Karma's a bitch

Karma just loves playing tricks on people. My plans to skip school today were successful, but I didn’t manage to get away without suffering several consequences. Instead of stuffing my face with junk food to the extent where I can’t move for the next hour, I was resigned to lying on my bed, tissue scattered all around me, popping pills and devouring pipagao for a great part of the day. Just for the record, I finished 2 whole bottles of pipagao by myself, so far this year.
Currently, I have dragged myself in front of the computer to do something before I crumble back into bed and read the rest of my Harry Potter. As I eye the pineapple tarts in front of my greedily, I shall try to divert my attention by reflecting about my life in college.
I scoff at my attempts to do my tutorials diligently, ever since binomial, my maths tutorials have just been rotting in my file until the answers present themselves on the whiteboard. The same goes with geography and economics, I get increasingly lazy as the months pass by. The only work that I actually put in some effort to do would be Literature and GP. But than again, there isn’t much to do for GP. I find literature fascinating and a part of me wishes that I took literature back in IP. But than there’s the other part of me which doesn’t regret enjoying all the free periods we had last year. They should make science optional! Haha, yeah that’ll be the day.
I shall make a conscious effort to do some work in the later part of the day. Well, at least I managed to accomplish something today, haha I made my own lunch, and this time round, my fried rice had a nice balance of sweetness and saltiness, as compared to past attempts where my fried rice tasted like sugar. And I gave myself a treat today, I added prawns into my lunch, haha, yes yes, laugh with me at my cheap thrills.
Well, nothing much to blog about since nothing much has happened. And now I shall pop more pills instead of pigging out on pineapple tarts. Oh joy!
farcical-rants - 2:05 pm - Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sundays ain't that bad afterall

ARGH! Haha, that was an anxious “Argh”, because I can’t wait for the seventh and last book of Harry Potter to be released. I’m also anticipating the release of the 5th movie to in theatres. But that’s all going to happen only in JULY!!! That seems so long away, boo hoo. Deathly hallow, haha the title seems mysteriously enchanting.
(I can’t really remember who I have wished happy birthday to, so some of these wishes may be repeats.)
Sundays are getting bearable, in my opinion, because I either, sleep for the entire day and wake up in the evening for dinner, or I occasionally go out. Today consisted of sleeping until early evening and going out to Tampinese for dinner. This isn’t good because I haven’t touched any of my homework, but I don’t really care right now.
We, or at least I, had truckloads of fun shopping for new clothes for Yvonne. However, I only managed to take a few photos before this guy came over to inform me that photography wasn’t allowed. There is an increasing number of undercover staff in shopping centres these days. There’s one at parkway MPH who always catches Yvonne for bringing food in and now there’s one at ISETAN catching people who take photos. Anyway, it was time well spent because we helped Yvonne pick out two new bottoms. She so needs new clothes seeing as how she didn’t shop for CNY.

I should really start packing my bag for the overseas trip soon. As early as it may seem to some, I’m absolutely terrible at last minute packing because I have a mother that goes ballistic if I tell her to buy a bunch of stuff by the end of a day. Oh dear, I’m being summoned downstairs to participate in this weird prayer thing my mom does every year. It involves frying, okay not frying but burning, of bamboos. It’s not that bad actually because when the bamboo gets burned in the religious bin or whatever it’s called, it sounds a bit like fire crackers!
I don’t want Monday to come!!! :(
farcical-rants - 11:23 pm - Sunday, February 25, 2007
House Comm. Nominees Results
Oh yay, I’m elated that I am a house comm. nominee. Such an overwhelming sense of relief to find out that I got in. But my sense of relief soon got replaced by a mix of other emotions.
Turns out that there have been stuff said about me, why ain’t I surprised? I’m quite depressed about it. Haha, I’ve actually written a whole page about what I felt, but I decided not to post it lest if offends anyone. I just want to say that people who have been saying I’m a shoe in, you are so wrong. The irony is that being a caplet doesn’t give me an advantage; in fact it gives me a disadvantage. My negative attributes exemplified in contrasts to an over-rated few, my positive attributes discounted. So actually everybody else will have an easier time smoking their way in while I will have to work extra hard to make up for past “sins”. It’s kind of a double-edged sword I suppose. People may think that I’m good but the seniors think I suck. Well, I’m supposedly given a clean slate to work with. How clean the slate really is, I wonder. It’s always hard to erase past judgements. Either way, I shall try my very best to do as much as I can. Hopefully, it won’t be the case where everyone says “sure in” and not vote. So everyone, VOTE FOR ME!!!
farcical-rants - 12:05 am -
ICA = hell
ICA building is the worse place to ever be. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER ever go to that damn place if you can help it. I had to make a new passport yesterday, lest I get stopped at customs the day I head off for Malaysia with the school, and unwillingly made my way to lavender after school.
With my ear phones still with Darren, the ride to Lavender seemed much longer than 10 minutes. I HATE the stupid system that everyone has to go through to make a new passport. The woman at the counter insisted that I take a new passport photo even though I already had one that I used for my IC. She fucking said that I looked different and threatened that if I didn’t take a new photo, I ran the risk of getting stopped at custom. So my paranoid mother brought me to take a photo which was pointless to begin with. After the photo came out I placed it next to my IC and asked my mom, what’s the difference? Even she couldn’t see the difference; the photo was 95% identical apart from the hair style and a thicker neck. And the stupid woman at the counter still had the nerve to say that I looked different after I handed her the new photo. I swear, if she weren’t working for the government, I may have very well made some snide remark.
After that, it was a gruelling one hour before the passport was ready. The wait would have been much shorter if not for retarded people who spent ten minutes at the counter doing god knows what. All they have to do is check that their particulars match those on the passport, take a thumb scan and sign some document. Some people actually took 10 minutes to do all that. Sheesh, you’d think they were trying to ask out they woman at the counter. Okay, so much for not bitching, I think I’ve attained enough bad karma for the next week, but whatever.
House comm. nominee results should be out by today, but I have yet to be informed by the Aquila house comm. people. Well, I take comfort in the fact that none of the other Aquila people who went for the interview have been informed. Haha, can you believe it, Phoenix has only FOUR nominees. It seems more like they are already in than nominated.
Today was more or less normal. Lessons were bearable and school ended early. We had a lot of time to burn before the IP meeting at 5.30. There was like 4 hours to burn because we ended school at 1.20. So Chesty, Crazy and I went to parkway for lunch. Haha, I got to eat Pasta Mania again.
The rest of the time was more or less burned while we were helping Chesty shop for new bras. Haha, it was such a tedious process because it was so hard to find the right size for her. It was either to tight here or too loose there. Finally, she found a size that fitted her. Haha, she said that I could reveal her size, but I think I’d better not.
Chesty spent enough money to get a free pearl. It’s quite cool; Isetan has this promotion that entitles you to a free pearl for every $25 or $50 spent. You could have the pearl made into a necklace, ring, ear ring or bracelet. Yvonne didn’t want to waste her money so she gave the pearl to me! Haha, it’s a genuine pearl okay! I saw the guy pluck it out from the oyster.
We ended our time of rotting with scoops before we trudged back to school for the meeting. I’m sure many people were surprised that I was in the camp fire committee. Haha, I myself was taken a back. They should have put someone like Daniel or Jovena or Nicole in my group. Oh well, it’s probably their last revenge on me, haha.
It was a last minute decision to have dinner with some V12 people at Thaipan. Haha, I realised that Thaipan food is meant to be shared because you will get sick of eating one dish alone.
I’m skipping visiting tomorrow to go for training because I’m trying to avoid any scolding for missing training. My dad doesn’t seem too happy about it because I already didn’t go on Tuesday. Oh well, I have to make up for all the trainings that I’ll miss during week 10 and this is the only way I know how. Hopefully skipping all the good food at my dad’s boss’ house tomorrow won’t be wasted.
farcical-rants - 9:24 pm - Friday, February 23, 2007
Cross Country 2007
 - I'm dying from lack of sleep and exhaustion. I desperately need to fix my body clock!
I’m still under the weather! Blast my bloody nose, I feel like plucking it off. I finally completed my literature essay which was due like before the start of CNY. My passport photo got rejected because it appears that my fringe was covering my face. Oh joy, so now I have go down with my mom tomorrow, after school, to hurriedly make my passport so that I can go overseas with my IP cohort for the March camp. I’m frankly and appallingly keyed up about it, haha.
To the left, to the left…
Cross country run today was intimidating. I really respect all those people who can run fast, they must really train a lot and train very hard indeed. The willpower they have must be immense. I feel so sorry for the girl who got champion for cross country this year, I heard that she miss the record by ONE second.
Well, I was a road marshal and I managed to get out of having to stand at the guys’ halfway point! Haha, that’s because Mr. Wee was worried about this particular part of the route near the road and he wanted more people there. He was saying how it was a crucial point and that we must pay special attention to the runners around that area because they are cars driving at high speeds and turning around that area. Haha, it was funny that he wanted us to protect them. How?! Throw ourselves in front of the car when it is going to hit one of the runners? Well, I had a blast cheering for the runners and shouting myself crazy. Lazy Rachel Lee stopped at where I was and cheered along with me until it was time for her to walk back into school. Haha, anyway I’m thankful that I had someone I know to talk to me as I stood there for the whole 2 hours.
Aquila came in 6th! Haha, that’s a huge change as compared to last year first position. Oh well, we’ll own sports day, I hope. It seems like all the sports people are in every other house except Aquila this year. Its okay, we will win with participation points, haha.
I went for what was supposed to be a class lunch with A11 after cross country. Haha, it was actually only 7 out of 20 people who went to parkway together. Its okay, at least we ate Pasta Mania. I have been craving it for the longest time. We sat around to chat and walked around for a bit before we all went our separate ways.
I headed to Plaza Sing to meet my OG and was grateful to have Yi Ci, Nicolas and Dan accompany me there since they take the same bus. Meeting up with my OG consisted of more sitting down at Ajisan to talk and celebrate some of the Icarus’ people birthday. Haha, Yong Sheng is the first of the 6 of us to turn 17!!! Happy Belated Birthday! (Not that he will see this anyway, haha)
I rushed home because I had initially thought that my family was going to have steamboat tonight. It turns out that we are going to have steamboat tomorrow instead. Fantastic, I will be at training while they are happily stuffing their faces. I don’t even dare to ask to leave early, my head will probably roll, haha.
I have to stop bitching so much, it’s bad for my karma and overall health, lol. Okay, random. PS. Eeeks, Cheryl (from house) just asked us to meet her tomorrow morning because she has something to tell us. If it is going to be the results of the interview, I hope I get in. Keep your fingers crossed people! ><’’
farcical-rants - 10:38 pm - Wednesday, February 21, 2007
CNY day [3] (2007)
.jpg) I want to try more Green Tea flavoured food!
Today was by far the best out of the 3 days of Chinese New Year. It has suddenly occurred to me that we have one less day of holiday this year because the first day of CNY fell on a Sunday. I feel so robbed, haha.
I woke up relatively early after a late night of just me and my DVD player. Damn, my body clock is going bonkers again. Dragged my lazy bum out of my bed and threw myself into the shower lest I fall asleep brushing my teeth. I have no idea how, but my contacts tore today. It’s a first for me, even though I don’t really take very good care of my contact lenses. It just tore, like when I opened my case, there it was lying in the saline solution in half.
Singapore needs to be air conditioned I tell you. Someone should come up with a new form of fuel for energy that is in infinite abundance so that the whole of Singapore will stay cool 24/7. I was sweating bullets by the time I got to the bus stop. To add fuel to my fire, literally, I missed Amanda’s bus stop and ending up walking more than usual to get to her house. The best part is the word air conditioning is non-existent in Amanda’s house-laughs bitterly.
Fortunately, with chary planning, I was smart enough to wear a nice baggy shirt that kept me relatively cool once I found a nice spot to plan my ass-that is of course in front of the fan! We had lunch at Amanda’s house and watched dreadful concerts performed by Chinese artiste on Channel ‘U’ for 2007’s countdown to CNY. My addiction to Sims 2 has officially vanished. When I sat in front of Amanda’s computer with Sims 2 on the screen, the urge to play just wasn’t there. Haha, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. So that’s another obsession I lost this year.
Everyone left for Nicole’s house after lunch, all the while sweating even after we reached the bus stop. The feeling of relief engulfed us all when the bus finally came and we were greeted by the nice cool air conditioning and availability of seats. Yay, Nicole has this nice executive apartment. I like executive apartments, if I ever live in a HDB next time, which is highly probable, I will buy an executive apartment.
 Haha, adorable young Nicole. Before her plaits and all.
After a quick tour of her house-it was our first time there for most, if not all of us- we settled in her living room while YY gushed over this guy on Channel ‘U’.

Pigging out on snacks cam-whoring and root beer managed to satisfy us for the next hour or so. But I got bored after a while and went upstairs to help Nicole to pick out some stuff to wear to Darren’s house. There was this interesting dress that reminded me of kuahlapis. But she ended up wearing this interesting skirt and some PMK top. Which by the way she claims is “ah lian”, but I’ve seen my fair share of “ah lians” and it’s safe to say that what she was wearing doesn’t qualify.
OMFG, Nicole’s sister is like her splitting image just that their facial features are, to a very very very small extent, different. They have the same posture, same facial expression, almost the same hair style and height!!!
Darren’s house was the last stop. Finally, I got to play black jack! It’s the first and only time I will get to play black jack this Chinese New Year, how sad is that. Poor Yvonne, she lost a lot of money. Everyone won apart from her and Nicole- and Nicole only lost $0.50. We attempted watch Dream Girls and The Holiday while playing, multi-tasking while gambling obviously failed. There was this point in time when someone asked: what’s she doing with that old man? And of course no one could answer, because no one was paying attention! Even now as I blog, I have Elizabeth Town playing on the television and I’m not sure what’s going on with Orlando Bloom and Kristen Dunst.
It got incredibly comfy in the living room because there was a lot of leg space and Darren was hospitable enough to switch on the air conditioning! I guess we were too comfortable to leave the house for dinner, so Nicole and I ordered in and stuffed our faces until it was time to leave. As usual, Pouty had air for dinner, it must have been DELICIOUS. It’s a new alternative to the WAFFLE (singular) that she usually has.
I missed going to my dad’s boss’ house today. But it doesn’t really matter to me because if I had gone to my dad’s boss’ house, I would just be sitting around, watching tone deaf people sing karaoke and wasting my time. So what if I had fast food instead of delicious catered food that cost a few hundred dollars per person? The company enough was worth it.
- On a side note, I really cannot tolerate people who try to come off as nonchalant online. It’s rude and annoying and not cool-if you actually think its cool- and I just want to snap back. But the whole issue of politics and being politically correct refrains me from doing so, so I guess my little bitch fest shall stop here before this turns into a semi flaming entry.
farcical-rants - 11:43 pm - Tuesday, February 20, 2007
CNY day [2] (2007)
I’m terribly jaded right now. I just managed to sneak up and catch a breath from being a vivacious host, running around getting drinks and attempting to make small talk with people I haven’t seen in over a year.
I was actually contemplating gambling, but my answer was quickly decided when my dad decided to become the banker, AGAIN. I won’t want to lose money to him even though I won’t mind winning money from him. Haha, yes I know I’m strange.
There were bouts of drama this morning when I was awaken by my ex-maid jumping on my bed and handing me a red packet just as I was opening my eyes. Haha, it was nice to see her again. I’m sure everyone in my family agrees that she shouldn’t be a maid. She’s too smart to waste her time being a maid. My brother wants to hire her to work at his shop, but getting a foreigner to work in Singapore may take some heavy paper work.
Our sink got clogged in the morning and my mom was screaming from downstairs to call a plumber. I always thought that plumbers just came with a plunger and sucked out whatever shit was stuck in the pipe. But I guess I’ve never really seen a plumber at work before because this plumber brought along some weird machine. I have no idea how it operates but I was semi-dumb founded at my ignorance to stuff like this. Hell, there could probably be a new and improved way to put out fire and I wouldn’t even know about it.
Everyone got fed and stuffed with the heaps of food my mom had prepared, all the while nagging and mumbling about how everything was such a chore when she could have just fried a huge wok of vermicelli. But no, my mom is out to impress, with her popiah and other entrees that take eons to prepare.
There is nothing to watch on television except some stupid show about a dog and baseball on channel 5. My model cousin actually made an appearance today. I seriously doubt her status as a model. Which model wears transparent bra straps? If she was really a model, she should know that transparent bra straps-which further accentuate your shoulder fats and which are highly unflattering-ought to be done away with. She should have just bought herself a better bra with the money she earns, if of course she was a model.
Oh dear, I presume my presence, or therefore lack of it, has been noticed. Judging by how my dad is hollering for me, I better wrap up this entry for now and update it in the evening.
Haha, Yay I’m free from playing host! I think I’ve finally reach that point in life where I have developed a fear of eating popiah. I ate 5 popiahs by myself today, 3 for lunch and 2 for dinner. That’s a lot of popiah and I am now afraid to eat another popiah.
After chatting with my model of a cousin, I realised that modelling isn’t her full time job anymore. She is now working as a beauty consultant. Now that term seems really vague, so I guess it could be a rather decent job, or it could suck a lot. It’s probably the former because she seems to be having a pretty comfortable life, carrying Louis Vuitton, getting coloured contacts, having her phone decorated like Xiaxue, being able to afford all those maximizer bras of hers and having the money to afford the ton of makeup she wears. Of course the branded hand bag may very well be a pirated good, but let’s just assume it isn’t.
Here’s a photo of her, I think she looks nice in this photo.

As compared to this one, of course, she looks fat here. Now it’s up to you to decide if she is a model or not.

She blogs too! Here's an exercpt from her blog:
For the fact that I blog, I'm glad to express. I'm not a person that can put my feeling to words easily. perhaps sometime or most of the time, I'll just junk it in my mind. throwing everything at the back of my head. therefore whenever I has the chance to speak my mind, I may just bladder everything out, regardless if it happy or sad. Then I guess if it a anger at the bottom of my heart
So yup, I guess everyone can pretty much gather she blogs like an "ah lian". Well she hides that fact about her pretty well because her blog mostly contains photos of herself and she actually talks without all the leh,lah,loh,hor. Or maybe that is just an act in front of the relatives. OR that she speaks mandarin most of the time. Haha. Either way, talking to her has led to me realise that she is at least 10 times better than the typical "ah lians". She's smart, just stupid enough to be seduced by money into stopping school after her o levels. Oh and if anyone is wondering whether she went for a nose job, I honestly don't know. I don't remember her nose looking so sharp, but to tell you the truth, I also don't really remember what she looked like when she was younger-haha. Maybe it's just photoshop, she doesn't look this good upclose.
The day was so-so overall. I met up with my old tuition teacher, my old maid and one of my mom’s generous friends. Haha, I got a nice fat red packet from her. Just as what I was told, I didn’t get to see my mom’s side of the family this year. That’s sixty dollar less. But its okay, I hardly interact with them anyway. Instead, my ex-maid gave me $10 and my ex-tuition teacher gave me $20! Haha so I guess that cuts my loss in half.
People started heading home around 3.00 in the afternoon, leaving only the adults who were playing mah-jong. I spent the rest of the second day of my Chinese New Year playing PS2 in my brother’s room. Haha, how sad is that.
Speaking of rooms, I really want to give my room a whole new look. I realise it looks nothing like what a teenager’s room should look. I have stuff toys from friends placed everywhere in my room. No wonder my relatives mistake my room for a guest room. I also have no idea what I have so many freaking books all over the place when I’m actually studying with notes!!! My first order of duty would be to remove all the stuff toys! Grr, I have to have the willpower to actually do something about it during the June holidays, I just HAVE TO!!!
farcical-rants - 2:35 pm - Monday, February 19, 2007
CNY day [1] (2007)
Okay, one day down, two more days to go. Today wasn’t as awful as I had predicted it to be. Firstly, I managed to get away with wearing a relatively dark coloured top-olive green to be exact-and I’ve finally made use of the trucker hat I bought some time back.
So far, my collection of red packets isn’t that bad. But I may collect $60 less this year because my mom had some falling out with her side of the family, they all have apparently, due to reasons I am not suppose to know. My family is rather screwed up if you have not realised by now, which is why I’m not close to them at all.
Visiting was MIND-NUMBINGLY BORING. I sat around and stuffed my face while attempting to entertain myself by watching soccer, of all things, on the television. I couldn’t even be bothered to gamble, I just sat around and watched the grown ups play their game of black jack.
Thank goodness for the fact that I’m actually in J1, gone are the days where I have to explain over and over again to my relatives what IP is. Now I just have to say J1 and VJC and it seems to register quite quickly.
It occurred to me that my brother and I are the only kids left who still go visiting on my dad’s side of the family. Or at least we are the ones who actually stick around until the end of the day. It’s probably because I’m the youngest and everybody else is either my brother’s age or older. Hence this equates to them either being married, engaged, dating or just too old to bother with visiting anymore. But it’s not that bad because I don’t really bother myself much to engage in a conversation with my cousins. So it eliminates any need for me to make small talk, which, FYI, I suck at.
I have two extreme types of cousins. I have cousins who were from RJC, who now have high flying careers and rake in 5 figure salaries. I also have cousins, who were from ITE, who only have O level education because they choose to pursue a career of modelling, who are older than me yet have the maturity of a 10 year old.
Honestly, I don’t understand why that cousin of mine chose to be a model. She is the typical “ah lian” who wears tons of make up and dresses to the bare minimum. But she was smart enough to top her class or school for her O levels and was able to enter a rather decent polytechnic. But instead, she chose to stop studying and be a full time model. The most interesting part is that she is short and is so not a size 2, even a size 4. Seriously, there is no shelf life to being a model in Singapore; someone should knock some sense into her.
The highlight of the day would probably be wining $70! Haha, actually I should have won $120. But my dad took $40 from me and my mom took $10. The funniest part was that I only played twice. I don’t know what the name of the game is in English, but I know it’s pronounced “nor leng” in some dialect. Basically, it is a game whereby everyone forks out a certain sum of money to form this pool of cash. Everyone gets 3 cards and they judge who wins by looking at the last digit. The smallest digit is 1 and the largest is 0. Its winner takes all so if you win, you get quite a lot.
My mom lost $10 so I gave some of my winnings to her. The other $40 that my dad took was to pay for the last round of that game, which coincidentally enough, was won by my brother-haha.
There are also my two adorable nephews and my cousin’s dog to play with. I’m dreading the time when my nephews reach the age of annoyance, namely from the age of 7 to around 11. Suddenly the prospect of looking after a dog seems more appealing than having a child next time. Haha, and now I know why Dan's dog looks so familiar. Her's is exactly the same species as the dog my cousin owns, just that my cousin's dog is black and white instead of brown and white. Funnily enough, both dogs are named after baked goods, one cookie and one oreo. Oreo seems more fitting for my cousin's dog though. Go figure.
Sighs, tomorrow is the day whereby people come by my house to do their visiting. This means more gambling, but this time round in the form of mah-jong, which by the way is strictly for grown ups only. Shucks, I hate playing host. Well at least my mom is making popiah tomorrow! :)
Hopefully day 3 would be much better, if of course the group of us actually go out to go visiting together.
farcical-rants - 9:03 pm - Sunday, February 18, 2007
This is so annoying. I absolutely DETEST Chinese New Year. I DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT like my relatives one bit at all. Reunion dinners to me, are just another ploy to jack up the prices of stuff like fish and other seafood.
My family is unique. We have our reunion dinner at home, just the four of us. Of course, my dad feels the need to be gregarious and invite my bachelor of an uncle and divorced aunt to my house for more “festive spirit”.
My aunt has enough dignity to not come and assume the façade that she has someone to spend the holidays with. She probably does, seeing as how she is with this rich($$$) Caucasian who paid for her breast augmentation.
My uncle on the other hand, shamelessly comes and is intelligent enough to devour the most expensive dishes laid out-the fish and the abalone. It’s stupid to think that he has no one to spend this holiday with because he bought himself a Vietnam bride. Since when has she mysteriously disappeared? I’ve never even met the woman, he’s probably too ashamed or something, which raises the question why he even bought her in the first place. He should have done us all a favour and spare the poor girl, bloody freeloader. I really pity her, I do. Oh well, life sucks for the majority of us. So much for not airing one's dirty laundry in public, whatever.
Then there’s the whole deal with visiting relatives on the first day of Chinese New Year. I guess the only good thing about this is that I get to collect red packets and I get an excuse to buy new clothes. But honestly, visiting gets boring after a while and yet my dad refuses to leave even when my brother and I have facial expressions screaming that we want to go home.
And even partaking in the goodies that comes along with this holiday gets disrupted by my parents. I have to prevent myself from getting sick and fat, even though we only get to eat stuff like this once a year.
Gambling gets boring, I don’t even know if I will gamble this year. In the past years, it was the only thing that kept me occupied and entertained. Haha, in fact it is probably the activity that bonds everyone together. Haha, how sad is that.
Grr, my mom is forcing me to don something bright, cheery and positively fluorescent. I was planning on wearing grey, haha. I wear whatever suits my mood, so wearing RED or YELLOW is going to be hard. However, I shall avoid any drama that may unfold if I walk down the stairs in grey. Hence, it will be a horrendously bright coloured tee for me tomorrow.
In an attempt to be less of a pessimist, I shall add another thing to the list of what’s good about Chinese New Year. It gives us students a nice long break. But if you really think about it, having to wake up really early so that the maid can pack the room before you leave the house or before the guest arrives, having to force yourself to be painfully cheery throughout the day and having to entertain guests that you wish you could slap isn’t much of a break.
Either way, I’m sure I will be able to survive this Chinese New Year. Than it’s off to face cross country-haha!!!
farcical-rants - 11:00 pm - Saturday, February 17, 2007
CNY celebration 2007
.jpg) -I get bored during Gym. Haha. (John the muscle man)
Oh the utter humiliation-haha- it was worth it because AQUILA got second for this year’s Chinese New Year catwalk inter-house competition. I must say that I was thoroughly shocked that we actually came in second because I thought we messed it up. It’s the music I tell you, it was so bloody loud. Oh well, I don’t think anyone is to be blamed because we didn’t really rehearse so it went as well as it could have gone. Haha, still I’m thankful that all the last minute commentary writing and costume searching paid off.
 Haha, I think this dance was damn cool. Look at Jom-Tang go!
 ><'' I shall remember this for years to come.

 Ursa Bra, oops I mean bear.
And our commentary was good okay! Here’s what Cheryl read, oh and a big thank you to her for being our commentator on such short notice! (:
Victorians have existed for like, err…forever! So, have you ever wondered how Victorians in the past used to celebrate Chinese New Year? Here’s how!
A long long long long long time ago, in the eastern region of the southern part of Asia, in a community known as VICTORIA; there lived the AQUILA family! A dysfunctional family they were, but still; a family. It was that time of the year, when you’d hear sleigh bells ringing! OOPS, I meant the dongdongqiang! The AQUILA family consists of THE PAPA who works hard (pretty much) as a farmer on his chocolate coin fields, the triplets who are made up of two identical twins and the third one for some reason looks a lot better than the other two; but always lags behind probably caught up in her own beautiful world, where her family is normal and well, normal. Many would call the AQUILA family quirky and crazy, and CRAZY they were!
In anticipation of a better life, the farmer brings his dysfunctional family and the family pet-THE PIG to the city to start a new life! Upon reaching the city, they realized that the city was celebrating *pauses awhile, in a voice full of awe. THE EAR (YEAR) of the pig! So, in the spirit of things, the farmer chopped off the ear of THE PIG and made Bak Kwa out of it!
As the family celebrates, the farmer leaves his old life behind and moves AHEAD selling bak kwa made from pig ears (makes sounds of lips smacking, says” surprisingly delicious!”) Being the decisive-cut-of-the-ear-now man he is, the farmer scatters his chocolate coins over all land, and out sprang GOLD! And together with it, happiness, prosperity and JOY for all of VICTORIA!
*P.S Do not, we repeat, DO NOT attempt to celebrate the EAR of the pig through ceremonial cutting of any creatures. We would not be responsible for any legal actions that may be taken against you.
I went out with the lovely but abnormal people of V12 for lunch after school. We had a hard time deciding what to eat because Pasta mania was out, Seoul garden and sakae were out, fast food and the food court were out. That didn’t leave us with much to choose from. In the end we decided to give V8 movie café a try.
 Something I doodled at some shop next to Gift a Name that had Manga Markers.
Oh dear, NEVER EVER go to that place to eat. The food sucks- pasta mania is way better- and the portion is miserable. The complimentary soup that came along originally costs $3.80 and it tastes like it came from a can. I discovered something new today; I think soft drinks with salt taste nice. Okay, it probably sounds DAMN weird, but give it a shot if you can. You only live once you know-haha.
 Isa and I, the girl who crashed HCI.

I was planning on going home when the rest of the class people were going to bugis market to get ear rings, but I decided to look around and do some last minute Chinese New Year shopping. Clothes are really getting expensive and I think it’s because there has this big hoo-ha about how kids nowadays are getting more allowance to spend etc. This sucks, a decent pair of Bermudas cost nearly $30-$50.
 Chesty doesn't like crowds. Haha.
Thankfully I managed to find some really cheap ones at bugis market-should have just went with the class at the beginning- and I am really thankful that there are still places that sell pants for people my size. My sympathy goes out to all those bigger than me, I understand how hard it is to shop sometimes.
Okay, survivor has started, I’m off.
farcical-rants - 11:04 pm - Friday, February 16, 2007
Valentines Day 2007 <3
They've struck AGAIN!!!

And this time round, someone new, but seemingly better looking, has joined them.
Haha, hope you enjoy this Valentines Day treat, for all those who actually patronise my blog.

Valentines Day is/was AWESOME!
farcical-rants - 9:55 pm - Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A11 JTS and Aaron's 17th
The Arena is shining a bad light on KC girls. The show is making them seem stupid by playing the scene when one of the speakers goes “huh?” at the word perceive. Of course, this could also just reaffirm the perception of KC girls that many people may have. Please don’t go huh.
Shit, I’m still sick! My nose is getting worse and my temperature is fluctuating on an hourly basis. Please let me get well soon!!!
I am suffering from exhaustion. Went for JTS at Danielle’s house in the afternoon yesterday and stayed over at Darren’s at night to celebrate Aaron’s birthday. I managed to sleep a bit in just now, which may explain why I am able to blog now.
This is terrible, A11 has people scattered all over Singapore. Future class outings are going to be a headache. I travelled all the way to ANG MO KIO in the afternoon, ME! Haha, Ang Mo Kio okay, it took me a whole hour even with my dad fetching me to the MRT station.
Dan’s house is HUGE. How I wish I could have my own toilet and a walk-in closet. I’m considering renovating my room during the June holidays, but whether or not I will actually get down to doing it will depend on how lazy I am during the holidays. I don’t really see the point of JTS because it was just eating Pizza and watching prison break. I guess it let us bond as a class. Which is a good thing, haha! Oh and of course we got to play with her adorable dog.
I dragged my lazy ass all the way to Darren’s house in the evening to help prepare for Aaron’s party. Everyone was busy decorating the room while Nicole and I were working on the notebook. The bananas that travelled all over Singapore with me finally managed to sit and rest in the refrigerator. It was quite badly bruised by the time it reached Darren’s, haha and I’m not even sure why.

Yvonne and I were so disappointed when we tried playing WWE smack down on Darren’s PS2. His PS2 sucks, it hangs! So we settled for mah-jong, which gave way soon enough to a new game called HOMO. Okay, I don’t know how new that game is, but it was new to me.
I’m glad we sort of surprised Aaron with the decoration of the room. The yellow dress code surprised more or less failed, haha. Oh and I’m glad he was touched by the note book.
 Haha I like this photo. And of course I wasn't really surprised because I knew what was going on. This is just me trying to make things more lively.

We had too much fruits!!! The fondue was hilarious to say the least. Two out of three of the fire kept getting extinguished and we kept losing our fruits in the bowl of hazelnut fondue. It was nice though, but really “heaty”, which is probably why most of us felt sickly at night when we were going off to sleep.

I had to summon every last ounce of energy in me today to go to school for the stupid IP3 meeting. The meeting was really stupid in my opinion. It was just informing us of the availability of scholarships, a briefing on the March camp and making us do a survey. The scholarship talk should have been made optional for those interested, the survey could have been done on a normal school day and the briefing on the March camp could have just been emailed to us.
Oo, the quality of the communal showers scares me more than the solo night walk. The toilet is so primitive; one blow of the wind and the whole place might just crumble. There was no roof and we will have to shower with pails. Well, they said that the facilities have improved since 2002, so hopefully they’ll at least have showers, a roof and concrete walls. Either way, I think I will be able to deal with it, a worse case scenario would be one where I just jump into the river to get clean.
I’m rather excited about kayaking and swimming in a waterfall, but the hike up the waterfall is going to be hell. The idea of sleeping in tents for a day doesn't bode well with me. And my luggage is going to weigh a ton! Boo hoo, the trip will be fun and miserable at the same time, haha what an oxymoron.
I went out with the class for lunch after the whole IP3 meeting was over. I shopped around with them and was helping some of them to pick out Valentine presents for Wednesday’s gift exchange. Met my OG people for another lunch after that, thankfully I didn’t eat much with the class before that. It was quite a nice gathering, but we didn’t spend much time together because most had other errands to do after lunch.
 Playing with FOOD.
I don’t feel like going school tomorrow!!! But I shall go because I can’t afford to miss the house committee interview. And of course there’s also training, but that’s a whole other story. Maybe I will be able to miss school on Thursday, just maybe.
Haha, and I'm next in the birthday line!!! So exciting! :)
farcical-rants - 11:25 pm - Monday, February 12, 2007
O'Level Results
HAHAHAHAHA, I’m so happy over my higher Chinese results. I got a B3!!! In your repulsive face, you loser Lau Meow Noi! I should have rubbed it into that stupid bitch’s face when she handed me my results slip. Haha, I made her eat her words about me taking Chinese again this year. I almost wanted to use the word proud instead of happy, but I realised there’s nothing to be proud of because I didn’t really put in effort. So it’s pure luck I suppose. Haha and I guess expecting a D7 really made this B3 a very pleasant surprise! The least you expect the happier you are I suppose?
This is so depressing, school is starting to suck. I am constantly tempted to skip lectures and homework is becoming more of a chore. Well, at least there are stuffs along the way to keep me sane and alive until the weekend comes.
 The most attention grabbing posters around school. A picture speaks a thousand words.
.jpg) Haha, there was something wrong with the lights in the LTs on Monday, so we had lessons in the dark. It may studying for Econs Test that day hard. In the end, only 3 people for A11 passed. Sad.
.jpg) Introducing, YVONNE 2HILL!!!
I’ve finally bought some stuff for Chinese New Year. I can’t really comprehend why anyone would not want to shop for this special occasion. Any excuse for new clothes bodes well with me. And the Chinese New Year atmosphere is starting to rub off on me! I’m humming to the tunes of the Chinese New Year song which I’m sure annoys more than half the teenagers of Singapore. I need to see a doctor about this.
The cost of living in Singapore seems to be rising. Tee shirts are starting to cost at least $20 and even caps cost over $10. I did, however, manage to get a nice watch from Bugis Market for only $5. Haha, fine, so I’m not the kind of kids who are label/brand conscious, the watch is more for aesthetic purposes than functional purposes. Oh, I absolutely abhor rude shop owners. Seriously, they shouldn’t base the selling of their products solely based on the fact that what they sell is half of what the teenage population wears. One day, I hope another stall selling the same stuff with nicer shop owners opens up right next to theirs and steals all their business away.
.jpg) The fan in Bugis Market is HUGE! It's says Huge Ass Fans on it.
.jpg) Haha, ice cream from orange julius. Ok, I was being RANDOM.
People have gotten back their O’level results. Congratulations to those with their inhuman numbers of distinctions and also congratulations to those who met their expectations. I’m not very good with consoling people, so cheer up those who didn’t do as well as they had hoped. Err, results aren’t everything? Haha, I end that sentence with a question mark because I myself won’t be convinced by it if I had done badly. But still, I feel the need to add that in. I hope the people that I like in my class, OG and team can stay in VJ. It’ll be damn miserable to watch anyone go (of course there are always exceptions).
farcical-rants - 1:27 am - Saturday, February 10, 2007
I'm Blogging

I can’t seem to bring myself to do my bloody lit essay and binomial tutorial. I’m having shooting pains in my chest. I have a lot weighing on my mind. I’m a procrastinator. I’m sleep deprived. I’m feeling guilty for feeling so full. I’m wasting my time. I’m looking for an alternative. I’m not sure if I should be considering an alternative. I’m bored. I’m anxious, about house comm. matters, higher Chinese results and other stuff that isn’t safe to mention. I feel bi polar. I have built up energy stored in my waiting to be released. I felt rage. I felt defeated, distraught. I found motivation. I will prove you wrong. I want to watch EPIC MOVIE, dream girls and Norbit. I wish my homework would automatically vanish. I have an econs test to study for tomorrow. I want to pon school one day. I want liposuction and Davinci veneers. I want a new knee. I want a new watch, and other stuff that I can’t seem to have. I want this day to pass by quickly. I want more boxers. I need a happy pill. I want to be able to path maths one day. I want to pass lit. I want entertainment. I need stuff. I can’t say what stuff. I want to visit more foreign lands. I’m self centred. I want to smile sincerely. I want to dress fancy. I’m weird. I love. I hate. I bleed. I’m random and simple. I’m hard to read but easy to get to know. I’m contradictory. I’m cynical and pessimistic at times. I enjoy singing and being aloof. I like black and white pictures. I'm the only one from A11 online now. I have a cold. I will most likely do my homework tomorrow. I forgot to bring my math homework to school today to hand it in. I will watch the sweetest thing later at ten. I'm fighting against eating comfort food right now. I'm having breakouts. I shall end abruptly now.
farcical-rants - 8:52 pm - Saturday, February 03, 2007
Boxer Shorts

Oh god, school’s getting to be really mundane. My efforts to keep on track with my homework have failed miserably. My math tutor is whizzing through all the tutorials. She’s finished the binomial tutorial and I haven’t even started doing it yet. Literature seems less daunting, but less daunting is still very intimidating. Haha, I shall make an effort to clear as much homework as possible during the weekend. Hopefully I can keep to that promise because my brain seems to shut down when Saturday comes around.
Haha, it’s relatively exciting. I’ve pon 2 lectures so far. Haha, okay, that’s nothing compared to Trang who’s pon like a week of school? But still, I’ve never skipped lessons before, except during house comm. investiture last year. But even than, I already had an excuse to leave school early because there was a match later that day. I had actually planned to pon maths tutorial today, but when I peered into the room to check if the teacher was around, she saw me and my plans were foiled. Shucks, I guess there are still numerous opportunities to skip lessons in the future.
Nothing much has really happened in the past few days to really blog about. My mind hasn’t been working too well, probably due to my irregular sleeping patterns. I’m not getting my 8 hours of sleep a day. Hence sleep deprivation makes my mind work less and nothing really thought inducing comes to mind when I sit in the lecture theatres stoning. I’m started to get freaked out by the JC system. The teachers are quizzing us on things they have taught and they seem to be expecting us to do our constant revision already. I’m not really the mugger type, so I think it’ll be quite a while before I actually get down to reading my notes after I chuck them away to keep my file light.
I went to orchard with Crazy and Chesty today. We were supposed to be shopping for birthday presents, supposed being the operative word. We spent the afternoon sitting in Yoshi where the two of them were doing binomial and I was writing my short story for the house comm. application form.
.jpg) Haha, our traffic light bottles!
Haha, I managed to complete the story in about an hour and we walked around orchard looking for the list of presents we had noted down a while ago. My legs need a good massage. We walked from Cine to Heeren to Far East and than back to Wisma. The best part was, I wore flats today. Brilliant, my heel is currently throbbing, with blisters threatening to burst with the slightest touch.
.jpg) Something cool I saw while in the Cine toilet.
We didn’t manage to buy anything that we had set out to buy, but we did manage to buy presents for other people’s birthday. Haha, I shall not reveal what was bought for other people, but the 2 girls bought me a Calvin Klein top from Isetan as a form of an early birthday present. However, Crazy confiscated it and would only give it to me when my birthday came. Sighs, that’s a month later before I get the nice tee shirt.
Oh, the most exhilarating thing of the day was that I bought my first pair of boxers, EVER! Haha, okay I know it’s quite retarded talking about undergarments, but humour me. It’s the first pair of boxers that I’ve own in my 17 years of living on this planet.
It’s called magic boxers and I bought them from 77th street. I didn’t know boxers were so expensive; they cost almost as much as a cheap, ORIGINAL triumph bra. The boxers were very interesting. There were instructions to soak the boxers in water to get it to unfold. I amused myself by watching it unfold in my sink. Initially I wanted to take a video of it, but the unravelling of the boxers required both hands. I guess that’s how the boxers were coined the term magic. (Haha, okay. I'm assuming that after all this talk about boxers, my IQ just dropped 20 points.)
I was reading Chua He Jin’s blog and I was actually able to relate to something that she had said. Imagine my astonishment, haha but ya, it’s true. She said that she doesn’t look forward to soccer trainings (yes she is in soccer!), but when she is in it, she has a hell of a time. Okay, I won’t say that I have a hell of a time, but I agree with her on the fact that I don’t look forward to going to training, but when I do force myself to go for training, I’m glad that I went.
It’s especially so for gym, which I dread a hell lot because of all the insane physical work outs. But it occurred to me that I try to psyche myself up with more motivating thoughts like losing weight or getting a better 2.4 timing.
Haha, I guess I’m sort of glad that at least I manage to have the self discipline to actually do something right. I need to work on my will power, if in fact there is anything I can do to salvage it.
farcical-rants - 12:21 am -