My two cents

-Say HI to my new walking friend.

My mom is losing it. I know she is concern, but there’s a fine line between being concerned and being paranoid. She insists that I wear my knee guard EVERYWHERE I go, and that includes walking to the toilet which is less than 10 steps from my room. I think that when she gets worried, she gets a little carried away. She hears what she wants to hear and insists that she is right. She claims that my knee-brace acts as my modified ligament and that if I were to walk without it, my knee would just fall out. Which is utter rubbish because I know for a fact that my knee-brace is suppose to support my knee if my knee were to shift out of place if there was an unfortunate incident of me slipping or something. It is suppose to be there to support my knee because my knee runs a high chance of being dislocated because it is so lose. BUT that doesn’t mean that I have to wear it when I’m at home, especially when I spent most of my time sitting in front of the television, the dinner table or the computer! The only walking I do is to the living room, dining room, toilet or my room! I bet that she will make a call to the doctor as soon as possible and come back to tell me that the doctor told her that I have to wear my brace everywhere except when I sleep. And I bet that the doctor will either, only tell her that to appease her and get her off the line quickly, or that she will once again interpret it her way. She also thinks that I should not walk AT ALL because she doesn’t want to aggravate my knee. What she doesn’t know is that when I do my physiotherapy, I’m aggravating my knee already. And if I don’t walk, how am I supposed to make use of my leg muscles? I’m supposed to be training them to get them to be stronger so that I can operate.

Okay, I’ve finally sat her down and explained everything to her. Phew, I’m glad that’s over with.

I’ve wanted to comment on this for a long time too. Trim and Fit (TAF) club has finally been abolished. Hallelujah! It finally got through the thick skulls of the government that discriminating children based on their weight is doing nothing but harm to their self esteem. However, I’m doubtful of their new methods of healthier lifestyles. They want to promote healthy lifestyle to all the children. It sounds like they will be separating kids into those that are fit and those that aren’t based on their NAPFA. I’m not really sure what it will be like, but I guess it is much better than just torturing the fat young children. How would adults like it if we turned to them and say, “WAH! SO OLD ALREADY AH!?” The next time my relatives comment about me being big sized and putting on weight, I shall turn to them and say, “WAH, YOU’VE AGED QUITE A LOT HOR?! ALL THE CROWS FEET AND WRINKLES! Ignorant adults irritate me, especially all the uneducated-aunties.


I just took some Colorgenics test I came across on Dan's blog.
I don't really think its accurate because they I believe they had some stereotypes to the colour you chose. I chose Grey as my first colour and Black as my second.
Anyway, here are the results.

- At this particular time, you are feeling that you are or were unjustly and undeservedly treated and/or betrayed in your hopes and dreams. You feel that everything is against you. But look on the bright side for you are, whether you believe it or not, a survivor.

You are a leader and possibly at this tine in a position of authority, but you are experiencing problems. You are not quite sure how to handle the present situation.

You give the impression that you are a self-sufficient individual, pretending that you are stoical - indifferent to pain or pleasure. But this is not so, for in truth you are an extremely emotional person, one that may make hasty decisions and perhaps repent at leisure. It is time now perhaps to break the bond of detachment and become the real 'you' - the you that you would like to be.

Your stress and anxiety are a result of an emotional disappointment. It could well be that the emotional relationship is no longer running smoothly and you have come to the end of your tether. On the one hand you would like to free yourself from this relationship altogether, yet on the other hand, you don't want to lose anything nor risk the uncertainty of throwing away something - something that's precious, something that could be the 'Real Thing'. Perhaps for the first time in your life you really don't know which way to go and it is these contradictory emotions that are causing you the untold stress. You are pretending to the world that you don't care but even this air of pretence is causing you much heartache.

You are moody and depressed at this time but it will pass. All of your hopes and dreams seem to have gone astray and you are fearful of planning further for the future. Disappointment at the non fulfilment of your hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety and you try to escape from this by withdrawing into yourself. But that is not the answer. You have the power to succeed, believe in yourself... all is possible to him who believes.

farcical-rants - 7:04 pm - Thursday, April 05, 2007


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