grr, I managed to wash it off with the sea water, but my contacts ended up getting scratched. I got dunked a lot of times and I’m surprised that some people are actually able to keep count of how many times they got dunked. For me, I wasn’t really dunked, because they sort of just pushed me or dragged me into the water. No one was stupid enough to attempt to lift me, haha.
Mass dance at suntec was fun too! Thank god it didn’t rain this year, but I swear, mass dancing can work up a sweat. Haha, and everyone should learn the Chinese version of YO VJC! I went for OG lunch and had class dinner, so technically right now I’m pretty broke.

 Mass Dance!
 Don't ask me why, but my hand was just there in the photo.

 Me and Foo are like the distractions.
 Evil and Pure! Haha, okay who am I kidding.
 Haha, ok there was time to kill before it was time for mass dance.
 Guess what the ominous white stuff is. No prizes for guessing correctly.
I lost my voice twice over the course of orientation. Once on day 2, and when it recovered over the weekend, I lost it again on Monday. Haha, well it feels better now, so hopefully I will get my voice back soon. I think I’ve almost finished an entire bottle of PI PA GAO.
Lessons have somewhat started. I’m in 07A11! Still getting used to writing 07 instead of 05, sighs, I’d rather be 05! 07 sounds so weird, haha but at least I’m glad that I have a nice senior class. Arts Faculty is really small, there are like enough of us to fill slightly more than half of LT AVA and the rest of the school population are in the Science Faculty. I’ve also switched houses and am now in AQUILA. Planning to run for house comm. again, but I’m not too sure about getting it.
I’ve been attending lectures and have been trying to at least pay attention. Hopefully I can keep this up so that I won’t fail miserably for Mid Years and Promotional Exams. I’ve had enough of R-papers, so I don’t plan to take any next year. My teachers seem quite nice so far, but I don’t really have a good impression of Mr. James Ho and Mr. Josef Tan. They seem really uptight about stuff, like how Mr. Ho was really anal about there being pin drop silence during tutorials and how Mr. Tan was like so inflexible and reluctant to answer Leon’s question during the first lecture because he doesn’t want interaction with us during lectures. Economics is really starting to bore me, and what the seniors said seems true, reading the notes will make up for not going to lectures. Haha, but I doubt I will skip lectures any time soon.
I’m now the only guy from my class taking Geography because the Francis-look-a-like in my class dropped geography to take history instead. And my GP class is like really small, there are six of us in total. I still have my worries for literature, but hopefully I can somewhat cope with it. ><’’ hopefully being the operative word. Bah, I better go enjoy the rest of my day because the weekend will zoom by and soon it will be Monday again.
We'll slap you flat, like a Gingerbread, and never let you slap us back. We'll slap you OOO~ Slap you LAA~ Slap you Slap You OOO LAA LAA...
farcical-rants - 8:46 pm - Friday, January 12, 2007
Pre Orientation
Oh I found this cool website that shows a video of NJC 2007 mass dance.
It's nicer than some of VJ's in my opinion, but they copied alot of the moves from high school musical. And also, they only have one mass dance every year while ours is like a tradition. Haha, oh and a warning. I think something is wrong with the fruit punch sold in school. I've had diarhoea for the pass two days. And the only new food in school is the fruit punch. So beware. Haha.
I went for training today. It’s been quite a while since I’ve gone for training. Even a week is considered long. I think my views and feelings towards training have changed quite a bit. I read back at my past entries and see my passion and what not for the sport, the desire to improve and the want to be part of the team. I guess part of what I wanted back than has been achieved. And of course, some other parts of what I had back then, I’m losing or have already lost. Like seriously, it’s hard for me to be like how I was back than, given the situation I’m in now. Today’s training really opened my eyes. The talk that was given before training started was both motivating and inspiring. But throughout the course of training, those motivating words more or less disappeared for me. I mean action speaks louder than words, and I don’t know. Sometimes what you want isn’t what you get. I’m quite sick of bitching about this topic so I shan’t even start. All I know is my body is aching a bit now and I’ve yet to blog about orientation!
Orientation was fun, but I think it would have been more fun if I had not expected so much. A few of us stayed over at Tina’s house the night before so that we could go to school together the next day. Oh and the group of us celebrated Darren’s birthday earlier in the day. I had to drag myself to Tampinese Mall rather early in the day because YY didn’t want to be left alone with Amanda and Zhi Wen. Well, at least I ended up buying my new red converse shoes! (:
We went to East Coast Park to celebrate Darren’s birthday. It was sort of like a pot luck picnic. I brought drinks, haha; cause I thought there would be training that day. We sat around and ate and watched Aaron get harassed by this two Malay children whom I’m pretty sure had an uneducated mother because they were running around shouting vulgarities in dialects and only left when someone threatened to call the cops.

 Audrey brought a tent for kicks.
.JPG) And Aaron decided to give birth in it. Haha.

It was getting quite boring, so we left for Darren’s house to cut the cake and ended up playing mah-jong for the rest of the day.
 The cake ended up being rather smushed because we had lugged it all the way from TM to ECP to Dar's house.

 Everyone seemed to enjoy it nevertheless, looks isn't everything. Lol.
When I got home, I felt a bit feverish. However, I still went to Tina’s house anyway because I didn’t want to be wandering around lost in school the next day. We played even more mah-jong at Tina’s house but I had to call it quits after a while because I felt worse. So I went to take some panadol and rested for a while. I managed to get better at around 1.00 plus in the morning where a few of them were still going strong with their game of bridge. Vanessa, Louis and I just lied around on the sofa talking random stuff until it was time to sleep. The house rule was that girls and guys had to be on separate levels. So I took the sofa on the third story with Louis and Zong.
Woke up rather early the next day and there was like this mad rush in the morning. We had to shower and eat and get to school by 7.30. We were almost late so Tina’s parents ended up fetching us in different cars. Haha, okay, I’m tired all of a sudden so I’ll blog about orientation tomorrow. For now, let me leave you with some of the 3G Gathering pictures that I finally got from Andy and May Yee.
 06 Batch!
 Playing 21!
.JPG) Beloved Draco
 3 different generations.
 Lol, peggy got cut out. I wonder if that is an omen.
farcical-rants - 10:18 pm - Saturday, January 06, 2007