Cages]] Trapped like a rat

Currently listening to music on my computer, which is actually uncommon for me because I typically have the television on instead. I realise that I have a lot of old music in my computer that I have lost my liking for. I’ll possibly start deleting them soon, but not now of course. I’m too lazy, haha.

Cages was a disappointment. The only good thing about the show was the cinematography. The cast was really bizarre, but I think there may be some inherent meaning behind it even though I can’t really pick it out. I’d just die if Mrs. Jay says something like, the movie was really revealing wasn’t it, because it would mean I failed as a literature student to not be able to see what was so revealing about it. Personally, I think it was all over the place. Maybe the movie director wanted it to be abstract. Well, it was definitely abstract, with an abrupt ending to boot.



- Our attempt to mock Chao Ah Lians who do this.

I like travelling on buses! At least there is a higher chance of getting seats on buses than on the MRT. I took bus 2 all the way to Lavender yesterday before switching to the MRT. I was comfortably seated with my music blasting and the April issue of lime in my lap. The best thing about bus rides is that I can avoid stares more easily because I just chuck my crutch in some obscure corner by my side and people don’t really pay attention. Oh, but some nice lady offered me a seat at City Hall. Haha, but I was only one stop away so I politely (I hope) declined.

My crutch is slowing me down. Honestly I think I can walk on my own two feet now, in all literal sense. I mean I still limp a bit and my calves are dying when I get home, but I’m going nuts because my crutch is posing to be such a big obstruction.

-I saw this whilst shopping for YH.

-It was raining like a bitch and I got bored waiting for my mom to come get me.

There was some book sale going on in Carrefour, one book costing $3. I bought two, haha even though there were some other interesting reads. I guess they were not interesting enough to make me want to buy them. Damn, I should be reading Great Expectations but I’m reading Just Friends right now. And I just know that I’ll end up reading the two new books that I bought instead of Great Expectations and Wilfred Owens’ poems. This reminds me, I should really do my work later.

- Let the object of objection be but a dream,
As I cause this ob(scene) to be unseen.

farcical-rants - 2:52 pm - Sunday, March 25, 2007


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