PHEW! I’ve finally finished editing all the photos. It took me almost two hours to edit them and I have at last discovered how to remove red eyes. But before I blog about the birthday party my lovely friends organised for me, I shall talk about what happened before.

Turns out Mr. Short Sweet and Sharp didn’t give us half day off; instead we had a FULL DAY OFF! Haha, I still have my reservations as to whether he will give days off when all the sports season starts. Either way, most people had to stay back after the day off because there were heats half an hour after dismissal and most of the J1s had to stay back for OGL training. The J2s are even worse off with their common test to mug for. Me, I went to throw shot put and came in DEAD LAST! Laughs bitterly* Oh well, at least I qualified for top 8 and I was 8th, hur hur. I’m pathetic I know.

GRINS* I ate Crystal Jade today; I finally got to eat their porridge again. So far I’ve only eaten the porridge twice, I’m deprived yes I know. Yi Xiang, Aaron and I went to Tampinese after that to shop around for stuff that we need for camp. NOTE! Spectacle straps, nylon strings, ponchos and sleeping bags are the toughest things to get, so if you haven’t packed it yet, I suggest you hurry.

I slept till around six in the evening when I received a call from Aaron asking me to meet him at the side gate of his condominium at 7.00pm. Haha, the surprise party was expected on my part. I can’t help but expect it, I tried my hardest not to read the signs, but I guess I’m too observant. Haha my ego is growing. Let’s see what the signs were, Aaron talking over the phone about a $10 deposit (directly in front of me and I knew that to book a BBQ pit he had to pay a deposit), Aaron asking me if I was free tonight and YH asking me to bring her photo-shop along if we were to meet. Haha, I was trying to see how creative Aaron was, so I made the comment about not liking BBQs as casually as possible (I actually do like BBQs, haha). Sadly, he didn’t reply me. Oh but I think Audrey’s and Yvonne’s excuses that they came up with were quite well thought off, even though I sort of saw right through it. When people start missing you know something’s up, and either way, I’m grateful for the effort they put in to surprise me. My biggest hint was my twitching nose which is like my sixth sense; I swear it nearly dropped off today.

I had a bad feeling about what they were all going to wear when I saw Aaron in that hideous NACLI shirt. I bet you its Chesty’s idea, haha. The entrance was nice, haha, it was like a tribal welcome and they were all donning flora printed pants!

I was surprised to see Aaron’s mom, sister and brother at the BBQ pit helping with cooking the food etc. Haha, I thought it was really nice of them to help out actually, but I wonder if they were forced into it by their mother or not.

The oddball couple.

Looking at my presents.

Err, random shot. I'm munching on the SUSHI they bought! <3

OH MY GOD, there was so much food. Haha, I’m under the impression that people think I’m a bottomless pit. Haha, but I love BBQ crabstick and the slabs of pork drowned in honey were nice too!

Plucking Beansprouts. HAHA, Crazy looks weird.

My cake was actually a brownie(in the literal sense)!

Haha, the wish I made is the same one I make every year and somehow it never comes true. Hopefully it will come true this year?


Mounted on my wall above my bed.

I finally have something to stick on my boring walls. And I didn’t read the messages until like 5 minutes ago. I like messages, but I realise they are always more or less the same, hur hur. I love the presents too, half of it was expected and half of it wasn’t. Haha, it may be for the reason that I gave them this long list of probably gift options for my birthday.

It's actually on the tiny penguin fan, can you see it?

My new clock cum calendar!

The weird SUSHI toy from Toys R Us.


Nice, NORMAL shot.

Mimicking the photos on the card.

Notice we are all looking at Nicole. HAHA.

I'm the only "hot" one.

I like this one the best!

HAHA, YY looks happy not ANGRY.

Everyone at their most natural and candid moment.

We cleared up everything before 9.00pm because Boney wanted to go up to Aaron’s house to watch the last episode of that Channel 8 drama. Haha, Aaron’s living room television is as abnormal as he is. It took about 15-20 minutes to warm up and before it actually warmed up, we were staring at this blank screen that had a thin line of light in the middle.


Nicole, Darren and I.

Audrey, Yu Hui and I.

Darren and I. The photo quality isn't that good, but I'll post it anyway. :)

Haha, I know I'm not in the photo, but Nicole's expression is PRICELESS!

I managed to rush home, during the parliament speeches, just in time for Desperate Housewives 3. Honestly, Felicity Huffman and Terri Hatcher can’t catwalk to save their lives. I love the advertisement for the show, but their catwalks are just hilarious.

Haha, what a nice birthday celebration, I’m really grateful for it. Today made me appreciate my friends even more, and I’m glad that it did. I LUB EUU ALL DIP DIP! (Omfg, Chao ah lian language)

farcical-rants - 2:21 am - Tuesday, March 06, 2007


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