HOUSE COMM SPEECH IS FINALLY OVER! A huge wave of relief swept over me when I ended off my speech and walked away from the mike. I hoped to leave a lasting impression with the song and the story, but it turns out that the story was boring. Cries* and the funniest thing was that they found the FAT joke funny but not the LAME one. Well, at least the song had some lasting impression; I mean some people actually remembered the lyrics! Haha, okay enough with the self consolation. Anyway voting has started so if you like my speech, VOTE FOR ME. And even if you didn’t like my speech, be a nice person/good friend and support me anyways, HAHA!
Played TPJC today and won 2-0 (25-13, 25-21) Drew HCI and TJC for our quarter final matches. Let’s see how things will turn out. farcical-rants - 7:57 pm - Monday, April 30, 2007
- LOL. I found this very cute photo of Yi Rui. I'm guessing sec1 or sec2
My god, my speech is TOMORROW! Screw the great expectation essays due tomorrow, I’ll just hand it in on Wednesday. Argh! I revised my script AGAIN just now during dinner. I’ll be…. drumrolls*crowing/singing!!! Haha, oh dear, hopefully people will not exit the hall deaf after that.
Spent the day studying with Aaron, actually I just worked on my Great Ex essay, more or less know what to write, I just have to freaking write it.
- This is what happens what you get too much of studying.
Don't throw up. HAHA
Okay, I better go finalise my speech before I make anymore changes to it. Than I’ll have to go through a series of events to calm myself down.
The day of reckoning…(Overdramatic)
EDIT// YAY!!! Vas and Pris WON!!! HAHA, I'm glad they won. I was rooting for them and Soul Fusion. And WTF were the hosts wearing, especially JADE, she looked RIDICULOUS! farcical-rants - 9:50 pm - Sunday, April 29, 2007
Life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong...
VJC vs CJC 25-11 25-14
I realise I calm down rather quickly whenever I’m fuming. I also realise I don’t deal with depression well and it usually turns into rage which disappears after a while. So that’s how I deal with depression I guess, turning it into anger and than calming down. Maybe I should always think before I bitch or say anything because my rage basically disappears after a while. Yeah, that seems like a smarter thing to do. Fuck, I was going to lash out in cryptic form, but I don’t want to be the temperamental bitch that is sensitive etc. The irony just baffles me. But that’s how the cookie crumbles, I’ll just have to be tough and deal with it. Life goes on...
We celebrated YH’s birthday today at Plaza Singapura’s Café Cartel. I spent the afternoon working on her birthday message thing. Haha, it was one hell of a messy chaos going on in my room with UHU glue, super glue and paint everywhere! However, I managed to get what I wanted done and got out of the house in time to miss the bus.
Unsurprisingly, I was late. Even more unsurprisingly, there were people who were later, haha. It was quite a long wait outside Cartel because getting a table for nine wasn’t easy. You would think that waiting so long outside would give us time to think of what to eat. But when we got in, we spent an even longer time deciding what to eat, haha. We finally placed our orders and started doing crazy things for YH’s birthday.
The burger king crowns that we got from BK, originally for Cheryl’s SC campaigning, was put to use. It read I LOVE PUHUI/MEE POK/POUTY on all the crowns. We must have looked quite ridiculous, but what the heck, we get enough attention whenever we’re out anyway. The ribs that I shared with Nicole were somewhat disappointing. I didn’t want to share the seafood platter because of a bad experience I had with Yong Sheng and Jia Hui. Dessert was heavenly. I got to eat their Mississippi Mud Pie at long last!
We didn’t get a cake because YH would probably be too full to eat it, so we celebrated with an order of the Viking (8 scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with home made cookies…) instead. I always enjoy watching people open presents, haha.
Rushed off to Daiso with Nicole after that because it was late and we were scared that it was already closed. I bought more cork boards to put on my wall, so my decorations have been somewhat modified. I think it looks nice now, grins*
OMFG, I’ll have to rush my homework with Aaron tomorrow. Hopefully we will be productive and actually get our work done.
PS. I’ll just have to kick ass and leave everything up to fate since that’s all I can depend on. farcical-rants - 12:56 am -
Idol Gives Back is currently on the television now as I blog. I’m extremely moved by what is being done to help those in need. However, at the same time, I’m just really sad at how much suffering and depression is going on around the world. It just pisses me off that the children all have to suffer so much. There’s just so much sadness out there in the world. I shall stop myself before I start on a rant that may raise a heated debate (issue which is something touchy). The Hurricane Katrina issue is especially infuriating. WTF, it has been 2 bloody years since the disaster struck and people are still living in trailer parks which are supposedly temporary? Two years isn’t temporary. And it doesn’t help to note that the people who are suffering in the state of New Orleans are mostly, if not all, black. The government in America seriously needs to do something instead of relying on Oprah, gregarious NBA stars and American Singapore Idol to do their job.
On to other news, VJC played AJC yesterday. It was a damn exciting battle, but we lost in the end. However, I’m damn bloody proud to say that we fought, and we fought hard. Saying that we scored 2-0 isn’t giving the main team enough credit. We scored 23-25 for both sets and we had 2 injured players on our team! In addition, AJC was last years champion and they came into the game confident of trashing us. Well, so much for trashing? I’m sure we’ll be the one trashing the next time we meet.
I’ve been missing a lot of lessons lately, especially for this week since there was match on Wednesday, Vsparks Cashflow Facilitator thingy today and another match tomorrow. I better make sure I copy the Econs notes tomorrow, and check what work there is to do, if not I will so die when I go back to lessons on Monday. YES! Next Tuesday is Labour Day, NO G.P!!!
House Comm. Speech has been postponed to Monday because today’s assembly got cancelled due to the rain and they are pushing it to tomorrow instead! Cries* Rumour has it that they are so set on having assembly because the SCs want to announce their investiture. -___-‘’ I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.
PHOTOS from my room makeover. (Well not exactly a makeover, just putting up of photos. Haha.)
- Next to my closet/wardrobe (?) [What's the difference?]
- Above my bed
- And I finally found a place to put up my birthday board! Next to my door on my closet so that its the first thing you see when you enter the room. farcical-rants - 10:55 pm - Thursday, April 26, 2007
Friday was retarded. I can’t believe I stayed back from 1.20 all the way to 5.30 just for the stupid Cashflow meeting! Well, at least there was Yvonne to keep my company while I willed the time away. I played volley and basketball! Haha, but I didn’t bring P.E so I had to borrow a set of P.E kit from Jonathan. I hung out at the rock wall for about an hour, throwing rocks into the drain and watching people train. It was nice to just be doing nothing and wasting time for a change. Went out for dinner, which was a pretty last minute decision, with Ben, Daniel, Louis and Aaron. Haha, I can’t believe we actually explored Parkway, as if it was our first time there or something.
RAWR, there’s so much weekend homework. There’s 2 literature essays to do, house comm. speech to work on, economics market structure tutorial, econs test to study for and G.P comprehension. Hopefully by blogging today, I’ll be able to get something done tomorrow instead of sleeping the day away. House comm. speech, I think I’m already screwed. I honestly suck at making speeches, I mean I can speak to a huge group of people, but I can’t like make speeches in front of crowds. There’s a difference you know, even though I can’t really pinpoint it. There’s just so much to worry about, what to say, what if you’re not funny, what if you’re boring, what if it seems too scripted, what if you don’t show you’re sincere, what if you can’t answer the questions, what if you say the wrong thing, what if…
I shall work on my speech tomorrow, on top of all my other homework to be done. I realised something, besides my plan to mug from Monday to Friday and than slacking on the weekends, I also deprive myself of sleep on weekdays and sleep my ass off on weekends.
Life seems different now. I find it really BORING! I keep thinking back and reflecting on what last year was like. It seemed so much more fun and exciting as compared to this year. Is JC life really that different from IP? Well, I guess IP does have a few things that JC doesn’t have. We have helmsman and INDIEventure week and we have symposiums and our own open house to prepare for. JC life seems less jam-packed, which is supposed to be a good thing! And the strange thing is that, even though our timetables were more packed last year, it seemed that we went out more often last year than we did this year. The IRONY!!! I was reading my past entries and there seemed to be a lot of sleepovers and outings and other random stuff like plays, concerts etc that we went for to keep life less boring. Maybe it’s because I don’t exactly have a CCA now. Maybe it’s because volleyball seemed more fun last year when you actually got to do something. However, after the injury, I’ve been itching to play, maybe not train, but play volley. Perhaps absent does make the heart grow fonder. Which reminds me, volleyball season has started!
VJC vs PJC 25 – 11 25 - 18
We won! However, everyone was really nervous and stuff that day and the way that the main team was playing was slightly disappointing. Thankfully we were playing against one of the lousier teams. I just hope that we don’t get a sucky draw when we move on to the quarter finals. And maybe by some freak miracle, we can beat AJC next Wednesday. I’m can’t go for that match because I’ll be having physiotherapy! RAWR, I hope they do well.
Just for laughs. -Look for the star of this picture. [Hint: front row]
farcical-rants - 11:06 pm - Saturday, April 21, 2007
I feel extremely unproductive. My weekend is just slipping away and I don’t really feel like doing anything. School is bad for health because it breeds depression. Sunday nights are the pits because it means that Monday is coming again. I go TGIF every week even though I know the weekends only last for 2 days. I’ll probably get something done later?
Yesterday was a total waste of time. I had to crawl out of bed in the ungodly hours of the morning because there was some stupid Parents-Teacher meeting in school. My Saturday morning was spent sitting in the hall, falling asleep whilst Poh Meng, our beloved principal, rattled on and on about his achievements and the schools achievement. It was one and a half hours of SHEER TORTURE.
- A tortured YY.
After the monologue was over, the school performed an act of child labour by getting everyone to move the chairs from the hall back into the classrooms. Fortunately, A11 had to move the chairs back to T11. Basically after that, I cabbed home because no one else was free to go out and I just wanted to plop onto my bed and sleep.
The night before that was Music Fest 2007. My first time attending Music Fest in VJC, I can’t really compare it to past years Music Fest. However, I have to say that it was somewhat enjoyable. I spent the afternoon with Audrey and Yvonne at Parkway. We had lunch at PASTAMANIA! I’m obsessed with that place; we shared two large pastas and a Combo A. The rest of the afternoon was pretty much spent in MPH, reading this book that was dedicated to predicting what the last book of Harry Potter will be about. I found some parts fascinating and others just …
I can’t wait for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to be released in JULY! AIEEEE, it seems so far away. Well, at least it will be after Mid-Years because I will totally not do anything else besides finishing the book once I get my hands on it.
- Casual, Formal, Uniform.
- During the Intermission.
I’m not ecstatic over the results of Music Fest. The only result that I couldn’t really grumble about was the MTV results, because personally, I felt that all three videos were great. I was rooting for House Comm. though, but oh well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. The contemporary dance was good and I thought the vocal group winners shouldn’t have won because one guy forgot his lyrics. I preferred the other two vocal groups, nothing much to comment on the soloists. Oh and I MUST find out how people managed to sneak into Music Fest, maybe I could learn a thing or two. I was able to get pretty good seats because the House Comm. people were first in line.
MR CHAN SINGING (Again, you'll need to tilt your head if you want to watch it. Sorry, I don't know how to flip videos. Ps. I didn't take this video! Haha.)
PAKA RIVER PHOTOS (those taken with actual cameras by Mr. Chow and the photographer who went with us to the camp.)
- I LOVE this photo.
- Caught in the act!
- Imprisoned
- Paka Sunset
- The art of meditation
- Summit of waterfall
- Floating in the river at one of the Kayak Pitstops
- After the 33km kayak with the South China Sea as our backdrop.
- Our bamboo raft!!!
- All looking nice and alive before the hike up the waterfall
- First Pit Stop
- Natural Jacuzzi
Our CampFireWater Video (but it's like a tiny fragment of it only, quite pointless, but I shall upload it anyway.)
It rained like a fucking bitch just now and I got totally drenched from neck down while I was heading home after my haircut. Of all the times to be broke, I couldn’t have picked a better time. I couldn’t afford a cab so I had to plough my way through the rain, to the bus stop and wait for the bloody bus to come. Singapore needs better drainage system! I was seriously wading through ankle deep rain water and now my Converse shoes are water logged. The laces and socks turned pink!!! Cries* my brace got wet too, hopefully the metal is stainless steel (it’d better be, the thing cost a bomb) lest it rusts.
- Yvonne 2hill expresses her displeasure.
This is so depressing; life’s really getting monotonous and has become somewhat of a routine. Mug as hard as I can from Monday to Friday, than slack like hell over the weekends. Rawr, I want to break this mind numbing drawl. Well, at least there’s music fest to look forward to tomorrow night. It’ll be my first time going for music fest in my three years in VJ, so I’m really quite excited. I wonder who will be the big shot guest they’ll invite over this year. I’m not getting my hopes up because the more you expect, the greater the fall.
My room has a slight makeover. I finally develop some of my photos and put them up on the wall. I need to buy more cork boards though. The ones I bought from Daiso can only fit 5. I’ve also got curtains now instead of the hideous blinds I had in the past. I think I may just do away with the painting of my wall because the colour of the wall seems fitting now. The last thing on my agenda will probably be to change my computer desk. We’ll see?
My ex-maid came over to visit again today. She brought Mee-Soto and Curry puffs that she made herself! Haha, she’ll return to Indonesia soon so I guess this is her last visit before she returns home. The poor woman, her husband cheated on her and that’s why she is going back home to settle her divorce before she returns to Singapore again to work. Her husband is a bastard, period.
Oh crap, I JUST remembered that there’s literature tomorrow and there’s Mental Cases to annotate. CIAO!!!
farcical-rants - 9:29 pm - Thursday, April 12, 2007
Good Friday turned out to be quite boring actually. Everybody was busy with their own stuff so I resorted to going out with my OG people-after begging my mom to let me out of the house. I think OG gatherings have become quite forced and the turn ups are getting lesser and lesser. Either way, the more important thing was that we watched Freedom Writers. Oh my god, I LOVE that movie. In a way, I’m glad that Mr. Bean was sold out so we got to watch this movie instead. Other exciting things coming up include Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!
Met up with Darren, Yvonne, YY and Aaron in the evening where we had intended to shop for YH’s birthday. But we couldn’t seem to settle on something that we all liked and ended up walking from Orchard MRT to Heeren and than back to Takashimaya. Even though we didn’t manage to get anything for YH, I got myself quite a few things that day. I’ve finally bought the entire Season 5 of FRIENDS! Haha, it was such an impulse buy, but I felt so happy afterwards even though the damn thing costs me $60. I also bought the huge ass notebook that Nicole has, a new pencil case and two cork boards to put up in my room. I spent over a hundred that day because of lunch, dinner and the movie. I’m weird, spending money makes me feel good.
YH’s celebration is supposed to take place tonight. But once again, not EVERYONE is free. I agree that after YH’s birthday, we should just celebrate other people’s birthday on one day that most people are free, and whoever’s not free, too bad. This is good because it gets rid of the whole group obligation thing and having to invite everyone and making sure that everyone can make it etc. It will make life a whole lot easier.
We celebrated Matt’s birthday yesterday at Takashimaya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAHO! It was at this place called Ambush. I was late because my mom’s friend was late when she came over to our house to drop us off at Tampinese. Hence, I ended up wandering around with Rachel because we didn’t exactly know where the place was. I knew there was a “Bush” in it and was wandering around looking for stalls that had a name starting with “B”. We managed to spot Ben though, and got settled down just in time before the waitress started hurrying us with our orders. It was apparently a first come first serve basis and we were taking a long time to decide what we wanted to eat.
Wandering the streets of orchard at night can be fun. However, our goal seemed more to be finding a nice place to sit down and just talk and chill. We wanted to go to some café but no one wanted to order anything. So after walking around for quite some bit, we ended up at Lido McDonalds.
- Camera quality photos.
- We look like we're in a club. Haha.
- The suspenders are part of the Birthday gift.
I love this birthday gatherings that we have and am actually quite appreciative of them. It makes me miss 05V12 a lot. Oh well, I guess there’s still some getting use to in 07A11. farcical-rants - 2:44 pm - Sunday, April 08, 2007